Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1617: Fish and bear paw

After research, the damage of the Shadow Blast is related to its own energy and blood value and the metal content of the equipment, so Sinbad's wine glass is very focused on improving the blood value in the equipment matching.

Moreover, most of his equipment will be made of metal, even if he uses soft armor, he will use the magical blueprints mainly made of metal materials such as gold wire.

In this way, the damage caused by the explosion can be maximized.

Why does metal equipment produce more self-detonation effects?

Of course, this is also the credit of our mind-jumping princess Zhao Jiaxue. She believes that the shadow explosion is a grenade, so the more metal fragments produced during the explosion, the greater the natural damage.

Jing Tian didn't have much resistance to Zhao Jiaxue's bizarre ideas. After all, the game lies in innovation and adherence to traditions, which can only make the game come to an end.

Therefore, Jing Tian also added this weird idea into the game planning copy...

So, there is the current shadow explosion that makes stalkers love-hate!

Why is there a love-hate relationship with this weird thing?

If you add metal equipment, the agility will naturally be affected, which is a nightmare for players who like agile gameplay!

However, those stalkers who are born to explode are naturally loved. After all, this can increase the damage of self-explosion, so metal equipment is naturally the first choice.

Therefore, the stalker is divided into many genres, among which there are the human flesh metal bomb stream and the Gaomin wretched stream.

There is no way to completely determine which genre is better, anyway, it is impossible for a stalker to explode casually in his daily life. Only when he knows he is invincible will such an extreme method be adopted to give his teammates a chance to win.

Each genre has its own gameplay and its own practicability. The completely useless genres will be eliminated by time, and the remaining ones will inevitably shine in their own fields.

In terms of daily life, the flow of human flesh bombs is not touted. Where might teammates explode at every turn?

Even the demons don’t welcome this genre. Even if the stalker can explode the opponent’s key role in the first time, even if it can kill the opponent’s entire team, if the stalker on his side cannot be pulled up the first time If that is the case, it is tantamount to a loss of combat power. In the ensuing encounter, the team may be at an absolute disadvantage.

However, this genre cannot be completely denied, and some Mozu players have invented the genre of Summoning Blast.

Arrange a spirit beast summoner in the team. Don't forget, the spirit beast summoner can open the space tunnel and let his teammates pass through the portal to reach him.

In this way, even if the human flesh metal bomb explodes and died, the teammates can be summoned back in the first time.

However, this kind of gameplay is also very limited. After all, the cooling time of portal skills is relatively long, even if it is upgraded to the highest level, it is impossible to call teammates continuously.

However, whether it is Gao Min or a high-attack stalker, although it is handy in daily life...

, But in large-scale team battles, its role is much worse than that of human metal bombs.

Each has its pros and cons, but fish and bear's paws cannot have both!

In the game, when these choices are needed, it is the moment when the player is most entangled and focused on the game, and it can be regarded as enjoying the game.

The answer I got later was also very simple, that is, to prepare two sets of equipment, their attributes are high attack or high sensitivity genre, and the equipment should be prepared with a metal self-explosive suit, and when needed, replace the human flesh bomb equipment into the battle.

However, this kind of operation can test the player's game capital and determination very much. If you want to be stronger than others, you have to pay more, even more than double the effort.

Once, Jing Tian explained to everyone the embarrassment and entanglement of the stalker. Alien Yang Miaomiao stood up and asked Jing Tian: "Tian brother, when it comes to this, I must test you Miao!"

"Uh...well, what's the test?"

I hate exams in my life! However, most of the problems in the game do not trouble me.

"Of course you can't have both fish and bear's paws. Why meow?"

Feelings are not questions in the game that you want to ask!

"Because many times in the world there is no way to have the best of both worlds, we can only choose between two paths."

"No, right, meow! What I asked is why can’t both fish and bear paw get meow at the same time?"

What the hell?

Are you a fat man who is thinking about eating fish or bear paw? Why can't you eat two dishes at the same time?

"Uh...I really don't know about this."

Jing Tian decided not to guess and answer randomly. We don't understand the world of aliens at all.

"It's very simple. Originally, it was a good choice for fish and bear paws. Everyone would consider scarcity to be more expensive. They chose bear paws. However, there was a handsome man named Mencius in ancient times who raised a bear paw. At first, he thought When the bear grows up, he will kill the bear and eat the bear paw. However, when the bear grows up day by day, Mencius will find that since the bear he raises can catch fish, and every time he catches a lot, he will still Bring the endless fish to Then, Mencius became entangled. If he cut off the claws of the little bear, he would not be able to catch fish for himself. Bear's paw can't have both."

I go, the teacher of the alien must be an alien!

Only aliens can educate qualified aliens. Will you go back to the depths of the universe with your teacher?

More importantly, everyone had to admire in their hearts after listening. It turned out to be such a thing, which is really eye-opening!

Indeed, everyone actually has the same question in their minds. In the face of fish and bear paws, unless it is a rare species such as whales, how can you not choose bear paws?

However, the story of the alien perfectly explained the reason why fish and bear's paw can't have both. Once the bear's paw is cut, the little bear can't catch fish for himself!

In other words, you can’t chop off a bear paw and leave one to catch a fish. Isn’t it possible to have both?

Is it because you are afraid that after the bear's paw is cut off, the bear will be infected with some virus and die?


No, the disabled bear may not be able to live a normal life at all, let alone catching fish, maybe it is really impossible to have both.

The key is, can ancient people raise bears?

And can you tame the bear?

Mencius is related to the Russians, right?

Let the bear catch fish for himself?

The ancient people must have used your alien black technology, must they have brainwashed wild bears?

It is said that the ancestors of human beings are aliens. Is this another strong evidence?

Shaking his head suddenly, Jing Tian stopped reminiscing about the stalker and about Sinbad.

Jing Tian, ​​inexplicably, recalled the process of other games that day...

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