Sky Dungeon

Chapter 34: 14th in the world

Through the various performances of the trial, the player seems to be doing a 15-level test. The final result is the recommended occupation determined by the system. The planning of this test is also done by Jing Tian. He naturally gets the systematic Recommended general occupation. Of course, even if you answer the wrong question, it doesn't matter if you get other professions recommended by the system. Players can still stubbornly choose their favorite profession, although it may not be suitable for them.

   After all, this is just a choice based on the player's choice, but some people hate the feeling of being led by the nose, rebelliously choose another one, and get satisfaction through their own success.

   It may be inconvenient to say that, so I will give you an example of the problem given by the system. For example, for the knights selected by Jing Tian, ​​the final choices are: Honor Paladin, General, Dark Paladin. Then the first level about the knight is a question like this: "How do you want to deal with a powerful enemy?"

  The choices are as follows: A. Defend to win, and use a strong defense to respond to the enemy's arrogance. B. Exchange blood with blood, drink the enemy's blood, cannibalize the enemy with a powerful output, and make yourself invincible. C. Regard death as home, single-handedly enter the enemy line, and use powerful skills and awareness to win the front line of life.

   If the player chooses A, then it will add 1 point to the Glory Paladin; if it chooses B, it will add 1 point to the Dark Paladin; of course, choose C, it will give the general 1 point.

   When the player accepts the task of a single challenge monster, the player's attributes will be forcibly modified to a fixed value, and then the player's combat performance will be comprehensively analyzed. For example, if the player moves less in battle and his HP drops quickly, the system will judge the Glory Paladin to add points. This profession has fewer moves and is easy to get started.

If the player moves in the right position during the battle and the blood volume declines slowly, the system will judge the dark paladin as a bonus. This class has a powerful single blood-sucking skill, which can make up for the player’s general shortcomings, and the strong output power can also allow the game Diverse.

Of course, if the player moves frequently in battle and can maintain a slow decline in blood volume, or even defeats an NPC monster, it will be judged as a general bonus. The level of consciousness operation requirements for this class is relatively high. If there is no frequent movement, Not to mention the single-handedly in the enemy formation, I am afraid that the first wave of long-range attacks will kill the player. In the test of killing monsters, Jing Tian used frequent moves to avoid monsters, and knocked down the monster NPC with the minimum blood loss.

In addition to questions and answers and single monsters, there are even team battles. When facing 10V10 fierce battles, the system will evaluate the performance of the players. Of course, the so-called 10V10 is just a virtual NPC plot created by the system, setting specific battle scenes. See how you respond on the battlefield. For example, if you charge forward bravely and sacrifice without killing 1 NPC, it will naturally give extra points to the Glory Paladin. If you kill one or two NPCs at the right time, you will give extra points to the Dark Knight. If you lead the NPC to destroy the opposing group, it will give the generals extra points. Needless to say, Jing Tian naturally led a group of NPCs and rushed to the opposite side. He constantly interrupted the spellcasting of the wizard and the priest, giving himself a chance to win.

   Some settings may seem unfair, but after all, a career like a general is very difficult. If players are recommended to play a general, I am afraid that they will deliberately dig into the suspicion of making players transfer later.

   Of course, Jing Tian doesn’t have to work so hard, but he has a feeling, the feeling of verifying his own settings. He is like a product manager, step by step testing whether his plan is carefully implemented by the technical staff. This verification process is always exciting and frowning. After all, it is a very happy thing for my own vision to be realized, but it is not fully realized, and it seems to be flawed and has some shortcomings.

   All four have completed the trial and entered a decisive step: the test of professional testers. After choosing a profession and confirming that you want to join a profession, the professional tester will come forward to test the player. The content of the test is simple: defeat him!

   After the trial, it is a real test. The system no longer modifies the player's attributes. It must rely on its own attributes and the combination of weapons and equipment to defeat professional testers. In fact, this link is for players to experience the power after the transfer. The professional tester is a level 20 NPC with the basic skills after the transfer.

   Level 20 is also the first watershed of Sky Dungeon. It is not only a watershed in the skill and strength, but also a watershed in the demands of players. If you don't have a level 20 white outfit and try to challenge, you will fail 100%. This is the result of a powerful calculation. Even with a Level 20 white equipment, if you are not proficient in the use of switching weapons, the probability of passing the test is relatively low.

Naturally, Jing Tian and Luo Xia need not say, they have already mastered the pure genus in the process of leveling today, and then cooperated with the necessary positions. They completed the test at the price of four-fifths of the blood volume, and successively transferred successfully~ What they did not expect is that after the transfer, the system even issued a headline announcement on the world's channels: "Congratulations to the player [Lai Jing Xia Shi] for completing the transfer task and becoming the world's first swordsman!"

   The system does not give a specific job description, so there are only 14 opportunities to be on TV, 14 in the world! Since Jing Tian spent more time in professional trials, Luo Jing Xia Shi still won the jackpot. Immediately afterwards, the system issued a worldwide announcement: "Congratulations to the player [Sit in the Well and Watch the Sky] for completing the job transfer task and becoming the world's first knight!"

   Although there was a commotion among players all over the world, the World Channel still has the right to speak after level 20, and now the World Channel still looks very quiet, but people have already remembered these two IDs in their hearts: Falling into the Well, Xia Shi, and Sitting in the Well! Of course, the IDs of the two girls were even more remembered by the world, because they are girls, and the women do not let their beards, shame many men, and make all female players embarrassed.

   "Our girls are not bad at playing games!" Some female players blurted out, and some female players encouraged themselves.

   After several repeated attempts, the two beauties also successfully completed the job transfer, and the system announcement immediately came: "Congratulations to the player [Yun Xueyiyi] for completing the job transfer task and becoming the world's first marksman!"

   It was Zhao Jiaxue in the end. With her happy shout, the system announcement was also posted: "Congratulations to the player [Zhao Yunxueer] for completing the job change mission and becoming the world's first sound engineer!"

   "We are so cool!" Zhao Jiaxue exclaimed in excitement. At this moment, it seemed that there was a small illusion of climbing to the top of Sky City to see the sentient beings. Not only Zhao Jiaxue, but Jing Tian also felt that he had taken a big step towards success, even if it was only the first step. However, their names have begun to show in the eyes of the world.


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