Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1627: King of Flight

If it was before, it was true, but the upgraded Dark Dragon Yibatian was not like that. Its eclipse effect was stronger, and after Jing Tian hit the enemy, there was still a short time to use the next skill.

   But it should be noted that if the body movement of the next skill is lengthy, it still cannot be completely covered by the solar eclipse.

   Jing Tian originally wanted to use single challenge directly, but single challenge has a provocative action process. Considering that it might be interrupted, Jing Tian gave up.

   When the solar eclipse was completely over and Xie Wendong’s attack was released, he couldn’t believe it and discovered that Zuijing Guantian had started: [Bone]!

   Under the Bone Armor, Jing Tian can withstand certain damage and negative effects, not to mention the action interruption effect produced by this sonic attack.

The corner of    Jingtian’s mouth has raised a weird arc, just like the clown in Batman, the corner of his mouth is almost raised to the ear, as if he has become the ultimate winner.

   Obviously, everyone who knows Jing Tian's expression understands that someone has been calculated!

   That's right, at this moment, Jing Tian yelled contemptuously: "One-on-one!"

   Of course, he didn't discuss with the enemy brainlessly, but activated the general's signature skill!

   The general's signature skills are indeed a lot, but although the signature skills of this profession are sharp, they are never amazing.

   For example, at this time, a weird two-way enchantment space rose from the ground, like a huge cube bubble, taking the well sky and the plague away from the ground, and completely sealed the two in it.

   That's right, who said that 2V2 must be teamfight?

  With the generals, it is easy to turn the situation into a 1V1 battlefield!

   This is really cheating, and the final team battle was forced to tear down.

   When Xie Wendong saw this scene clearly, the whole face turned green...

   It was only at this moment that he realized what Jing Tian was going to do, but he did not expect that he would have overlooked such a tactic!

  If he was singled out by himself, then he doesn't need to turn blue at this time. Now sitting in a well and watching the sky with the plague, I am afraid that the opponent will definitely win!

   This is occupational suppression...

   Damn it!

   is not that Xie Wendong has no confidence in the plague, nor is it that the Ebola virus of the plague is not strong, but that the general's continuous disaster skills can completely return to all negative states!

   Then, Ebola is naturally included in the return!

   If the plague casts Ebola on Sitting Well and Watching the Sky, maybe the dead enemy is himself!

   That’s right, if you use your hair to predict, you can know that Jing Tian will surely leave the disaster to Ebola.

   At this moment, the plague's face was also ugly. He didn't expect that sitting in a well and watching the sky would shut himself in a small dark room. This tactic is indeed more advantageous to sitting in a well and watching the sky.

   The Ebola in his own hand is considered invalid, unless he forces the other party to throw a series of misfortunes first, then he still has a chance of victory!

On the other hand, Xie Wendong no longer pays attention to everything that happens in the sky enchantment. He understands that everything that happens inside has nothing to do with him. He must take the lead in getting rid of the hound before the end of the battle above, and fight for more skill cooling time. If the chance is good, when sitting in the well and watching the sky win, he will be used to suppress him with crazy skills. If the plague is powerful, his attack will be a tail knife!

   However, what caused Xie Wendong to spit out a mouthful of old blood was that he actually saw the fire crow in the sky turning around and running away!

what's the situation?

   Why didn’t you attack?

   Why turn around?

   Take a closer look, naturally there is Hounds who turned around with him. Obviously the other party has no idea of ​​a fair fight with him!

   Do you want to be so shameless?

   Seeing that you can’t win alone, so you have to delay?

   Doesn’t this mean to say, let oneself sit and wait for the victory, and then the other two will beat each other?

  The ghosts will be able to catch them!


   Xie Wendong rushed out without hesitation. He believed that with his moving speed, he would not lose too much to the dog.

  Since I want to play the game of cat and mouse, I will pay you to play it!

   However, he neglected a very important question: the other's spirit beast is a flying beast!

   More importantly, the spirit beast summoner also has a skill that other professions envy: [riding]!

   That's right, you can understand from the name what the skill is used for, and the hound has already started riding at this time!

   I saw the fire crow swooping down from high altitude and stopped in front of the hound constellation. The hound was a jumping and riding on the back of the beast. The next breath, the fire crow had already risen into the sky!

  Don’t think about why Hounds can ride on the flames, or why this guy is not burned to ashes by the flames, in short, this guy is so steadily riding on the fire crow...

   This is the key to why so many players are obsessed with summoning a flying beast.

  You can pretend to be cool riding and flying!

   is so cool, there is no one.

  Of course, this kind of flight is also a low-altitude flight. It cannot go straight into the sky, rush into the sky, and get into the sky city, otherwise the sky trials will no longer exist.

   Flying high, falling horribly, and reaching a certain height, it is not a joke.

   The player who wants to cross the sky enchantment directly enters the sky city has only one ending, and that is to fall into the flesh.

   Of course, Hounds has no plans to go to Sky City now. What he needs is to keep the distance between the two in a limited time.

   Yes, the riding time is limited, and Tier 6 skills can only be used for 30 seconds.

   If you can ride forever, then there is really no way to fight, and Xie Wendong doesn’t need to chase after him!

   is only thirty seconds, is it enough to make people want to see through?

   This is simply cheating in cheating, it's definitely the king of escape!

  Actually, Xie Wendong was also considering whether to chase at this time. After all, if he pursued at this time, he would stay away from the battlefield of Zuijing Guantian, and if he wanted to take advantage of the void to kill Zuijing Guantian, it would be impossible.

   But, in the same way, if you don't chase and stay and wait for the opportunity, then maybe it's your time to die when you sit and watch the sky and win.

   After all, if you don’t chase yourself, it doesn’t mean that Hounds will continue to run far away!

   This guy can peep at himself and watch the sky from a not far away. When the top ends, he immediately rushes to form an encirclement, and he should be caught off guard.

   So, instead of grabbing it with your hands, it is better to fight to the death and pursue it, and it is possible to kill the Hounds, and finally fight with Zuijing Guantian!

   Obviously, in Xie Wendong's opinion, he must be able to eat Hounds alone, and the fighting power of Hounds is simply not enough to compete with him.

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