Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1641: Dominate

This can be regarded as a beast-level existence. Although it is not as strong as the defensive power of the beast, the mysterious turtle, it is not weak. With this guy, Jing Tian has reason to believe that this battle is 70% sure to win. !

   I don’t know where the dog feces luck of the dog can draw a good card like SSR. Although it is not a flying beast, it is obviously more suitable than flying beasts and more suitable for this battle.

   Poor spirit beast summoners, you must not be at peace now, right?

   Must want to report someone cheating, right?

   Actually, I want to report it, you guys hurry up and try to give Hounds a crit after we win. It's best to temporarily suspend his account, then you can become the championship without resistance!

   Even Xie Wendong's knife slave is definitely not easy to play awe-inspiring in front of the tyrant. This guy's skills are absolutely invincible.

   Invincible skills, but the nemesis of nirvana and lore skills!

   Jingtian didn’t hesitate, and after communicating directly with the Hounds, the Hounds without hesitation let the spirit beasts swallow himself alive!

   That's right, it's a combination of spirit beasts again!

   Although no special changes have taken place in the tyrant after   , Hounds was excited to tell Jing Tian the skills he had acquired.

   Seeing that the opponent said they had obtained the skills planned, Jing Tian felt that this game had a 90% chance of winning.

That's right, at this time the fit Hounds loses their language ability again, and the sound they make has become a kind of weird bark, but he can operate Domination to move forward or back. A few steps forward means that he has obtained the plan. If you retreat, you will not get the skills.

   This kind of small operation is convenient and intuitive, and it can be understood naturally.

   The 90% chance of winning is not because of anything else, it is because the Hounds, who is lucky enough to be at the grandmother's house, have acquired the invincible skills as Jing Tian envisioned after being combined!

   That's right, if you ask what skill you are most afraid of, then it is naturally an invincible skill!

   However, there are few glorious knights with invincible skills that can reach the end.

   What is this because of?

   As long as you are a normal player, if you don’t know what skills other professions have, it is absolutely impossible not to know that MT Glory Paladin has invincible skills!

   Then, how can a player who has mastered the nirvana skill cast the invincible skill without throwing it at the opponent?

In addition to the instantly effective lore skills, similar to the swordsman’s absolute sword skills, this kind of trick can surprise unprepared existences, such as Ebola virus, which takes time to brew, then the invincible skills are The opponent's nemesis!

   More importantly, the enemy doesn't know that the turtle next to him has invincible skills. Maybe he will throw Ebola foolishly?

   Therefore, Jing Tian did not hesitate, and decided that this battle would be a real 2V2 contest with the opponent!

  Even if the dog can be held by the knife slave alone, it may be easy to do, but just in case, it is more cost-effective to suppress the knife slave through 2V2.

  Break one of his arms, and Xie Wendong can't use the sword slave's combat power.

   Team battles can not only restrain the opponent's super slave slaves, but also restrain Ebola. Why not?

Ever since, the two of... Oh, no, they are one person and one animal moving forward slowly. I have to say that although the body is not huge, it carries a sky fire stone monument, like a firefly in the night, and is quickly caught The plague and Xie Wendong are locked.

   After seeing the huge spirit beast, the plague and Xie Wendong actually squeaked in their hearts. No matter what, they had a bad premonition. I am afraid that the other party has summoned something extraordinary.

   It’s really unreasonable. Is today’s SSR Chinese cabbage? Can you pick it up?


no way!

   Even if it was a flying spirit beast, wasn't it crushed by Xie Wendong just now?

   So, this one must have revenge!

   This battle map randomly arrives at a deserted village under the night sky. This deserted village has a relatively large area. In the game, it is actually a village being attacked by monsters. Now that all NPCs are put away, it naturally becomes a deserted village.

   So, the four soon met far away in the middle of the deserted village...

   Looking at each other from a distance, the plague and Xie Wendong’s faces immediately flashed with vigilance.

   The two of them immediately communicated and guessed the position of the dog.

  Yes, they didn't expect the Hounds to activate the spirit beast fusion skills for the first time, but they thought that the huge spirit beasts in front of them were just the spirit beasts themselves, and the dogs chose the trivial and streamlined style of play.

  Yes, many spirit beast summoners like to hide in the dark and attack others with spirit beasts, looking for opportunities to inflict heavy damage on the enemy, and they are also called wretched liu.

   This makes Jing Tian a little embarrassed. Obviously, the other party is deliberately keeping a distance from his side, observing his side's movements, and even seems to be deliberately looking for something.

   But what is the other party looking for?

   Didn’t both of us show up?

   Uh... not right!

   It was me and the spirit beast appeared!

In an instant, Jing Tian changed his position to understand the thoughts of the two of them, so he directly said on the current regional channel: "What's wrong, the two opposite, are you afraid? The Hounds are hiding ~Don’t bother to find him. This time we’ve turned on and off, and we’ve decided to fight with each other. We won’t use heads-ups like the last one and we will separate you and fight separately. The slaves are really amazing, we But there is no confidence that we can defeat that horrible existence again."

After hearing what Jing Tian said, Xie Wendong and Plague became more hesitant. On the one hand, the two of them were thinking about what Jing Tian said, which was somewhat true or false. On the other hand, they began to think about where the Hounds was hiding. Can perfectly hide in the blind spot of two people.

  Also, why would Hounds hide?

   Is it afraid of Ebola virus?

   Want to let Jing Tian eat Ebola first, and then fight against the plague?

   This kind of strategy is too pediatric, right?

   Ghosts will shoot you!

   But, how can I lure the Hounds out?

what? At this time, as long as you use a third-party voice to remind you, can you know that the hound and the beast are combined?

   Sorry, the voice monitoring system has been online a long time ago. If a player uses a third-party voice to communicate the situation in the arena during the game, it is likely to be judged as a violation and may be directly deprived of the qualification.

  Don't think that voice surveillance is nothing great, it's a big deal to use secret codes or something.

   Sorry, the current system is a non-complete stealth system. Even the secret code system will read the brain information that you may have cheated, and then feed it back to the system. The system will determine whether the player is seriously violating the rules based on the game situation.

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