Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1675: You formed a group to fool people

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He couldn't think of a good way. When he looked up and saw that the bottom of the barrier in the sky had turned into a sea of ​​sand, he was determined that Jing Tian must have done it.

Then you must resolve the battle as soon as possible!

However, if the fire-breathing dragon has any anti-injury skills, how can one kill the opponent?

If the output is too violent, you might lose your life!

This little blood of oneself is really not enough for the opponent to fight back.

However, just as he was thinking about this, the residual blood of the Hound was eroded by the divine power again, and it dropped by a large amount.

What is the situation?

This is definitely a BUG. He was not hit in a negative state, let alone launched an attack. How did he lose blood?

Could it be that GM is controlling, secretly intervening in this game, wanting to kill himself and let him sit and watch the sky win?

This is too shameless, right?

If all these methods are used, aren’t they afraid of being cast aside by players in the world?

Wait, it seems that it is really possible. Before sitting in the well and watching the sky, and Odin clone silently each other in the enchantment, this setting is obviously not in line with common sense!

Under normal circumstances, if it is not the plot, how can the hostile NPC be so honest?

Obviously, the scene just now is not a plot!

That's right, Hounds did not see that the two were chatting at all, and the text bubble could not be seen if they were too far away. This is the basic setting.

In other words, in the control, GM is even chatting and sitting in the well watching the sky in the battle, is this too blatant?

Can't so many referees sentence the death penalty for sitting in Jingguantian?

Hounds is still in the clouds and mists at this time, never knowing what happened to Jing Tian, ​​but considering that the other party seems to have some special means to contact the GM and complete the cheating.

That's right, this guy obviously has no self-awareness. He doesn't think that his luck is the real cheating today. He will only think that his luck is right, and everything others strive for is cheating.

He didn't reflect on his greed. If it weren't for his greed to accept the magic weapon, where would he be caught?

I am afraid that the fire-breathing dragon will continue to chase and kill, and will not face death so soon, right?

It even said that if it hadn't been for Jing Tian's three-inch tongue to buy time and make it difficult for the previous Odin clone to move, I am afraid that the Hounds have won by this time and become the final winner of the battle of the gods.

If you say calculations, then you are still calculating the sky by kicking the sky and Nongjing, giving the Hounds ample opportunity to win, but he himself is headed for destruction.

If he grasped it, even though his main **** did not intend to fight for hegemony, he would be crowned and emperor because of this!

Thinking of the referee watching his own game, the Hounds felt that he could not die so suffocated, he must speak his own voice and question everything here, so he directly shouted through the regional channel: "Look, everyone, sit and watch the sky to buy GM. Cheating, they are definitely a family, otherwise my HP will drop for no reason, there is no negative state, no injury, no attack backlash, just keep losing blood. There are people playing shady under all eyes. It's ridiculous!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, the Hounds had to continue to attack, because the fire-breathing dragon in front of him recovered his mobility and attacked him.

If you don't attack, you will still be finished.

Fortunately, I recorded the video myself, and I must expose the dark scene of the battle of the gods later!

At this time, the referee and the audience were completely happy. Someone shouted "The wolf is coming" just now. It is not enough, but there is another one. You formed a group to fool people?

As long as you face a trap, you have to throw the pot to the GM and the game company, which is really a good way!

That's right, at this time the referee and the audience feel that their IQ is online and they will not be fooled at all!

What's more, the referee and the audience just noticed Odin's avatar. What a shady, it is clearly your own bold and reckless idea to fight the magic soldier. Now you have been backlashed by the magic soldier, and you don't know it. It's a laugh!

Many people look at the Hounds who are screaming frantically with dementia eyes, and even think for a moment: "Hurry up and be bitten by the gods, it's really noisy!"

The freezing effect of Jing Tian here was naturally lifted first. He did not rush forward to attack, but chose to constantly adjust the direction and retreat, avoiding the direction of Odin's clone.

Since it is to contain Ralfa, then you can't head-to-head with the opponent. What's more, even though the opponent is controlled by quicksand, he can still wield weapons. If he goes up, he will make a big move. Isn't he hitting the gun?

However, Jing Tian's speed was not fast, and the negative effect of Broken Halberd's sedimentation made his movement speed drop greatly, looking like he was traveling hard in the desert.

Soon, the desert turned into data powder and disappeared completely, and Odin's clone rose from the ground, chasing it towards Jingtian.

"Hehe, your **** just now is so powerful, I still want it!"


Is that a quicksand bondage?

Don’t just say something misleading, okay?

After all, players all over the world are Does it make sense for you to discredit it?

I also want the ability to fire continuously, but unfortunately I don't have such a plug-in!

When Jing Tian saw this message he was talking about himself privately, he felt somewhat calm, after all, if he said such things on the public screen, it would definitely cause criticism.

Isn't it right, this guy is mocking me for having no skills?

Damn, I really can't refute it, I really can't find any control skills!

No, I still have a chance!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian didn't hesitate, decided to take a gamble and directly used the Ghost King's Halberd!

That's right, it is the ghost king halberd. After casting the ghost king halberd, Jing Tian can create his own skills according to the rules of the game world.

Although Jing Tian had experimented a lot before, there were not many ghost king halberd methods that could achieve control effects.

Not much is not much, but you can still buy some time, right?

Even though it is possible that his own skills cannot even hit Odin's clone, it may even be bounced off by Odin's skills, but this does not mean that Jing Tian will choose to give up, he must buy more time for himself.

Moreover, when he saw Ralf’s spear movement just now, he was even more inspired, thinking that he could learn and sell now, and play a halberd like a spear movement!

There is no limit to creation. As long as you devote your imagination and emotions, you may be able to create miracles.

That's right, Jing Tian has to give it a try at this time. He can only surpass himself, surpass the system, never bow to the system, let alone bow to his own history, he must move forward!

Ever since, Jing Tian's distance is almost the same, and he directly learns the movements of Odin's avatar before dancing the halberd by the moon. He is also concentrating on the effect of the skills he hopes to see, and uses his field of vision to simulate the attack formed by the halberd. Track.

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