Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1713: I lose the world, the world loses me

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Fatty Luo Xia was not originally a noble person. The experience of the mixed society tells him that one should leave an extra retreat. People must not trust anyone. Anyone can betray themselves, and they can betray everyone.

He is a mixed existence in which I negate the world and the world negates me.

So he quietly kept the contact information of the Blue Wolf Soul. After running away from home last night, he felt homeless and immediately thought of the Blue Wolf Soul, so he contacted the other party.

Since they choose to betray, choose the most painful way for Jing Tian and the others. Choosing the Blue Wolf Guild is the best choice, and he can also use his own way to revenge, making the Blue Wolf Guild a tool and backing for his own revenge.

Now, the venomous snake of Soul of the Green Wolf quickly expanded the flaws of the Cloud Riding Guild, and became the person who knew the Cloud Riding Guild best.

Just like this, Jing Tian listed the Blue Wolf Guild as the number one enemy.

The most feared is the enemy who knows himself best!

Luo Xia's betrayal made everyone feel a lot heavier and easier.

The heavy thing is that the originally small guild shattered once again, which may be the last straw to crush the camel.

Easily, the contradictions within the guild became a little less as Luo Jing Xia Shi left.

Now that things have reached this point, there is no turning back. Even if you find Luo Xia back, everyone's hearts will not be opened, and the inner haze will be more, and it will even fall apart again.

Next time, I’m afraid it’s not Fatty who will leave, but Yang’s brother and sister, right?

"Oh? What should we do now, I'm afraid we have been betrayed."

As a calm bystander, Liu Yaya had already guessed everything at this time.

"Don’t talk nonsense. Although the fat man is lustful, he shouldn’t be so offline. Will he sell all our information? Then the green wolf people want to human us? And Yumian and Mimi, they But they are all Internet celebrities. If they are exposed, they will definitely have a bad influence! Even if he is a traitor, he is a limited betrayal."

Zhao Jiaxue still couldn't fully accept the fact that the fat man was completely betrayed.

"It's okay, you can rest assured about this. It is to give the soul of the blue wolf a hundred courage. He does not dare to just make a fuss about reality, otherwise he must die very ugly. New accounts and old accounts will be calculated together. He will never let him have a good day! Everything is the power of internet celebrities!" Lin Yumian said casually, and even a drop of crystal liquid beads slipped out of the corner of her mouth unconsciously, as if the soul of the blue wolf was the bitter in her mouth. Meaty.

"Uh...Since Yumian said so, everyone can rest assured, but you must be careful when you go out to avoid unnecessary trouble. If the coordinates of the empress are really exposed, we may be in big trouble here!"

Jing Tian couldn't imagine that if members of the female emperor's husband group knew the current position of the female emperor, would they rush to sit here directly from all over the country?

Nima, that will definitely cause serious consequences, and everyone will suffer.

I am afraid it will alarm the city's leaders, and even higher-level existence will be moved and worried.

"Don't worry, the hero, the soul of the blue wolf will not be so unbearable. If you do, he will be the first person responsible for this matter. His evaluation at home will be greatly reduced, and even greater disasters will be caused to him."

Lin Yumian denied Jing Tian's hypothesis and was a reassurance pill for Jing Tian.

It seems that the soul of the blue wolf is not a wicked person. Since he dared to blatantly win over Luo Xia this time, he can be regarded as pushing himself to the cusp of the storm. If anything happens to the riding cloud guild, it will have a bad impact on society. , Then the first responsible person became him instead of Riding Cloud Guild.

As long as it is a person with normal brains, he knows who has leaked the news, and who has managed the stratagem.

Therefore, the current Qiyun Luoxue is very safe. The Soul of the Blue Wolf will not only keep the secrets by himself, but will also ask Fatty Luoxia to keep the secrets, and will definitely not make such a despicable attack against Guiyun Guild. Diandian Library

However, there are still some people who are still a little uneasy. After all, in the eyes of some people, Fatty is definitely not the kind of peaceful person. Since he is determined to go to the opposite of everyone, I am afraid that he will use all means to attack everyone.

Could it be that you can't do what you can't do, and you can't make a trip secretly?

"Oh? How about changing the place of the guild club, now this community is not particularly safe, even if there is Lin Yumian guards, but if there is any large-scale impact, I am afraid it will be broken in minutes. The power is very powerful. No matter how powerful the guard is, it is impossible to attack in public, and it is even more impossible to bring down the crowd like a lawnmower."

Liu Yaya was right. If there is a gathering of fans to attack the building, then Lin Yumian's guard is indeed a little weak.

"Don't worry, I have arranged to reinforce the entire Now we are installing automatic gates and other security doors. Accidentally, I also had people rectify the roof of the building, and an emergency escape point will be established. If there is any irreversible trouble, we can also board the plane and evacuate through the escape point. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

Boarding and evacuation?

What machine?


You have already achieved this step?

No, there is no condition to park planes on the roof!

Is it to board the plane directly through the elevator?

This is too mysterious, right?

Can you bear a bad heart?

Lin Yumian is very satisfied with his operation and very confident.

This is indeed the power of internet celebrities. If it were not for internet celebrities, would everyone be in awe?

In other words, what is an automatic gate safety door?

Is it the kind of fire isolation gate in the basement?

My goodness, are you going to install it in the whole building?

What a handwriting is this?

Is the key necessary? Actually, it's more cost-effective for us to change to another community?

Are you going to transform the entire building into a base?

As a guild club, it is really tall!

We really don’t understand the world of female tyrants!

What Jing Tian didn't expect was that Lin Yumian's small practice won the approval and favor of most people.

That's right, everyone has feelings for Kukai Garden, a sense of dependence on home, and a sense of security at home. Now if everyone is allowed to relocate, although it will not be a nail-biter, but they still feel unwilling to give up more. !

After all, there are three years of memories of everyone being together here. Many happy and unhappy things happened here, which are important histories that cannot be forgotten in their lives.

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