Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1703: What is this **** operation

"Okay, fat man, ask Yang Miaomiao where his sister has gone."

At this point, the fat man Luo Xia suddenly realized that the most important thing is to fight with Jing Tian, ​​it should be his wife!

So he immediately separated from Jing Tian and interposed directly between Zhao Jiaxue and Yang Miaomiao and asked, "Uncle-in-law, where is your sister?"

"Huh? She didn't mean to go first to see your situation, if it is safe to come and pick me up?"


Can we swallow you alive?

"Ah! I was fooled by my idiot sister again. He ran away on his own and sold me again!"

Are there such kind of brothers and sisters?

You can think of it...the key is why you sold it again?

It turns out that Yang Mimi is not the first time to do this kind of thing!

Sure enough, we can't understand the family love of aliens!

"Well, I'll make a call."

Jing Tian directly drew out his cell phone and dialed out. Soon there was a melodious song sound not far away, which was obviously someone's cell phone ringtone.


Everyone immediately understood what had happened, and they all cast their eyes to a newsstand not far away.

Obviously, Yang Mimi is hiding there and peeping at what is happening here!

Did this guy plan everything, even the fat guy's hug was counted in it?

At this moment, Yang Mimi seemed to know that she was exposed, so she walked out from behind the newsstand, and then walked towards several people.

However, seeing Yang Mimi walking out, everyone's faces were somewhat calm, and the corners of their mouths began to twitch involuntarily.

", your sister usually goes out like this?"

"That's not true. She must have put on the cat who has no face to see me! Yes, there is a cat who pits her own brother? I want to sever the relationship with her brother and sister! Do you know any awesome lawyers? I must Get rid of this guy from the law!"


Even if there are lawyers, is there a law to sever ties?

With that, Yang Miaomiao rushed to her sister, and then cut off relations with Yang Mimi with a look of contempt.

However, Yang Mimi waved her hand like catching a fly, and then casually said: "Idiot brother, do you know the way home? You'd better be quiet, otherwise you can stay on the street and let you feel the passion of passers-by. ! If you are not enthusiastic enough, I will unplug your shirt and let your masculine breath permeate this neighborhood!"

Passersby's passion?

Yang Miaomiao trembled uncontrollably when she heard these words.

What kind of inhuman treatment has this child experienced?

Sure enough, being too handsome is also a sin, especially in this era. Everyone has a mobile phone and changes to a digital camera at any time, and the flash effect is not bad.

In particular, the existence of such non-stars is often regarded by passers-by as a peerless treasure, taking crazy pictures.

As for what extraordinary things the **** would do, Jing Tian couldn't imagine, and he didn't want to encounter the same experience in his lifetime.

"Welcome to visit, don't you take off the mask?" Jing Tian coughed and greeted.

"This is my logo. If you take it off, you will admit the wrong person, right?" Jing Aishu

This sentence left the three of them speechless!

After all, they just confirmed the wrong person. The key to this wrong person is based on not knowing that Yang Miaomiao is also here!

That's right, Yang Mimi didn't say that the two came together from the beginning.

Of course, Jing Tian wouldn't be so boring to question, after all, she never said that she was the only one to come over!

Besides, Yang Miaomiao was originally a member of the guild. Is it wrong to come with Yang Mimi?

Nothing wrong, and very reasonable!

It's just that everyone is preconceived and admits the wrong person.

Therefore, Jing Tian was not hypocritical, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, your brother may look too much like you, and his clothes are easy to misunderstand."

"Hey... indeed, you can't blame you. My stupid brother doesn't want to be a big lady in women's clothing, so the clothes I wear are more neutral. This is also a good way for me to give him. In this way, it is not easy to be caught by others. At a glance, he is a man, so he won’t be taken as an endangered species. If you guys know that my brother and I look alike, then why care too much about my appearance behind the mask? You want to see me When it’s time, just look at him."

Is it scary to take a group photo?

Obviously you have omitted a lot of horrible past!

It turns out that the reason why Yang Miaomiao has a ponytail and dressed like a girl is to confuse everyone's perception and not to treat him as the world's number one beautiful man!

Also, we take your brother as you, what kind of magic operation is this, there is no way to transplant it smoothly!

Everyone wanted to treat him as a boy. You misled him, and we began to doubt Yang Miaomiao's gender again!

No matter how you look at it, your brother should wear a mask. His appearance will indeed become a social instability factor.

Looking at Zhao Jiaxue's performance after learning that the other party is Yang Miaomiao, we can know what kind of spark collision will happen next if the majority of female compatriots lock on beautiful men at a glance.

That's right, Zhao Jiaxue is still swallowing saliva at this time!

What about marrying a rich family?

Want to be a rich young lady?

How do you face Yang Miaomiao, all your ideals are in vain?

Sure enough, girls are the animals that look at their looks!

As long as boys are handsome, their principles are no principles!

This kind of makes Jing Tian feel a little envious, his old face doesn't feel like a thin skin and tender flesh, and he doesn't know how Yang Miaomiao takes care of it. It's too bad!

"Wife, I want to kill you!"

Fatty Luoxia didn't care so much, he still said the lines he had prepared for a long This is really a bit contemptuous in my heart, I have said it just now, can't I change the lines?

"Xia Xia, you are not afraid that I will uncover the mask. Are you a man? Also, when did you become so stupid? I have said long ago that we are just a relationship in the game, and there is no legitimate couple in the game. System, but I still treat you as the husband in the game. But don’t get me wrong. In reality, although we are not strangers, I can’t accept what you call me. Please call me the Empress."

Lady Empress?

Feelings Yang Mimi likes this title very much!

She seems to enjoy the feeling of being worshipped!

Originally thought it was a slogan made by the Empress fans, but Jing Tian thought of Ye Lanmeng's strong character. He was confident enough to doubt that the title of the Empress came from her own mouth!

It's just that there are more people calling, so everyone calls like that...

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