Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1686: God's rebirth

Jing Tian was dumbfounded, his outlook on life and society completely collapsed...

What is the situation?

How long have you been a god?

Began to complain about God's hard work?

No wonder you were not allowed to be in power before, you didn't have the consciousness to be God at all!

In other words, can you perform God's duties by catching individuals casually?

Do you regard me as the main god?

What is it about kicking the patio well? How is this going to pit me?

Is it to let me perform the duty of defending the love of marriage and let me fight with respected lackeys?

Isn't that asking me to die?

Yes, that's not wrong, it must be so, just to arrange a mission to send me to death, so that I will be beaten!

Even if I accept the task, I won't do it!

Even if you do, there is no way to complete it. It is just a gimmick, and even promises a lot of rewards. What Jinshan Yinshan can move away is a good mountain, which is not visible. What is the use of oral checks?

However, just as Jing Tian was thinking about the layout and routines of kicking Tiannongjing, Odin spoke again: "During the reign of the Emperor, he specially grants you the ability of God to reincarnate. Fair the world’s problems and find ways to actively solve them to improve the ecological development of the entire world.

What the hell?

Are you sure you are not joking internationally?

Could it be my ear problem?

This is definitely a bad check!

Odin didn’t care about Jing Tian’s expression changes at all, and continued to elaborate: “Of course, this ability can only be given to you. You must make good use of it, and don’t live up to God’s expectations of you. However, I will not be completely. Believe in you, Haotian doglegs, you have collected the Records of Changes, and I will use the power of God to verify and explore the inner thoughts of all creatures, so you should not fool the emperor casually. If you don’t perform well, hum Humph, I will abolish all your abilities, so that you will never regain your divine power!"

It turns out that there is an operation to abolish all the player's skill attributes!

Is this a pit, a pit that you want to deprive yourself of all attributes?

No, it's not the key. The key is how can you give me the power of God's transformation?

And, how does it sound that you dislike this thing very much, thinking it's a troublesome thing?

Indeed, the ability of God’s transformation is not really a good thing. Players can only intervene in the planning of the game after they are acquired, and put forward some different opinions and suggestions on the development of the game. These suggestions must also be recognized by most players. Only then can the game company be forced to make corresponding changes.

When I designed God's reincarnation back then, it was indeed a bit harsh and the process was complicated. I originally wanted to set up more barriers for the players, but I didn't expect that I really shot myself in the foot. 135 Chinese

The pit I dug back then, you must climb out with tears...

From another perspective, in public for private, God's transformation has no direct benefit to the player character himself!

Yes, when God's reincarnation was designed from the Jingtian plan, he was spit out by the fat man. He said it was the most tasteless reward in the game. If you give a martial idiot, then this ability does not exist at all.

Even if it is obtained by a savvy player, he may not use this ability. After all, he cannot get direct benefits from it.

More importantly, if you want to design a setting that can satisfy most players, it really requires observation and creativity beyond game planning.

There are only a handful of such people, but the rewards still require players to climb to the top of Sky City to gain God’s approval, which is simply the ultimate cheating reward.

However, Jing Tian doesn't think so. A player can intervene in the decision-making of a game company. In his opinion, it is definitely a blockbuster. For players who love games, it is invaluable!

A player who really loves games and devotes himself to the game world must be crazy to change the game world.

That’s right, in Jing Tian’s view, those who can play the game with all their heart, break through numerous difficulties and finally enter the palace and gain the power of God’s transformation must love the existence of this game and recognize that the game world is the second world. People.

But why did he gain the power of God's transformation so inexplicably?

This gave Jing Tian an inexplicable sadness.

It's like setting an annual salary of 30w. As a result, I bought a lottery ticket and won the first prize inexplicably, and I realized it all at once.

The struggles and efforts I have made for my goals, and I often think about the methods and plans to achieve the goals, suddenly became an unimportant supporting role before, and even the kind of supporting role without even the opportunity to show up. How can I make people not sad?

Shouldn't it pass the more difficult test and finally give the player standing on the top of Sky City such an honor?

At this moment, Jing Tian still feels a little unreal. He feels that he is having a dream. He even feels that something is wrong with his body, perhaps he is silent in the fantasy world.

Had I been infected by Zhao Jiaxue and the others with the terminal illness of jumping thoughts, and now I am finally dying?

However, Odin was obviously satisfied with the bewildered look on Jing Tian's face at this time. He put on an unpredictable look: "What? You didn't expect it? Do you think you can do whatever you want with God's ability to change the world? , Can you rule the continent of Aiyinsi? Do you think this is a great reward for you?"

Ghosts think so!

Don't you know that I still have the identity of the original game chief?

Didn’t UU reading reveal any inside information when Kicking Tiannongjing arranged you to target me?

Jing Tian suddenly came to his senses from thinking and confusion. He suddenly began to think that the power of God's transformation should be obtained by himself. After all, he was also the champion of the first battle of the gods, even if he did not win the title for his god, Haotian. The place of God, but he is truly No. 1 in the world!

Getting rewards by yourself is justified!

It's just that Kitian Nongjing gave himself awards in such a low-key way, and also awarded such a reward that is not a reward in the eyes of ordinary players. Why?

Odin naturally didn’t know what Jing Tian was thinking about. He thought that Jing Tian was smashed by the first prize, so he explained it again: "I want to emphasize again, this God’s ability to transform is not given to you. The ability to change the world is to give you the possibility to change the world. You are responsible for collecting the will of all living creatures on the Aiyinsi continent, reporting the strongest needs and long-cherished wishes to me, and the emperor decides whether to change the entire world. Do you understand? Don't let you change the world of love marriage at will."

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