Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1677: I am the champion!

   Yes, it is the forward-looking nature of this prediction that made Jing Tian's attack out of his intent.

  Although he didn't have a long time to fix his body with broken tendons, Jing Tian still turned around and ran while Rafa could not move.

   "My dear, are you going to abandon the deity? I'm so sad, I can't cry!"

   Your voice is clearly laughing, okay?

   Can't you pretend to be a bit?

   If you talk about getting a ladyboy to be cute in front of me, I will vomit one liter of old blood in disgust!

   Jingtian listened to Ralfa's shout, and was not moved at all, and ran away at full speed without looking back, for fear that he couldn't help it, and vomited. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   However, after two breaths, Ralfa regained his ability to move, and chased him in the direction of Jing Tian's escape.

   "Hee hee! My dear, you are so cruel, the deity is angry, when I catch up with you, I must freeze you into an ice sculpture, and then put it on the square, let everyone admire your ice face!"

   Should I feel infinitely honored?


   Your creativity is also quite strong!

   You can be put on the square, this treatment must be the treatment of champions, right?

   Yes, even if I die, I will die after becoming a champion!

   Come on!

   I can definitely succeed!

   I am the champion!

  Jingtian thought so far. The faster running speed must be the function of the emotional system. Sitting on the well and watching the sky once again gained power beyond the system itself.

   Yes, the emotional system can affect the player's attributes and give the player some attribute bonus effects.

   When the player is depressed, all attributes will present a decayed special effect.

   Although the degree of attenuation is not exaggerated, it is definitely worse.

   Therefore, as long as the player does not give up, does not abandon, and fights with dreams, miracles may be created!

   Of course, as long as the intent to fight is not extinguished, you can escape faster!

   The speed at which the well sky erupts at this time is also a special interpretation and portrayal.

   However, Jing Tian can't be faster than Ralf, if the original game master Jing Tian understands the magical effect of the emotional system, then how could Ralf as a member of the game planning team not understand?

  Obviously, Ralfa understands better how to use the emotional system, and even more clearly how to efficiently mobilize emotions, and explode the effect of surpassing Jingtian’s emotional power.

   So, under her control, the movement speed of Odin's clone has once again increased by a notch!

   Damn it!

   You are cheating!

  Npc is too capricious, it can even burst out of potential?

   Is npc also affected by the emotions of the controller?

   In this case, wouldn’t manual intervention be more obvious?

   Can't you let npc keep the measurements quietly, so that the players can make a strategy?

  Random boss attribute is enough. Now with the emotional value, it is more difficult to predict the enemy's combat effectiveness...

   Jing Tian, ​​who originally thought he could breathe a sigh of relief, turned his head casually, his head was full of cold sweat, and it was obvious that Odin could catch up with him in a few breaths!

   Is it inevitable to avoid it?

   Since it is inevitable, there is no need to avoid it, there is only one battle!

   Jingtian never thinks that defensive counterattack is the best tactic. He prefers to strike first and then strike back first, and then single out!

As a result, Jing Tian slowly slowed down, recalling the skills he had conceived before. Although all of them failed before, Jing Tian believed that it must be because he hadn't tried to create skills before, and stayed too much in simulating other skills. Lead out the corresponding skill effect. First release https://https://

  Though the innovations of Zhaomaohuahu are rarely successful, they have lost the soul of skill attack and the meaning of innovation.

   Now that he has opened his arms, Jing Tian feels that he has full confidence in the development of the previously failed skills!

   Yes, he must have confidence, because he understands that if he does not have full confidence in his heart, then even if the skill is successfully used, there will be no negative effects!

  Confidence and belief are both important emotional powers.

After taking a deep breath, Jing Tian's footsteps stopped abruptly, and then he suddenly turned around. The moon-by-month halberd in his hand swept back directly with the force of the body's rotation, as if the golf champion was swinging the golf ball with all his strength. The rod is average, the action is fast, smooth, and beautiful.

   However, how could Ralfah not be prepared? When she approached Jing Tian, ​​she prevented Jing Tian from killing her carbine, so Neil in her hand had already stabbed forward!

   The skills he used before were too conservative, so this time I will try to conquer it.

   Neil’s magical soldiers burst into a strong cold in an instant, and even a blizzard formed around the gun god. Neil was like a dragon in the blizzard, facing Jing Tian’s carbine, and collided unabated!

  Competing skill damage coefficient and weapon damage, Ralf is naturally full of confidence, she thinks she will never lose!

   However, after the next breath, Ralf’s face turned green!

   It's not that his Neil is not as powerful as Jing Tian's own moves, and it's not that he was in a negative state after the skill collision, but Jing Tian used his own attack to eject forward!

   That's right, it was ejected. It was a bit like flying with force. Jing Tian took advantage of the momentum and strength of Ralf's full blow to fly directly. UU reading

   This is a bit unusual!

   Does your attack have a knock-up effect?

  Although Ralfah has been on the number for a short time and has no in-depth knowledge of the skills of Odin's clone, she can be sure that the effect of her previous blow did not fly...

  The referee players who don't know the situation must be cheering, thinking that Jing Tian was finally hit by Odin's clone, and it was a gravity blow!

   Moreover, Jing Tian was obviously knocked out of an exaggerated distance, which shows the power of Odin's clone just now!

   However, everyone doesn’t understand why it is necessary to hit the flying well. Wouldn’t it be better if it could be knocked down or stunned?

Most people simply think that Odin’s avatar doesn’t have many skills, and there are no powerful skills that are particularly powerful. In order to collide with Jingtian skills, they have to use the knock-up skill, which leads to a long period of flying out of sitting in the well. distance.

   However, Jing Tian and Ralfa knew best at this time that Jing Tian has successfully developed a brand new self-made skill!

   This kind of self-created skill can actually fly with the force, and can quickly get away from the enemy when being attacked.

   In other words, this is a counter-attack effect, and Jing Tian knocked himself out!

   Or Su, this is no longer a knock-to-fly skill, it is an escape skill.

I have to say that when the carbine is returned, most people are actually in a disadvantageous position. If they can use the carbine by leveraging to advance a long distance, they will instantly distance themselves from the enemy while attacking, and adjust their attack posture and preparations. It couldn't be better!

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