Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1705: A few uninvited guests

However, at this moment, Nan Lingxi's cell phone rang, and when she answered the phone, she said excitedly: "Yumian, let the security downstairs let it go. It's all our people. The gift came. I didn't expect it to come. So timely, this is a match made in heaven."

"No way, everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"


What are you guys doing?

This is another gift I bought. Is it impossible for a large number of people to carry it in?

A match made in heaven?

Don't talk about it like carrying a dowry, okay?

Everyone is even more curious. They are completely out of the interest of listening to Jingtian's meeting. They stare at the entrance of the banquet hall with wide-eyed eyes, looking forward to the unexpected gifts that will be delivered.

Soon, everyone did not wait for any gifts, but only a few people.

Obviously, these few people can simply be described with empty hands, and they didn't carry any valuable gifts like they imagined.

However, these uninvited guests are more important than precious gifts, and more surprising than any gift, because as the Nanjia maid walked in, it turned out to be a combination of boys and girls. The tall and thin eyes of the man were full of alertness, and the woman The Beatles were shivering like Sadako hiding behind the boy.

That's right, someone might have guessed it, who is coming...

"Ah, are you brothers and sisters of impermanence?"

Black and white impermanence?

Hearing these four words, a stern expression appeared on the white face and the black face, and then said: "I'm not suitable for traveling recently. Sure enough, the dignified chairman didn't welcome us, and even said that it hurts people! Isn't it? Are you going to bite people later? I tell you, don't think we are young and bully!"

Sure enough, white does not understand black and black does not understand white!

Are you young?

Hehe, everyone is an adult, so don’t care about your age too much. Are we single digits bigger than you?

Don't make us look like our uncles and aunts, haven't you seen the beautiful women around you have begun to release invisible grievances?

"Don’t don’t don’t, I’m just confirming your identity. If you don’t say that, how can you force your signature mantra? I said God stick, how do you make up your mind to participate in the celebration party? I thought it was difficult to move you. Brother and sister are two great gods."

"Huh, it's not to treat my sister's anthropophobia. Fortunately, I didn't see a few strangers on the road. You arranged it well, and my sister's condition is still stable. But at this time, there is something wrong, you don't do it quickly. Introduce myself. I just calculated it, and in five minutes, if her condition can't stabilize, we must go back!"

Introduce yourself?

Yes, although Little Black Sister is phobias, after getting along with everyone for so long, she feels more or less close, and she is not as restrained at first.

Even if she does not enter the sterilization mode, in many cases, she will not be lumpy when talking to everyone, every word. Sixth book

She must be made to understand that everyone in front of her is an acquaintance, the familiar one!

Only in this way can her sense of strangeness be eliminated, and there will be no tension or pain.

"Okay, it's an unexpected surprise. Thank you brother and sister Black and White for coming. I am your chairman and watch the sky! Please call me Jingtian. This is the fat guy next to me. Here is his size and tonnage. Everyone would recognize it naturally. He was next to January 31st. I didn’t expect that this guy is really a wandering poet. Everyone knows his curly ponytail is an artist. I told him before. , I didn’t expect that he happened to be walking nearby, so he came directly. It was you who came to the guild club first..."

In fact, before January 31st, this guy was dull. He happened to be in the vicinity of M City, and finally saw that he couldn't get it.

Introduced everyone in the banquet hall. The mood of black and white gradually calmed down, and the characters in the game were sorted out one by one. Although her expression was very painful and difficult, everyone was cheering for her. Come on, I hope she can be as cold as a cold-blooded killer in the game when facing the phobia germs, killing her with a single blow.

However, it is clear that it is not a matter of a while for black and white to overcome anthrophobia. Although she has no tension and tremor before, she is still hiding behind her brother and sneaking at everyone from time to time, like It was a timid mouse facing a group of wild cats.

Although a little funny, no one made fun of her.

When Black and White looked at Yang Mimi before, Yang Mimi made an amazing move. Without any reason, she took off the mask on her own initiative. The true face of the mask Ji was exposed in front of everyone, and everyone looked at the ground as a stunner.

I don't know where Little Black Sister is so charming. Before everyone begged grandpa to tell her grandma, Ye Lanmeng didn't show her true face, but Xiao Hei looked so curiously, but she moved Ye Lanmeng's heart.

Don't get me wrong, Ye Lanmeng has absolutely no special preferences. This guy is kind and very personal. The more people ask her, she might refuse.

Faced with the harmless little black sister, wearing a mask to scare others is naturally inappropriate.

On the other hand, everyone stayed for one. It's not that her appearance is against the sky, she can defeat the peerless beauty of Liu Yaya, Lin Yumian, and Nan Lingxi, but her appearance and Yang Miaomiao are almost printed in the same mill!

Good deed, are you really twin brothers and sisters?

Everyone has always doubted the relationship between your brothers and sisters. Now no one doubts it anymore. This is more convincing than any proof.

Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and finally affirmed that Ye Lanmeng had not been plastic surgery!

At least one less sin of my own This is really gratifying.

The most satisfying thing is Falling Summer. Seeing the true face of his wife in the game, he inexplicably raised a warmth in his heart. This is the feeling of happiness knocking on the door. He even dreamed of entering the marriage palace with Yang Mimi in the future. Scene.

Fortunately, Yang Mimi seemed to have a little more mature skin. Although it was well maintained, she was not better than her younger brother who was a few years younger.

I have to say that Yang Miaomiao still has a little bit of benefit without going out and squatting at home. At least the ultraviolet rays did not harm his skin.

This may be one of the reasons why Yang Mimi sees her brother not pleasing to the eye, right?

How can an older sister allow her younger brother to look better than herself?

"Okay, everyone is here, and I have introduced it again. I officially announced that the first offline celebration party of the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild will begin here! Everyone has a toast!"

That's right, since it is a celebration party, of course, there is no need for drinks. You can eat without drinks, but you must have enough drinks!

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