Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1694: 5 flavors

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That's right, how you look at the current Odin God is an unreliable guy, this guy will never let himself be rewarded.

From the beginning, I thought about the possibility of Odin coming out halfway to force himself back to love marriage, so I went to the orchard and vegetable garden first.

That's right, Jing Tian is not a selfish person. He always believes that he has come to this day and obtained such an opportunity, relying on the entire guild and the entire team!

He didn't think about seeking the increase of attribute points for himself first, he should put attribute points last, maximize the benefits for the entire team, and get rewards for the entire team.

That's right, Jing Tian's looting of the Heavenly Palace was not intended to benefit him alone, but to distribute the spoils to the guild members, to help the guild members to improve slightly, and to benefit everyone as much as possible.

This is also what the president of a meeting should do.

Now, he has done it, very proud!

Although it is not an amazing reward, it is definitely his best effort to share the profit with everyone.

People are always happy to be content, especially the rewards from this kind of robbery, and you can't expect too much, you can do your best and most efficient robbery.

"Frog, what good things have you been rewarded by God?"

The curiosity in Zhao Jiaxue’s heart didn’t know how many cats had been killed. Before, I guessed that Jing Tian had a temporary emergency and went to receive the rewards issued by the system. At this time, I saw that the area where I was sitting in Guantian became the continent of Aiyingsi , She naturally knew that Jing Tian had returned home in triumph and received a generous reward.

Don't ask why Zhao Jiaxue knew that Jing Tian had gone to Tiangong. After seeing that the area where Jing Tian was located had become a Sky City, she asked Jingtian about the situation. After Jing Tian only faintly returned to Tiangong, she didn't explain anything.

Why not talk about it?

Why was Jing Tian so cautious and devoted himself to it?

Zhao Jiaxue naturally knew what the heavenly palace meant, so she had to be patient. She believed that Jing Tian knew the value of heavenly palace better, otherwise he would not be so cautious.

Therefore, it is rare for Zhao Jiaxue to be a good baby. She has been holding back her curiosity and waiting until now. In her heart, she even imagined that Jing Tian won countless prizes.

Yes, she still thinks that as the champion of the battle of the gods, there must be huge prizes.

Since Jing Tian went to Tiangong, she should have been rewarded by God. Although the reward may be personal, she would be very happy to hear Jing Tian show off.

This melon tastes so fragrant and sweet!

However, like everyone else, she never thought that Jing Tian would gain God's ability to transform the world. This goal set by the team as the highest ideal was so quietly realized.

Yes, according to everyone’s inference, if you want to gain the power of God’s transformation, you must be able to stand on the top of the sky city, have the strength to be worshipped by other players, and must have a super influence, absolutely not alone. It is simple to do, at least a team, a strong team, so that players in the world can be convinced.

Moreover, the power of God's transformation should be obtained by a team. A person's power is limited, and gains may not have any effect.

Jing Tian didn’t hide it, and told everyone directly: “Odin felt that God’s work is too much, so he shared a feedback job for me, and asked me to collect suggestions from the game world to facilitate the transformation of the world. However, I hope you don’t. Say it, I don’t want to be chased by a group of cranky lunatics every day to talk about life."

what? What?

Easy to transform the world?

Everyone did not understand what Jing Tian was talking about, but soon, several people in the original game planning team suddenly thought of something, but it was this idea that made them overjoyed!

"Frog, can it be said that we have gained the ability to change the world? Can we participate in the planning of the game in the future? Our little goal has been achieved?"

Zhao Jiaxue was in a complicated mood at this time, and her voice trembled slightly with excitement.

She didn't expect that after three years, she would be able to participate in the planning of Sky Dungeon again. This kind of trance made her extremely unreal, and at the same time, she was extremely yearning for such an answer.

"That's right, we now have the ability to change God, and we can make some suggestions for game planning in the future. We can say that we have the right to exchange opinions with the planning team of Ten Yi. Although only my character can use God in form The ability to change the world, but this is the result of everyone's joint efforts, and in the future, only by working hard to create with everyone can we go further. I alone cannot improve the plan."

When Jing Tian said this, his heart was mixed.

Three years of gaming life has even transformed Jing Tian from the main strategy of the game to a player. Although he keeps saying that he will lead everyone to the top of the sky, he was directly excluded and signed by Tengyi. The pain of selling a treaty has gradually disappeared over time. UU reading

Regardless of the current Jingtian, Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi and Luo Xia seem to have forgotten their true identities, and they want to compete in the game and reach the peak of Sky City.

Everyone even enjoys the fun of being a player even more. They have quietly changed their mentality and state of mind, and even said that they are not so attached to their original wishes.

This is a strange phenomenon.

Obviously at the beginning, everyone was united in Chen Cheng and specified such a grand goal, but why is there no sense of success after achieving it now?

Perhaps, they were suddenly told that they could participate in game planning again. Each of them couldn't quickly complete this 180-degree turn in their hearts, and they were a little at a loss and didn't know what to do next.

Yes, when the set goal is achieved, everyone may breathe out in their hearts, as if the shackles of life have been completely shattered, but after being relaxed, they become a little idle.

How do you say that, one day of social life, a lifetime of social life.

However, Zhao Jiaxue walked out of this extremely unreality at an incredible speed, and her eyes were instantly flooded with tears.

she cried……

People often say that laughter can be contagious, yawning and sleepiness can be contagious, but this kind of inexplicable tears can sometimes be contagious!

Just when Yang Miaomiao didn't understand what was going on, he was asking what God's ability to reincarnate is, whether he could use the power of God's reincarnation to directly engage the BOSS to destroy the map.

It is rare for Jing Tian not to complain, and his heart is also filled with all these years of anxiety and hard work, and he can't help but cry with Zhao Jiaxue's cry.

Zhao Jiaxue's cry was weird, it was joy mixed with sadness and regret.

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