Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1658: Runaway

If you control Sky City, you can only make an unprecedented joke!

   Your brain circuit is similar to that of a certain President Trump!

   "Seal? Do you think that without the seal maintained by the Lord God, you can stop me? Really naive, the deity naturally wants to ask you how strong the seal of this space is, and hope to withstand my three blows."

   Haotian God obviously disagrees with this.

   "Who said that there is no main **** to maintain, I am maintaining the space seal at this moment. If you don't believe it, you can break it and try. Who is more naive? Is it me who is in control, or you who are kept in the dark?"

"Oh? So, what you see now is just a clone of you. Interesting, I'm really naive. I didn't expect you to be so arrogant that you want to fight in two lines. Then we will As you wished."

   Haotian God's voice became softened, as if it was suggesting and comforting Jingtian and the Hound.

"Haha, yes, it's just a small clone, but you can still use magic weapons to kill these two mice! How about, can you defeat me in a short time? Otherwise, the two mice will It's a terrible death."

   It turned out to be a clone!

   The little clone wanted to kill the two of us?

   I really look down on people!

  The clone of the main **** is not as powerful as the main body like in Xiu Xian's novels. Since it is a clone, it will be restricted by the system to exist at the same level as the player. It is not without hope of winning...

   is not right, this is all self-comfort!

   Although the opponent is a clone, but holding the magic weapon in his hand, the magic weapon may not have shrunk, so the difference in combat power between the two sides is still very different.

   This battle is definitely a one-sided crush, we only have to escape!

   If you underestimate Odin's clone casually, I'm afraid it will indeed die very quickly and miserably.

   And the system has just reminded that this battle was not equal from the beginning. For Jing Tian, ​​it was just an escape match, which was faster than who escaped!

   Fortunately, it’s a city not far away. It’s much faster than playing peekaboos on the open grassland than with hungry wolves!

  Since it is an escape game, it must be the first choice to escape to that city, and the system will not choose this map for no reason. The existence of the city must have its meaning!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian didn’t plan to watch the plot anymore. He turned around and ran towards the city not far away. Before the action, he didn’t care about three or seven or twenty, and directly turned on [Budweiser] and [Baiqi] and entered In the state of God of War, Jing Tian, ​​with all attributes increased, can run at his peak speed at this time.

   That's right, the general with all attributes added to his agility, after entering the state of God of War, he is like a high-speed motorcycle. Before the dog can respond, sitting on the well and watching the sky is about to disappear from his vision!

   Damn it!

   This guy ran away without talking about loyalty!

   Is this finals longer than who survived?

  No way, no way, I am behind, and I will be beaten if I am behind. Odin will definitely attack him first...

   can't give up, I also have acceleration skills, I can ride spirit beasts!

   turned his head and glanced at the little fire dragon with two round eyeballs wide open and looking around, the Dogs swallowed unconsciously.

   Can you really ride this little guy who is thinner than yourself?

   Can this guy move himself?

   I always feel that if you ride this guy, the screen feel is too strong, and it is easy to make world players laugh!

   is to take 10,000 steps back and move, can it move fast?

   Maybe if it is delayed, he will directly become the soul of Odin.

   Thinking of this, Hounds shook his head abruptly, and directly chose to run on his own!

When Odin and Haotian finished talking, Odin turned his head and found that the two had fled far away. He roared: "Haotian, you just talked nonsense with me on purpose just to buy time for the two bugs. It's naive. What if you give them a little time? You can say that I will agree, and even give more. But now I am upset, and I won't talk nonsense with you anymore! Poor two mice, blame Haotian if you want to blame Well, if it wasn't for him to deceive, you could still get more time to escape."

   After roaring this sentence, Odin ran in the direction where the two were escaping.

   Jingtian and Hounds heard that they were really cursing in their hearts. There is nothing good about God Haotian and Lord Odin!

  Originally, Hounds could run away in another direction, but thought that if he escaped in another direction, Odin would probably chase him closer!

  How can I help Sitting Jing Guantian to get time to escape, how can I bear to be cannon fodder?

   And, how do you look at it, only cities not far away are more suitable for dodge and escape. If you run in other directions, the ending will be very tragic!

   More importantly, together with sitting on the well and watching the sky, I can shade him!

That's right, although the two are at peace now, I have to say that I have a big killer in my hand. As long as I have a chance, I must use a space kill and lock the avatar of Zuijing Guantian and Odin together. , The picture will definitely make people happy!

   Since it is longer than anyone else's survival time, UU reading then let sit and watch the sky first hang up, isn't the result obvious?

  I had no chance of winning after summoning the little fire dragon, but now it is different. The development of the game turned out to be beneficial to me, which is really lucky.

  I believe that the championship is his own!

   Thinking of this, the Hounds are full of confidence again, feeling somehow that his body has become lighter, and his running speed has increased.

   This is the power of the fighting spirit system...

  Although he did not give any orders to the little fire dragon, the little fire dragon chased Hounds all the way and was not thrown away at all.

  Don't look at these small animals with petite bodies, but they run very fast. If you don't follow all the way, if you let him run open, they will speed up instantly, leaving the hound far behind.

Yes, this is not new at all. Anyone who has raised a dog in reality knows that if you let go of your leash and let your pet dog run around, it’s really hard to catch up. Often you don’t pay attention, pet dog He was gone, and it took him a long time to come back.

  The speed attribute of spirit beasts is often higher than that of players, even small spirit beasts.

   turned his head and glanced at Odin, who was gradually approaching him, and then at the galloping well in front of him, the Hounds finally gritted his teeth, as if he had made some determination, and whispered reluctantly: "riding!"

   That's right, he activated his riding skills. He seemed to understand that if he continued to run at such a low speed, Odin would definitely catch up with him, so what awaits him is probably the bad luck of being eliminated.

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