Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1660: Ambush Odin?

Fortunately for Hounds, the time spent on the battlefield is still relatively short, otherwise he will have a shadow on the riding spirit beasts in his life!

   Now, he even wondered if he would use the galloping field in the future. It seemed that a shadow had already lived in his heart, and he would never go away in his life.

   However, after so many dog ​​gnawing on the sand, I still caught up with sitting in the well and watching the sky, so I wouldn't be left behind by this insidious guy.

   Odin's figure in the rear kept approaching, but he could not catch up with them before they entered the city.

   Seeing that this hunt was about to turn into a street fight, the mood of the two of them eased down, and there was no more panic before.

   However, after a while, the pace of sitting in Guantian and Hounds had to stop, and the peace in their hearts was completely broken again.

   Yes, they found a problem that they had neglected before. Although it was a city in front of them, the gates of the city were tightly closed!

   Feelings This city is the background, and it seems impossible to enter!

   tried to open the gate, but the gate was as heavy as a mountain, and it didn't move.

   Could it be that this is a closed city? The development team created such a city to pit two people?

   Is it necessary to play with people like this?

   Give people hope first, then despair?

   is really nasty!

   Jingtian obviously wouldn't think so, he soon thought of something, and immediately ran around the city wall.

   Although the Hound doesn't understand why Jing Tian did this, he is not stupid. He knows that Jing Tian has a bad stomach, and it is better to follow him than to wait for death here.

   This guy must have seen something through, or found a clue that he didn't find, you must follow him!

   "Uh...what are you doing with me?"

When    Jingtian was running, he turned his head and looked down at the Hound.

   "I will work with you to defeat Odin's clone together! Don't think about fighting alone at this time. Your own power can't defeat Odin's clone."

"The ghost is going to defeat the clone of Odin with you. You think the clone of the main **** is Chinese cabbage. If you say it is arched? Let's run separately, you run in the opposite direction, let it be fate, who Odin loves to chase after whom, anyway There are other city gates too, you don’t need to be with me! On the contrary, you follow me, and we have to beware of each other. It’s better to separate quickly."

"That's not okay, I will be one step late when I go back now. Odin's avatar sees me and will chase me alone, then I won't finish it? You really crossed the river and demolished the bridge. Without me before, do you think you can defeat the plague and Xie Wendong? Don’t have too much grudge between us, okay? Now we are all prosperous, grasshoppers on the same rope."

   Hound is obviously impossible to leave.

   Jingtian is also helpless. Now he has used two abilities that increase attributes, and it is impossible to burst out the limit movement speed in a short time, so he can't quickly shake off the dog skin plaster behind him.

   However, Jing Tian didn't worry about it. Even if the Hounds followed him, he was obviously moving faster than him, and would keep a distance from him over time.

   Odin will definitely chase after that, so the first target Odin killed will still be the Hound!

   Since this guy understands the current situation of the two, he shouldn’t mess around...

"I said you don’t run so fast, do you have team spirit, do you think we should ambush Odin’s clone, he is just a clone, maybe we can fight! If the clone touches us, we will die, and the audience will also I won't buy it. Later, I can let my little fire dragon fight Odin and try the depth." The Hound obviously understands Jing Tian's thoughts at this time, and he proposed without waiting for the two to separate.

"’re right. In case this clone is really a paper tiger, we can also choose another way. Why don’t you try first, if your little fire dragon can break the defense of Odin’s clone and cause considerable damage, It’s not too late for the two of us to talk about cooperating to kill Odin."

   How clever Jing Tian is, to seek skin with a tiger, it is simply ruining his own life!

   Ambushed Odin?

   is a joke, it is more realistic to call your little fire dragon as cannon fodder, don't stop now!

   Odin approached him a little bit behind him. Obviously he was moving faster than him. Sooner or later he would be caught up. He had to enter the city first!

   "Unexpectedly, you are so courageous and you don't even have the courage to resist and fight. Okay, I will take the shot, but you don't want to run away alone, otherwise you are not lying to me?"

   Hounds had an expression of "I have read for a few years, don't you lie to me", as if Jing Tian didn't agree, he wouldn't take this risk.

Jing Tian heard the pace, then slowed down, and asked faintly: "Why do you want to kill you so much? Aren't you afraid that Odin will kill you with a shot? Didn't you listen to him just now? He is the **** soldier Gunge. Neil, even if it’s a clone, the magic weapon is the magic weapon. It may kill us in seconds. Is it necessary to take this risk?"

"Death is to die. Anyway, it is my spirit beast that is dead, not a character. When I use the space kill to lock the BOSS in a certain area, if the BOSS bloodline is, it can be a battle. , Then you and I will join forces. In the battle, it is resigned to fate, and the dead side is not as skilled as the human! In short, I don't want to be so suffocated to be chased and killed by the NPC, I can't swallow this breath!"

   Yes, this setting of being chased by NPCs is indeed very offensive, and I really don't want to follow the script written by Kicking Tian Nongjing.

   If you just flee, there may be a more sad future waiting for you.

   Hounds is right. It is indeed possible to give it a try. If Odin cannot be broken after the space kill, then we can continue to escape. The loss is only a spirit beast, and the situation has not changed much.

   It’s also very important to take a break to recover physical strength. Besides, when the Hounds who have performed the space kill enter the fighting state, he will be able to back up even if he escapes!

"Okay, I promise you, but we have to run as far as possible now, until you can't run, then stop and fight back. You can't swallow this bird's breath, you can stop by yourself now, I don't want to get angry. And I will promise to leave you alone. A certain distance advantage. After all, I am slowing down to accompany you and helping you challenge the Odin clone. You can't expect to be equal to me, right?"

   "You said it nicely. Make sure to keep a certain distance from me. What if Odin takes my surgery and you just slip away?"

   "This is my bottom line." Jing Tian's voice revealed an unquestionable taste.

   "This is also my bottom line. You can't be more than ten meters away from me. This is my last bottom line."

   "Well, I will die with the gentleman."

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