Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1736: This guy is simply a digger

Now that he received Luo Xia's invitation, at least Boss Liu felt that he could still help Luo Xia and redeem himself, just like seeing a ray of hope.

To be alive, there must be some value and do things that are at ease.

"I'm doing it! Not only to help me, but also to help everyone. I believe the guild needs you, a big guy with a deep understanding of the game! Not only can you help me, you can help many Chinese players, everyone is a family, even if Some people cannot forgive you, but if you insist on being kind and giving, any mistakes you make will be understood by the world, you will be praised by most people, and your life will be perfect."

Yes, maybe the Cloud Riding Guild does not need it, but Boss Liu's understanding of Sky Dungeon is not comparable to ordinary people!

"You are right, I can still help you and help more people! Okay, I'll join!"

So, it didn't take long before Jing Tian and others received news from Lin Yumian that the smoker and the rap expert had turned into the soul of the green wolf.

Regarding this, Jing Tian still had no surprises. Even Zhao Jiaxue could think of things that Jing Tian could see from it.

Moreover, he has already begun to think about Luo Xia's next move. It can be said that Fatty's operation is not clever, but it makes people very helpless. Even if he prepares early, he may not be able to defeat the opponent's conspiracy, or even the opponent uses it. Yangmou makes you intolerable, you can't choose to back down, you can only choose to enter the pit.

Jing Tian couldn't understand it better, Luo Xia wanted to disintegrate her team bit by bit, digging out the people around her one by one!

This guy is simply a digger!

Jing Tian was naturally right. At this time, the smiling Green Wolf Soul was laughing and talking with Luo Xia about accepting Boss Liu, and promised to give him higher authority to become the chief instructor of the guild.

Allow him to shine in the group guild, and even give him a certain amount of financial compensation, so that he will become a second-line behind-the-scenes worker from fighting on the front line. Although there are fewer opportunities to show his face, he can guide more people and help more people.

"I said, Brother Xia, you see that we are now struggling to fight, and the Guild Riding Clouds can’t breathe. Now is the best time to take advantage of the victory. Who do you think should be the next step to disintegrate the Guild Riding Clouds? Is there any easy way to start, How do I feel that the old bones underneath are hard to gnaw?"

"Brother Wolf, don't worry, I have already thought about it. I wonder if you have investigated the two sisters, the beautiful aunt and the ugly little girl? The two are themselves problematic, and it would be better to start with them."

"The two of them? It seems that their origins are very mysterious. Even if I use the relationship, I haven't found out how they are related to Tengyi Company. In short, the two women in reality did not play games. They entered the game pretending to be the two. . It should be a dark game set by Tengyi Company. If we make a fuss about them, I am afraid that it will attract the dissatisfaction of Tengyi Company, and even secretly give us trouble.

"Yes, yes, this is exactly the same as I heard Jing Tian's analysis before. It is precisely because they entered the game as human beings, which is fatal. In fact, we don't need to publicize this secret to make people. Everybody knows."

"Oh? So what should we do?"

The Soul of the Blue Wolf showed an expression of interest, and he did not expect that Luo Xia would always bring a brand new idea to herself. Make

"It's very simple, we can negotiate with them and let them leave the Riding Cloud Guild, otherwise we will shake their affairs out! We just verbally threatened, I believe that Tengyi Company is not willing to make such a big thing, and will only retreat Secondly, order them to leave the Riding Cloud Guild. The combat power of these two men is a little amazing, and all the configurations are almost perfect. You are not in the hands of the two women. As long as they leave the Riding Cloud Guild, then Jingtian is like broken One arm."

"En... Brother Xia is right! I did give Tengyi company face before, but Tengyi company can't protect the calf like this, let alone send two masters to interfere with the game balance. I know what to do, Then they sent someone to negotiate with the two women. But what if the other party disagrees? Do we have to do something?"

"Brother Wolf is wise, but let me do this. After all, I have been dealing with them for such a long time, so I can speak with ease. It is difficult to find others to talk to them. If they disagree, we will consider The jar broke and fell. Anyway, Tengyi Company can’t tell us what it is doing to us because of a little doubt, and secretly stumbling the players. Even if we don’t sin against Tengyi Company, the pit cargo that kicked Tian Nongjing would do the same. Yes, he just has this hobby."

"It couldn't be better! Brother has broken my heart for the guild, I will add a red ingredient to you, and if there is anything dissatisfied with the green wolf bite, you can choose again, Brother Xia."

The Soul of Green Wolf nodded in satisfaction, and it was time to throw out the rewards.

From the eyes of the Blue Wolf Soul, Fatty was only satisfied with a woman, and felt somewhat false and unreal. Perhaps he had fallen, and the Blue Wolf Soul could be more at ease and relieved.

"Where can I be satisfied, and being able to escape the curse of a single dog, what can I not be satisfied with?"

At this time, Luo Xia only thought of the Zhao Jiaxue curse that was lingering in her heart: You deserve to be single, single for a lifetime!

This somewhat surprised the Soul of the Blue Wolf. Luo Xia repeatedly rejected the kindness she offered, which was not like the quality of a deadly fat house in a mixed society.

However, after thinking about it, this fat man was also in love for the first time, and he should be relatively unfamiliar. A green wolf bite and coaxed him around.

In addition, UU reading, the green wolf biting the woman quite schemingly, seemed to have given the fat man some vaccination, so the fat man did not dare to mess around.

This green wolf bite is also an excellent housekeeper, can't he say that he will let the other party take care of the fat man?

Then I was a bit too much.

Well, after a while, wait for this fat man to change his heart before arranging a new girlfriend for him. We must let him get the greatest life satisfaction with me and let him reach the pinnacle of life!

Luo Xia quickly contacted the beautiful aunt and the ugly chick in the game: "Two beauties, I wonder if you can be lonely in these days when I am away?"

"Ah, fat man, to be honest, we are now in the opposing camp! You are simply a master digger, the emperor of digging walls!" The beautiful lady said indifferently.

"That is, don't waste our time. I don't have a half-hearted feeling for pandas, especially obese pandas!"

The ugly little girl is very cold towards people other than the frog and her sister.

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