Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1729: Guilty conscience

After getting out of the car, Zhao Jiaxue's hanging heart fell completely.

As a girl from a civilian background, she was actually extremely afraid of the local tyrant young master to retaliate against herself.

Especially when she was absconding with the money...Uh, no, it was when she was absconding with the goods, but she fantasized about the current scene of being arrested by Xiyangsen countless times, and even fantasized about how she was tortured after being arrested. , Even the process of being physically and mentally devastated by Xiyangsen.

This is a guilty conscience!

As a woman with a leap of thought, she even thought that she would be detained by the customs. After all, she checked so many luxury goods, how she looked like a super purchasing agent!

Even if there is no large quantity of goods, Zhao Jiaxue's guilty appearance and nervous expression will be detained when he leaves the customs, which is a typical example of what he has done.

This kind of person must be interrogated for three or four days in the small black room!

Fortunately, Lin Yumian at the customs has helped him dredge everything. Nan Lingxi’s business partners here seem to have a good relationship with the Nan family. They are happy to help Nan Lingxi with this favor, and help himself to leave the hotel. Everything is going well Surprisingly!

Sure enough, there are rivers and lakes wherever there are people, as long as you mix well, you won't leave any traces in the world.

Of course, getting on the plane safely does not mean that Zhao Jiaxue's mood can be calmed down because of this, and her deer crashed into chaos. Sitting on the plane, she kept fantasizing about her own affairs being exposed, and the plane turned around and returned home...

That's right, I might be an internationally wanted criminal now, so it's normal for a plane to turn around or something?

When you get off the plane, a large number of American security guards will be waiting for you!

It was not until after the plane landed that Zhao Jiaxue's horror fantasies disappeared. If the plane did not land, it seemed to her that it was possible to turn around at any time.

This guy doesn't even consider whether the airplane has that much fuel!

However, this does not mean that Zhao Jiaxue will feel relieved. She immediately began to fantasize about a brand-new horror. She even felt that the people waiting for her in the airport were plainclothes, or the minions of the Western Forest and the Soul of the Green Wolf. Control yourself!

Directly convict yourself of any guilt, maybe send a special plane to extradite yourself to the United States, then you will still be in the United States!

However, fortunately, Zhao Jiaxue could get in touch with Jingtian through her mobile phone, and after getting the affirmation of Jingtian's safety, Zhao Jiaxue slowly entered the country.

Jing Tian felt helpless to Zhao Jiaxue's mouse performance, and she was really bold and timid!

So timid, why did you take the initiative to suggest Duokeng Xiyangsen several times?

Can't you embark on the return journey after pitting Xiyangsen once?

I really set myself up!

Soon, the group of people who met Zhao Jiaxue assisted her with all the luggage, and escorted Zhao Jiaxue back all the way in three cars.

Of course, Zhao Jiaxue’s little deer is still bluffing and bluffing. She also fantasizes about some drag racing scenes that will only appear in American blockbusters, as well as the impossible car collision interception scenes. She even imagined that there will be a helicopter to intercept. some type of.

She even imagined that Xiyangsen would buy murderers in a rage, and arrange some professional assassins, preparing to sniper herself halfway, maybe there will be bullets breaking into the glass and passing through her head easily. , Leaving a **** wound!

If Jing Tian knew, he would definitely complain in his heart: Why don't you imagine that a drone will be dispatched and throw two small missiles directly at you?

Now that Corgi is so developed, is it so complicated to find a killer? Isn't the sniper afraid of missed?

Using drones to save money and effort, Xiyangsen can also operate it by itself, wouldn't it be even cooler?

Frightened all the way back to the Konghai Garden, Zhao Jiaxue was completely relaxed at this time. She understood that the entire community was under the protection of Lin Yumian, and even the soul of the blue wolf did not dare to make trouble.

As for Xiyangsen, the pair is not a giant of the Blue Wolf Soul level, but just a lackey of the opponent.

Relaxed Zhao Jiaxue did not collapse, and directed several people to carry his trophy.

You know, this time she bought a lot of good things. Although she did not buy heavy items as much as possible for convenience, but with more clothes and bags, they are bulky and heavy, and they are not very easy to carry!

At the airport, if it weren't for the business friends arranged by Nanlingxi to send out a wave of subordinates to help, Zhao Jiaxue would be very melancholy even if it was checked.

Someone helped on board the plane, someone helped transport the goods off the plane, and now someone helped carry the luxury goods. The feeling of counting the trophies is amazing!

This is definitely a big victory in life!

Needless to say, in order to thank Lin Yumian and Nan Lingxi for their great help, Zhao Jiaxue immediately distributed part of her trophies to the two.

This is to express gratitude. Of course, you can't leave others alone. Besides, Zhao Jiaxue's principle is loyalty. Most of the luxury goods are bought according to the number of people. It is her habit to get wet and rain.

As for how valuable these things are, Zhao Jiaxue doesn't know how to do it, and she doesn't bother to do it. Anyway, it's not his own thing. After everyone divides the stolen goods, I feel more at ease!

Of course, in order to highlight the importance of Lin Yumian and Nan Lingxi, Zhao Jiaxue chose two of the out-of-print luxury goods for them, and she also kept two of them. The other girls did not receive out-of-print luxury goods.

Of course, everyone also understands the reason, and because of this, Zhao Jiaxue doesn't feel that the spoils are divided equally.

Of course, there are a few exceptions, that is, all the men present, UU reading www.uukahnshu. com, none of them got a luxury item!

I have to say that Zhao Jiaxue buys all luxury goods for women, and there is no one for men at all!

It's impossible for Zhao Jiaxue to give these men a lipstick. It's okay to use it as a signature pen, right?

However, Zhao Jiaxue is Zhao Jiaxue, and her mind jumping ability is still very strong. When she found that she was watching the girls share the spoils and her face showed envy, Jing Tian decided to ask for a more neutral bag from the girls. Back, and then distributed to the men present.

After taking over the seemingly fancy backpack, the men finally showed their gazes of joy. It's not that they really envy the women and how many gifts they got. The key is whether Zhao Jiaxue can think of everyone's sake.

Even if I bring you back some American snacks, everyone will be satisfied!

Zhao Jiaxue kept saying: "I'm sorry, I sent it wrong just now. This is a gift for you. I'm really sorry, because I went to a lady's store, only this one is relatively neutral and can be carried by both men and women. Don’t you? Dislike it! Talk is better than nothing. If you mind, give it back to me. I won't be angry on the surface!"

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