Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1697: Prosper and decline

That being the case, we can't force it.

"Would you not stay and go after a carnival? There are more people and there is no permanent feast in the world, but as friends, we can still get together, even across the mobile screen."

Zhao Jiaxue is the most loyal, and she is the softest person in the face of others.

"No, thank you for your care over the past three years. We have our own discipline, so don't let it go! If you talk too much, everyone will be even more sad. It's better to cut the mess with a sharp knife."

The one-horned Taurus is obviously not in a particularly good mood at this time, but he must execute it. Without a choice, he cannot betray his own motherland or the Star Guild.

Friendship is far from enough to defeat nations and nations.

Yes, the five members of the Constellation Party belong to a special organization in Russia. They are also organized and disciplined. Bei Mianzu is the leader of this organization and is responsible for maintaining Russian influence in the game Sky Dungeon , Expand allies and fight hostility.

It can also be said that the five of them are more patriotic and more loyal to their professions than ordinary Russian citizens.

There are no eternal friends and no eternal interests in this world.

Benefits are also double-edged swords. Obviously you may hold benefits, but you have been cut all over.

Benefits often become sepsis that tears apart human friendship, a time bomb that may explode at any time.

There is no room, everyone still sees the most undesirable reminder: member [Unicorn Taurus] has left the guild, hoping that he will still be friends with everyone forever on the road to find another way out.

"Will you be lonely without me? The president must talk privately with me as often as before!"

Reminder: The member [Two-tailed Scorpio] has left the guild, hoping that he will continue to be friends with everyone on the road to another way out.

This guy didn't even give everyone a chance to reply, so he ran away capriciously?

The key ghost has to chat with you privately!

Before you go, can't you just mine me bitterly?

How do I feel the sound of teeth grinding?

No, this is gearing up!

Zhao Jiaxue, what are you going to do?

Tell you, we are a civilized society!

Sister, we are all together on weekdays, do I have a private chat about twin-tailed Scorpio, don’t you know?

"You have to be bolder from now on, don't shrink from it!"

Reminder: The member [Two-headed Leo] has left the guild, hoping that he will continue to be friends with everyone on the road of finding another way out.

As a coward MT, do you think it is appropriate to say this?

Don't use words of encouragement on others casually!

"It's really a high-level plan to kill people. In fact, I really don't want to leave, but the leader has to say something. When the leader is replaced by me, I will bring everyone back! Come back and eat and drink, you must not dislike it!"

Reminder: The member [One-armed Cancer] has left the guild, hoping that he will continue to be friends with everyone on the road to find another way out.

You are great, don't you be afraid of being seen when you say this?

Didn't you find that there is still one person who has not left the guild?

Can you keep a low profile before leaving?

You can say something like eating and drinking?

You can't say something that makes people miss. At this time everyone just wants to say: "You never come back!"

"There will be a period!"

Tip: The member [one-eyed white eye seat] has left the guild, hoping that he will continue to be friends with everyone on the road to find another way out.

I'm all gone, I don't have to say a few more words. Why are you still so quiet and depressed?

What a poor child, I hope you can say a few more words when you go back. Autistic life is not good for your life.

It's really strange, why have to choose today?

When it is prosperous and declining, can it be difficult to escape such a law when riding a cloud and falling snow?

Did you do something wrong, or is the world wrong?

Well, no one is right or wrong, everything is fate.

"all gone?"

Zhao Jiaxue's voice was full of unconcealable sadness and unbelief.

Yes, it was supposed to be a celebration party, but how did it become a farewell party that fell apart?

Before the team building had time to start, the team destroyer had already been erected.

The three-year team, just said that and left?

Forget it, these spies are not at ease, so let's go away, and it's best not to come back again!

After all, it is only a short-lived false prosperity, and this kind of existence will leave sooner or later.

With such comfort, I hope it can sound in everyone's hearts.

"The one who should go is always to go. Don't be sad. If we are destined, we will get together again. However, I think it is more necessary to build a team now. If we are building another team, our small team will be separated. It must not be destroyed, we have to survive! Everyone, please prepare, who can't come?"

Jin Chengwu naturally came forward and said: "Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan to leave, but it’s really not convenient for me to go abroad, and I am involved in surgery and can’t walk away. You all know that although I like to play games, I’m very busy. of."

Jin Chengwu didn't seem to be busy, but everyone knew that this guy was either instructing others to perform surgery, or doing it himself. Although he could do it once a day at most, his schedule was still quite full.

In addition to crazy games, he also performs operations on people. Although there is an illusion that he is not doing his job properly, the operation performed by this guy has been very successful, and he has to be admired.

Why do Koreans sleep so little and still be so energetic?

Has it mutated and is no longer human?

Temporary gatherings like Jing Tian are a bit closer, but he obviously can't do a seven-day and seven-night carnival in China.

After all, I have already booked a patient, and maybe the number is full for the whole month, so I can't break my trust.

Jing Tian naturally also knows Jin Chengwu's daily state ~ and this kind of thing will naturally not be forced.

"Dear frog, our sisters can't be there. We want to go, but we are blocked by the power of the world, so we can't really go there!"

Naturally, it is the beautiful lady who is talking. What is blocked by the power of the world, you are clearly the work of Tengyi Company, afraid of revealing your identity when you come!

If you really show up in front of us, you must be found out!

"Then our sisters and brothers won't join in the fun, my brother, you know, I can't go out!"

You can't go out because you are crazy handsome?

Will you just accept your shameless reason?

"My sister and I won't go anymore, stay away from social people like you, so that you don't do anything excessive to my sister!" The white voice was full of vigilance and contempt.

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