Sky Dungeon

Chapter 532: God has a little doubt who is God

That's right, it's full value. From the beginning to the end, Yang Mimi controlled her character to stay away from the battle circle as much as possible, and she had the double blessing of Scarlet Blessing and Sky Blessing. Even if she was bruised by a stray bullet from a long-range blow, her bloodline state The peak has also been maintained.

Yang Mimi, who doesn't have the slightest fatigue during long hours of battle, will not feel tired from this battle. Years of FPS field experience also keeps her heart calm.

When she had to face the pursuit of Li Shuang and Gesang, Yang Mimi's face didn't make any waves, but a bright smile appeared.

If they were to see the confident smile on Yang Mimi's face at this time, Li Shuang and Gesang would definitely be furious.

The two who lacked the charge skills, were unable to get close at all because of the obvious speed gap with the mouse sister. This made them have to move the target to the NPC Chalintel after the pursuit of no results!

Yes, this is an **** and assassination mission. The targets are Chalintel. The mission did not require the complete annihilation of the demons or the Alliance. Li Shuang held a huge shield to forcibly resist the attack of the mouse sister, and the dead Shi Gesang took his own The attack was devoted to Charintel.

Although the Great Shield can't completely resolve the damage caused by Sister Mouse to Li Shuang, he must buy time and must cover Gesang to kill Chalintel.

I have to say that Xie Wendong's command is quite reasonable. Yang Mimi frowned at this moment, and seemed to have discovered the thorny things.

"Mimi, go up and drop Gesang in seconds. Gesang's vitality value is low. You should be able to do it easily at your speed." Jing Tian instructed solemnly after thinking for a moment.

After receiving Jing Tian's signal, Yang Mimi stopped hesitating, and rushed towards Li Shuang and Gesang while continuing to attack. Li Shuang felt a bit bitter in his heart. What he was most afraid of now was the mouse sister rushing to kill Gesang!

You know, Li Shuang's vocational skills are cooling down at this time. If he spends a while, his skills will recover, even if the mouse sister is close, he can keep Gesang.

Even so, Li Shuang always moved to keep Gesang behind as much as possible, which made Yang Mimi who was looking for a gap to attack Gesang somewhat helpless.

However, the sister who did not eat mice quickly got close to Li Shuang. As the distance approached, the possibility of Yang Mimi's attempt to bypass Li Shuang and attack Gesang was greatly reduced.

However, Yang Mimi did not intend to go around and kill Gesang. She immediately stopped when she saw that the distance was reasonable. The next second, the yellow and white mask was put on the mouse sister’s face. That’s right, Yang Mimi lasted a second. The skill command read from the mouth is: "Armor-piercing bullet"!

Jing Tian immediately gave a thumbs up in his heart. Yang Mimi's professional use of the mask shaman is absolutely perfect!

But why, you can’t use the basic skills of using weapons?

In the next second, the sister who did not eat mice put on a golden mask on her face, which looked quite luxurious, like a female emperor attending a mask party.

However, it was this female emperor who spit out the steel needles frantically from the organ box in her hand and blasted towards the mortal in front of her. These steel needles completely ignored the giant shield in Li Shuang's hand. All the steel needles passed through the giant shield and penetrated again. Li Shuang, and then accurately hit Gesang's head!

The first-order pangolin gains the power of the pangolin for 10 seconds. During the duration of the state, ordinary attacks have penetrating power, and all hostile targets within the attack range can be attacked.

Everyone stared at the sister who didn’t eat mice, not because she used the most appropriate skills at this time, nor because she moved so far that she would not be attacked, and she could shorten the range and reduce the flight distance of the steel needle. The position of time and time, but when she was able to explode Gesang's head when her vision was covered by the huge shield in Li Shuang's hands!

Is she not able to see through?

No, this guy is definitely an alien!

If you are not an alien, then it must be broken, everyone report it!

However, it seems that everyone has forgotten that Yang Mimi is a figure that even a stalker hidden in the void can easily pick out. With her unique eye tricks, years of FPS combat experience, and a little bit of female intuition. Sixth Seven senses, it is not difficult to penetrate the giant shield and Li Shuang hit Gesang's head.

The point is, this woman is not a lucky headshot once or twice, it is clearly a gunshot headshot!

Even God is a little doubtful who is God.

Not to mention the ten-second pangolin effect, even five seconds, Gesang couldn’t hold it anymore. Gesang had no choice but to raise a shield to greet him, but he sadly discovered in the next second that the damage reduction effect of the giant shield was not effective at all. .

That's right, this special skill of pangolin allows ordinary attacks to easily penetrate any shield!

Of course, in the future, the players were surprised to find that this kind of penetration is amazing, but this is a later story, we will not repeat it for the time being.

Amid the unwilling verbal abuse, Gesang fell heavily.

NPC Charintel has no power to fight back since he was beaten. He has completely lost his domineering one kill five. Under the constraints of the system, he can only fight and curse without fighting back, making him expect him The second eruption of Qiyun everyone cursed him to the At this time, he became Li Shuang’s gas barrel. Li Shuang, the glorious Paladin, did not have any acceleration or charge skills, so he decisively gave up chasing and killing. Sister Mouse's delusion, she only hopes that she can rob Charintel before she dies.

It's a pity that Li Shuang is a blood bull with a high level of quality. The attack is so low that it is heinous. Of course, it is not impossible to defeat Charintel's blood line. In order to improve his attack, Li Shuang has put away the huge shield and battle flag, and weapons in his hand. Changed to a mountain knife.

The attack value of the mountain knife is higher than that of the battle flag spear, but more importantly, the attack frequency is high. Now it is wise to sacrifice your life for output.

It seems that everyone in Wendonghui uses mountain knives as a backup weapon, perhaps to create some kind of ideal effect of the second disease, imagine shooting a power propaganda film or something, everyone holding the same weapon, the shock must be very strong!

However, Charintel's blood loss speed can really be described by turtle speed.

However, the physical defense of Li Shuang, the blood cow, is also surprisingly high. Even if he loses the resolving effect of the giant shield now, the speed at which Quan Min's little mouse sister erodes his blood line is impatient.

In an instant, the scene becomes a fight for output. Whoever has the sharper output first kills the target, and whoever wins the battle will win the battle.

"Stupid sister, come on, otherwise you will treat me to dinner tonight!" Yang Miaomiao was already frantic on the sidelines.

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