Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1673: If you speak more, you will lose

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That's right, at this stage, Tengyi Company is actively employing various real-player NPCs, and strives to make game NPCs come alive, and even some BOSSs will have real-player temporary operations.

However, this completely broke the rules of the game and caused possible unfairness.

After all, it is an artificial behavior, and there is no guarantee of 100% fairness. Real people have their own feelings and will act according to their own feelings, not according to system guidelines.

Therefore, after Jing Tian stabbed like this, more people began to think about the possible loopholes in the real NPC. Everyone felt that the game seemed to be really no fairness at all, and it completely became a chessboard operated by Tengyi company secretly.

It can even be said that more and more real-life NPCs will interfere with players. Whether they can achieve higher achievements in the future will become how to manage the relationship with GM...

However, at this moment, Odin's avatar finally moved, and he directly carried Neil and rushed to the sitting well to watch the sky.

"What are you doing? Killing people? Can you not be too naive, here is the game. Anyway, according to the script you wrote, I am sure to die. If you want to kill, I will not resist. I hope you referees. Players can give me justice! I use my own death to wake up the world, and it is worth it."

Jing Tian got into the play a bit deeper, and now he felt that he had been kicked out of the sky to make a calculation.

He also had to think so, because everything was set for himself, as if it was a trap specially prepared for himself. He got in by himself, but he must not just be dumb and suffer without saying a word. He wants to make things trivial. Big, big trouble!

That's right, it's a trouble!

When you are treated unfairly and justly, you have to make trouble. If you don't make trouble, the other party will naturally assume that it has never happened.

Huaxia companies are most afraid of making troubles. As long as someone makes troubles, they will definitely take it seriously!

They want face, face, and more often than not justice.

Of course, there are also some shameless companies. For example, some companies promised zero-dollar purchases, but in the end they abandon their promises and refuse to honor them at all. They even changed the cash rebate into a coupon from the mall to add money to buy them. Products of.

This approach makes people scornful, most consumers buy less and can only let the manufacturers shame.

However, the consequences of shame are serious, inevitably breaking the trust of customers, and being completely blacklisted by customers.

Even if it is backed by a strong backer, such a company will inevitably go bankrupt, and there is no second way.

Therefore, most of China's enterprises still have a face.

However, just when Jing Tian thought he could scare the opponent away, Odin cloned and said: "My dear, you are so clever, I have to let me go online to fight you when I kick Tian Nongjing. Really, I am. But I don’t like male characters very much. This kind of experience is really bad!"



be quiet! silence!

All the referees and spectators were dumbfounded, and Jing Tian was dumbfounded.

How come someone who seems to be close to you suddenly pops up?

Wait, this voice, is it Ralf?

Do you want to be so cheating?

Can a real NPC be replaced and controlled at will?

Neither of our players, your GM is willful!

This is naked, only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light the lights. You really don't want B-FACE!

However, Jing Tian's face was full of consternation at this time, as if he was caught by a small tail.

In the face of strangers, you may still be able to mess around, but when you meet someone who knows the roots, your confidence is immediately lost, and the composition of the drama drops sharply.

What's more, if real-life NPC affects the balance of the game, then your partner is a living cheater. He is cheating, so he should denounce cheating?

It’s weird to let the world’s players know that they don’t lose their teeth!

If you talk too much, you will lose it. What I said this time is a huge hole for myself.

"Hehe, what's the matter, dear, you are surprised? Or do you think you can't recognize them?"


After speaking, Jing Tian suddenly woke up, he must have lost his words!

Doesn't this mean that you are not hiring yourself, and you have a leg with the real NPC of Tengyi Company?

So, how can a real NPC who has a close relationship with him design to frame himself?

The **** kicking at the sky and the well must have been his idea. He actually saw a trick, and he used this method to divert everyone's attention!

That's right, the referee audience at this time was a complete sensation, especially Jing Tian personally admitted that the impact on everyone is naturally deep to the soul.

For a moment, everyone felt that sitting in the well and watching the sky was a fellow who was in the same fashion as GM. The previous rhetoric was an illusion!

It's really a thief shouting to catch a thief. It is clearly a black crow. He must wash his feathers white. What a **** thing!

Yes, it is easy for everyone to change their judgment because of a detail. At this time, not many people are willing to stand on Jingtian's side Dear, rest assured, we did not design a game for you. And the game is fair. Look at the current Hounds, he also jumped into the pit by himself. That Gunger is a magic weapon. How can a mortal touch it? His life is withering, but he doesn't have the slightest self-knowledge, which is really sad. And what you have to consider is not how to frame the game, but whether you can survive the attack of the deity before the opponent withers. How, is it fair? Let's have a fair fight! "

It's fair to your uncle!

You are a magic weapon. Before the hounds die, I will definitely die first, and the ending has not changed at all!

Moreover, you deliberately talked about it just now. I am afraid that most referees have also doubted me. What can I say?

Isn't I a loser?

No way! I can't give up, just climb, I also want to climb to the top of Sky City, this is not just my dream alone, but the common dream of many friends!

From the beginning of the game to the present, I have never given up. Such a good opportunity to be famous, even if the victory fails to reach the top of Sky City, then we can become famous and pave the way for the power of God's transformation in the future. Give up if you give up?

"Well, it's better to be respectful, I'll take your challenge!"

Jing Tian regained his spirits and raised the bone-refining halberd again, preparing to fight against Ralf who is coming back to him.

Now that you have made up your mind, don't hesitate, it's useless to play tricks, the idiot GM before is gone, the old and cunning Ralf will definitely not give himself too much time to delay, and he can't just accept the challenge.

However, at this time everyone thought that he was self-defeating, and most people were looking forward to seeing this collaborating liar die early in the hands of Odin clone.

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