Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1723: Nice and helpful man

"That's great, you are such a good person! A super good person!"

Xiyangsen was very satisfied with his performance and nodded so that Zhao Jiaxue went to the hotel with him.

After arriving at the hotel, Zhao Jiaxue got the card of her room and entered the elevator with Xi Yangsen.

"Is this your first time to America?"

"Yes, I am traveling freely."

Zhao Jiaxue didn't want to tell Xi Yangsen that he had won the lottery, because that seemed too shabby and embarrassing.

"So, it seems that you are still too unfamiliar with this place. If you do this, you will cause a lot of trouble. Why not, I live in the presidential suite A001, you can come up to me when you are settled, and I will teach you something as much as possible. In Midea’s experience, you can avoid detours. Don’t worry, if you’re scared, you can call the waiter in the hotel. I can tip you, and you will never be harmed."

With that, Xi Yangsen handed the doorman a tip to the doorman who carried the luggage, and said something to the doorman in English.

However, Zhao Jiaxue has no reason to think about all of this. She has been completely attracted by the words "Presidential Suite"!

The presidential suite, isn't it something that only big people can afford to live in?

In her opinion, she can afford to live in the presidential suite here, and some people who live in it are probably rich or expensive. The man in front of her is definitely a big or young man. There is a big fish!

Moreover, although this person looks a bit eclectic and has a cynical feeling, but the approach is so gentle and impeccable that a warm current can not be sprouted in the girl's heart.

That's right, this is probably something called gentleness of men!

And a good man who is helpful!

It is often because men lack gentleness, so gentleness is a rare thing in men, and it can shine.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the lack of domineering girls that Liu Yaya is so outstanding among the girls that Jing Tian can't give up.

Thinking of Jing Tian, ​​Zhao Jiaxue had to be cruel. After all, the man in front of him might be the only chance to realize her ideals in her life. If she gave up, then God will punish herself and make herself regret for a lifetime!

Thinking about winning a lottery is a kind of adventure in itself. It is a good fate bestowed by God, so that you will meet someone you are destined for. If you miss it, you won't have such good luck again.

As a result, Zhao Jiaxue did not hesitate anymore, opened the luggage bag immediately after arriving in the room, opened her own makeup mode, and must dress herself to the peak value.

In the process of applying makeup, Zhao Jiaxue couldn't help but fantasize about what might happen next...

This is naturally the thing that the thought jumping guy is best at.

At this time, Xi Yangsen was lying on the bed with a proud face, talking leisurely with the soul of the green wolf, after boasting his charm and acting skills over and over again, the soul of the green wolf hung up impatiently.

Although the Soul of Green Wolf didn't fully believe in Xiyangsen's statement, he was still satisfied with his performance as a whole, especially when he heard that Zhao Jiaxue had been fascinated by Xiyangsen, it made him feel that he was using the right person this time.

"Huh, I go out, this kind of little milk cake lost in front of money will naturally come into my mouth. I want to eat Zhao Jiaxue cleanly, and then send her to a three-year rich cram school. Finally leave her ruthlessly, so that her youth is gone forever. Hahaha...What a perfect plan, it will definitely turn the little lamb into an angry pheasant. Hahaha..."

"No, no, no, for the three years in the cram school, I still have to comfort her from time to time, cheer her up, and never let her give up. To keep giving him hope, never let him give up. Zhao Jiaxue, Zhao Jiaxue, you are also lucky. , Normally, it’s useless to even give me the qualifications to lift shoes like yours. This time I let you serve my uncle, and also gives you the opportunity to receive education from the upper class. This is a blessing that you have accumulated in several lifetimes. This is also considered Equivalent exchange!"

"Furthermore, maybe you can meet other giants and young people in the future, and you who are proficient in rich etiquette, can't you get in the car quickly? Maybe your wish will come true so easily. Thank you Ben Handsome guy! I'm such a good man who is very helpful..."

I have to say that Xiyangsen's acting skills are indeed good. Although there are loopholes in it, it is impossible to detect the lost kitten.

After careful cleaning, Zhao Jiaxue opened the door, and when she was about to touch the presidential suite by herself, the doorman on the side suddenly jumped out and shocked Zhao Jiaxue!

After casual communication, Zhao Jiaxue found that her poor oral English was almost worse than that of a three-year-old child. The doorman did not understand what she meant, but made a gesture of leading the way.

Zhao Jiaxue casually thought of what the handsome man said to the doorman in the elevator before, and she guessed that the doorman was waiting to pick herself up to the presidential suite.

It seems that the handsome local tyrant is still quite attentive!

I know my English is very poor, so I have explained everything in advance, even if I can't say anything, I can be guided.

He is really a good man who is willing to help others, maybe a good man who can rely on his whole life.

Happily followed the doorman all the way to the door of the presidential suite. Zhao Jiaxue found that the door of the presidential suite was the same as an ordinary door. This somewhat disappointed her and even began to wonder if the handsome local tyrant was a liar.

It's just an ordinary room. Why do you want to say a presidential suite?

Do you pretend to be fat?

Or is it that you have a wrong understanding of the presidential suite?

After all, what I saw before was all legends!

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. When the handsome local tyrant opened the door, Zhao Jiaxue was completely stunned by the scene in front of him!

That's right, this is definitely a presidential suite. It's not right. Where is the suite? This is clearly a villa built on top of the hotel!

Through the spacious hall, Zhao Jiaxue clearly saw the revolving upward stairs. The handrails of the stairs were carved with extreme attention. They seemed to be the work of some master, let alone the giant pictures on the walls. What a luxury and domineering!

Somewhat bewildered and followed Xi Yangsen into the room, Zhao Jiaxue was completely shocked by the luxury of the presidential suite and was a little speechless.

Xiyangsen turned his back to Zhao Jiaxue, showing a look of contempt, but the next breath he put away his contempt, and turned to greet Zhao Jiaxue: "You are welcome, please sit down."

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