Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1652: Water city

Obviously, the final tone of the plague was not completely certain, as if it was trying.

"Sorry, Shuicheng is very similar to the general's heads-up, but there is no single-due effect. It will lock a certain area for a period of time. During this period, if the enemy's target or the target is completely annihilated, Shuicheng will also Disappear. Seeing you leave in such a hurry, I naturally want to throw out this reserved skill. Although I don't know what will happen next, you can't escape."

   "Damn it, you really killed it!"

   Sure enough, the plague still missed his mouth. Obviously, the current situation is out of his control. It is still unpredictable who will win.

   "What skill did you give me, and what is the effect of this doom?"

   Jingtian had to ask, he had already heard something bad from the plague.

   "You don't need to know anymore, you will die immediately, and then the tortoise and I will be possessed by bad luck until one party perishes first. Whoever wins the game depends on luck."

   "What? This is a mutated lore skill? And it doesn't distinguish between enemy and me?"

   Hounds really started to regret the use of Shuicheng in his heart at this time. I thought I was inevitable, but now I am completely shutting myself and death together?

   If the range of the water city can be controlled, it’s not bad. Isn’t it safe to win by staying out?

  Unfortunately, when using Water City, the skill is to create Flowing Water City with oneself as the center point.

   "Kill him, as long as he hangs up first, we will win."

Although Jing Tian didn't figure out how to relieve this bad luck from the plague, he knew that if he didn't do it now, he might not be able to do it later. More importantly, the future victory or defeat would become completely unknown. Who can Persevere until the end, I am afraid there is a certain degree of randomness.

   Otherwise, the plague can't stop cursing the street, let alone escape.

  It is said that if escape is useful, then this doom effect should have a certain transmission radius and a certain transmission mechanism. If the number of transmissions reaches the upper limit, the doom may dissipate.

   If you want to bring bad luck to the enemy, you must infect your own player character's body with bad luck, which is indeed a very inconvenient skill.

  It can be seen that it is a huge price to make comprehension skills with lore skills, and it cannot be as efficient as ordinary lore skills.

   In other words, this doom effect seems to take a very long time and will not take effect in a short time.

   Then this time is probably the only chance.

   Therefore, Jing Tian chose to shoot. He didn't want to carry the risk, he wanted to control the whole situation.

   However, Jing Tian, ​​who carried Xie Wendong's body, felt the heaviness from his body. Although he was not unable to move, it must be impossible for a guy carrying about two hundred jin to run fast!

   Even the normal movement is also greatly slowed down, and he wants to kill the plague first, it is a bit powerless for him.

   However, Jing Tian did not give up, and desperately moved to the place where the plague was.

   However, the plague's face was only covered with disdain. Although the movement speed of sitting on the well and watching the sky is high, in the case of overloading, the action can only be described as slow.

   even said that in the heart of the plague, Jing Tian moved to him at a speed beyond his imagination, but he didn't need to worry at all, as long as he waited for the doom to strike.

   In his opinion, sitting on the well and watching the sky can't walk in front of him at all, let alone kill him!

Soon, Jing Tian felt that something was wrong, because he found that one of his legs was not listening. When he looked down, cold sweat oozes from Jing Tian's forehead, and he saw that his left leg was covered with a purple jelly. , Slime-like substance, and this substance is like being heated by some gas, and it is constantly bubbling purple bubbles.

   Some disgusting, some weird, you can tell at a glance that this is an ominous thing!

   "This is a parasitic effect? ​​It can even erode the assimilated character's body?"

   Jingtian had a bold idea.

"Yes, it is a parasitic virus. Later you will become a doomed body like Xie Wendong, and you will look for the next host to parasitize. If this guy kills the target and counts as my head, it will be fine. Unfortunately, this guy is unknown. Creatures are not counted on my head after killing the player, so whoever can survive to the end can win the game! In other words, everything depends on the tone. The next time it parasitizes, it depends entirely on the mood of the opponent. ."

  The feeling of the other party?

   Is the other party in the mood?

   is not just a random question!

   As he said, the plague raised his head and looked at the Tortoise Hound not far away, with his eyes facing him, it seemed to express a little bit of resentment and war.

   However, Jing Tian did not give up. Even though one leg is no longer usable, he is still jumping forward, as if trying to jump to the plague with such a leg and kill him!

   is really a guy who does not cry in the coffin...

   The corner of the plague's mouth raised a sarcasm. He was like watching a disabled person, trying to compete with the world championship in a 100-meter sprint. The key is that the disabled person is still a lame!

   I don’t know the heights of the What a futile effort!

   In fact, this is the case. Jing Tian hasn't completed half of the distance, half of his body has been wrapped in the purple slime doom body. Obviously half of his body has begun to short-circuit, and he can't listen to Jing Tian's control.

   Not to mention moving, Jing Tian seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and he couldn't make any further move.

   Not only that, the speed of the assimilation of the doom body has obviously accelerated. Jing Tian found that his left arm had been bursting with purple bubbles, and he completely lost the sense of fraud in his left arm.

   The expression of Going Jingtian is completely embarrassed, not because of anything else, but because Fang Tianji is a two-handed weapon. It doesn't matter if both legs are broken, he can still wield weapons in the game.

   However, if one arm is broken, then this two-handed weapon can no longer be used!

The system setting is the system setting. The player cannot break through in a certain sense. Even if the player can wield a two-handed weapon with one hand, after the system determines that the left arm of Sit Jing Guantian is lost, Jing Tian, ​​who holds the halberd in one hand, clearly feels in his hand. Fang Tianji's Fang Tianji had become stuck on the ground like a Dinghai divine needle, unable to move a bit.

However, he understands a truth. Although Sky Dungeon is a game, the game has many rules and settings of the game, but the player's emotion is the golden key to break through the setting, and it is clearly highlighted in his own planning copy. .

   As long as the player is full of fighting spirit, as long as the player's mental power is strong and does not bow to the system, then the player can burst out the power to break through the game settings!

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