Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1656: Lucky star

It is precisely because of Jing Tian's success that Hounds forced himself to think that this was the trick Jing Tian found to delay the onset of the virus, so he kept meditating in his heart.

   No matter what, I can only choose to believe him!

  Besides, I kept meditating in my heart, no one knows, I can deny it afterwards, and I will never be treated as an idiot.

   However, it was such a small determination that made this game a victory.

   That's right, the Hounds miraculously survived to the end, and the confident plague was completely eroded by the doom body first, and death became a virus.

   The moment he became a doomed body, the game officially ended.


   The plague emptied everything. After the screen was distorted and changed, he thought he had won the game, and even clenched his fists to celebrate the victory.

   However, what made him feel unbelievable was that the system prompt was drawn heavily on his face, and it hurt so hot!


   I lost!

   This is impossible!

   I have tried so many times, theoretically I can win!

   This is cheating, it's cheating in a group!

   First sit in Guantian and then Hound, how could they be eroded so slowly?

  I have done my best for a long time, but it's not as good as they do it casually?

   This is absolutely impossible!

   I can’t accept it, you must report them, they must be the trustee of Tengyi Company!

   Damn, he kicked the patio, and he must expose his ugly nature!

   Angrily attacked my heart, the plague felt my mind roar for a moment, as if the whole world was slowly leaving him...

   Compared to the loser, the Hounds was so excited that he was speechless at this time. He didn't expect that he could really win. Obviously, his decision at the final critical moment was wise!

   Is this kind of weird psychological suggestion really useful?

   After studying the plague for so long, I didn’t find such a pattern?

   is also right, normal people would not find it, I can only say that sitting on a well to watch the sky is too abnormal!

   I am afraid that the key to victory in this game lies in himself, and he is the key figure in the victory of the game!

  I am undoubtedly the MVP...

  Brilliant, at this moment, he feels that his life has reached the peak, as if he is bathed in happiness and satisfaction in the admiration of the world's players.

   However, after the next breath, his nerves suddenly hurt and he noticed something very stressful.

   That's right, I and Sit Jin Guan Tian teamed up to defeat the enemy, then the final of the Battle of the Gods will begin between the two!

  The guy who can get the key to the victory of the game is rumored to be the existence of the internal staff of Tengyi Company. The opponent is obviously an extremely powerful enemy.

   This heads-up battle is probably a fierce battle!

   Before the Hounds, he had learned Jing Tian's meticulous tactics and overall view of the game, as well as the micro-operation ability to deal with the details of the game. The enemy is very strong, very strong, and unprecedented.

   This kind of power is definitely not the power of the character itself, but the power of the game consciousness, as if it is an NPC that knows the game world very well.

   If he is not an insider of Tengyi Company, then he understands the game and feels more about the game than any other player, and his feelings for the game are definitely more real than anyone else. This is a terrible enemy.

   Therefore, Hounds felt that he had to be cautious, so he made a call to the president of the Star Group Guild, Mianzuo Bei.

   That's right, Bei Mianzuo is already active. After he got on the phone, he said directly: "The information about sitting on the well and watching the sky is the same as before, there is no more. What else do you want to know?"

"How come? Taurus and they are accompanied by sitting in Guantian day and night, how can they only know so much, now the means of sitting in Guantian are endless, I am afraid that in the finals, he will come up with any tricks, it will really be in the gutter It’s overturned! Could it be the Taurus and the others eating out?"

"I don't know. Maybe they really know it, but they don't want to tell us. He said that we have got a lot of strategies and so on from Sitting Well and Watching the Sky. The other party has always been wary of Taurus, so some comprehension skills have also been carried out on them. Blockade and confidentiality. After all, the other party also knows their situation, and it is impossible to completely open it up." Bei Mianzuo said helplessly.

"I really don’t want to trust anyone, but boss, I think Taurus may also have ideas. They are guarded like thieves, and they still can’t get the trust of the other party, so they can’t get the most valuable information. If I Therefore, for losing the game, I think they should take part of the responsibility. Of course, the main responsibility is that my skills are not as good as the others. However, as the intelligence department, there are only so many people in the opposing guild. They can't understand it. I don't think they need to stay any longer. Go home early."

"You are right. If sitting in the well and watching the naive **** the championship from you, we really have to take some measures to weaken the opponent. His existence threatens the interests of our guild to a certain extent. Then the broken wings are the best. method."

   Bei Mianzuo showed a cold glow in his, they have a small number of guilds, and if they leave 5 people in one go, they will definitely lose their vitality. Normally, dungeons, dungeons and so on are bound to be difficult to deal with. "

"Well, I asked the Taurus to negotiate with the Taurus about betraying the championship, but the Taurus categorically told me that there is no way to proceed. It seems that sitting on the well is impossible to give in. You are determined to be the champion of this game, so you have to take it. With all your strength, you must win at any cost! The way you speak now has always been based on failure. Why, don’t you have confidence?"

"What a joke, I am the luckiest today! Don't worry, boss, I will be able to use the power of breastfeeding. It's just that I don’t know how many kilograms I am. I’m really lucky today. Can I finally Victory still depends on luck, not strength."

   "Don't be discouraged, your luck is precisely the most powerful weapon. Since you can go to the end, it is not impossible to defeat the opponent with your luck and strength! The enemy is very lucky even now."

"Boss wise, you are too right. My luck is the strongest weapon. Although I have tried my best, my luck has not been fully revealed. I may call a dragon or something later. Killed the insidious fellow Zuojing Guantian in one fell swoop."

  It's a good thing to have ideals, but it’s better to collect it if it’s unreliable fantasy?

   "Then it all depends on you. I hope you will become the lucky star of our guild and the lucky star of Russian players."

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