Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1645: acting

What are you thinking of sitting in Jingguantian's mind?

   So, Xie Wendong didn't care about three or seventy-one, and immediately reminded: "Don't rush to use Ebola, use other skills to consume this turtle."

"You are too cautious. This tortoise is obviously rough and thick. If we use other skills to consume it with him, I am afraid it is what we want to watch. He deliberately slipped away to let us waste skills. Come out and bring us a wave of endings, maybe!"

  The plague said it was true. His skills fell on the tortoise, and it did not cause any considerable damage. This tortoise was like a super meat shield. If you cooperate with the nurse, I really don’t know when it will be ink.

  The best skill of the Shattered Shield is naturally the lore skill.

   But, sitting on the well and watching the sky is not afraid that we will use the lore skill, the Sniper Hound?

   At this time, he should forcefully intervene to suppress the plague and avoid the plague, right?

   Does this guy think we are too stupid to see that the tortoise and the hound fit together?

   Decided that we won’t throw our unique skills on the turtle?

   However, just as he was thinking about the twists and turns, sitting on a well and watching the sky suddenly appeared from behind a house. As he appeared, the sky suddenly dimmed and the eclipse effect was activated!

   Damn, this guy really targeted the plague!

   It seems that I still have to worry too much. I shouldn’t think about the tortoise problem. The slightest hesitation will delay the fighter...

   Obviously, the two of them are going to work together to kill the plague, how can they be allowed to succeed?

   must assist the plague, let the plague first use Ebola to kill the tortoise meat shield, give them a salary from the bottom, and let their plan completely fail!

   With just such a small operation, he completely overturned all the assumptions made by Xie Wendong before. I have to say that his suspicion was really timely!

   Yes, Jing Tian has been hiding in the dark to observe. Seeing Xie Wendong hesitating, he realized that he hadn't acted but gave the other party suspicion. He must use action to dispel the other party's doubts, and must not let the other party see through the mystery of the hegemony.

   Therefore, Jing Tian acted quickly and disrupted Xie Wendong's thinking in time. Otherwise, giving the other party some more time, I am afraid that he would really see through all the layout.

   In the darkness, Xie Wendong had already desperately ran towards the place where the plague was based on his feelings. After two breaths, his vision returned, and he saw that sitting Jing Guantian was frantically hoisting the plague!

  Since it is an acting, it must be realistic. Naturally, it is impossible for Jing Tian to keep his hands.

  Don't want to succeed!


   The magic knife in Xie Wendong's hand uttered the sound of a weapon unique to it, as if a ghost in the wind came to claim his life, making people shudder.

   Sonic attack, unavoidable, sitting in the well and watching the sky instantly was affected, and then the action was interrupted.

   This time, Xie Wendong didn't doubt anything. Although sitting in the well and watching the sky had many ways to interrupt the resistance action, his own sonic attack was too fast for the opponent to perform.

   Besides, this time it's a 2V2 battle, and it's about mutual cooperation. It's unwise to throw all the cards in a hurry now.

   If you have a higher chance of being interrupted if you use resistance means desperately, then you might as well keep the skills and wait for them to be safe.

   Sitting in the well and watching the sky must be thinking about continuing to export the plague after receiving the tortoise rescue, right?

   Obviously, Xie Wendong didn't plan to give the opportunity to sit on the well and watch the sky. He already slashed the magic knife in his hand at him.

   "Magic! Laughing knife!"

  Using negative skills with laughter effect, Xie Wendong hopes to sit in a well and can’t help naively using the continual misfortune, but this kind of hope is just like a joke and is not taken seriously.

  He doesn't need to be stingy with skills at all. If something happens, he can use the Sword Slave in the future. The Sword Slave will not be affected by the cooling of his own skills.

   "Quickly, use Ebola to kill the big tortoise, and then we will work together to kill Sit Jing Guantian!"

   Xie Wendong speaks extremely fast, obviously he has made up his mind to do all he can to temporarily control sitting in the well and watching the sky.

Since    has been demonized, it is impossible for Xie Wendong to keep his hand. He must explode all the skills within 60 seconds, and make best use of the demonized non-eating backlash effect.

   If there is no backlash, the swordsman and swordsman will have less worry about attacking, otherwise many players will hurt others, and they will end up with backlash first.

   "Sad knife!"

   Xie Wendong wants to force Jing Tian's strong control, or anti-negative skills, so he must use the sad knife!

   Sword of Sorrow: Create tragedy in the demonized state, causing continuous damage to a single target until the player dies or the skill is interrupted. During the continuous move, the player needs to make continuous effective attacks to ensure the consistency of the skill. Reduce the value of magic knife backlash effect by 10%.

   Someone may ask, it is clear that the backlash is no longer in the demonized state, why is there a description of reducing the backlash effect of the magic blade in the description of the sorrow?

   Misery Knife is a skill that can only be used in a demonized state. Don’t you think it’s a bit contradictory?

This is not difficult to understand The demonized state is not inexorable. In addition, if the sword demon activates the grief knife in the 59th second of the demonized state, the skill can continue to be performed, but it will not be performed after 60 seconds. After the demonization state, the sword demon will be backlashed by the magic knife, and at this time, the miracle knife will reduce the backlash effect of the magic knife.

   For another example, when the sword demon casts the sorrow knife and is dispelled by the enemy, the sorrow knife that has been chopped out is naturally impossible to recover, but the sword demon loses the magical special effect, and the reduction of the magic knife backlash effect takes effect naturally.

   Now Xie Wendong uses the nirvana of the Grief Sword, forcing Jing Tian to take it seriously, and has to explain it to force the control skill [Piston Step]!

   Xie Wendong's magic knife hit the air, and sitting Jing Guantian's body turned into a phantom and disappeared in front of him, appearing a few meters behind.

   This made Xie Wendong's combo offensive have to be interrupted. Even if he continues to attack the air in front of him at this time, but does not hit a single target, he will still be judged as a skill interruption and lose the continuous interruption effect of Grief Sword.

   The moves that he swipes will also be considered by the system as his own moves and treated as ordinary attacks.

   However, he didn't dare to expect any combos at this time. He naturally knew the magical effect of the piston step. If he didn't take precautions at this time, he would have to be bitten again later!

That's right, the magical effect of the piston step is to escape and return the carbine after strong release. Unlike other strong release skills, which have the effect of continuous resistance to negative actions, the piston step can only touch all negative actions for a moment, but it has the back carbine. The special effects can be regarded as complementary.

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