Sky Dungeon

Chapter 594: If only I could harvest the little cats as pets

Unsurprisingly, the three-second illusion was not over yet, she ushered in Zhao Yunxue'er's "Phantom Kill"!

Sure enough, the five scenes of death on the bottom of the sea are really not easy to bear. Although the scenes have avoided the gore, but when the giant sea beast opened its blood basin and swallowed itself in one mouthful, the Moonshade still closed subconsciously. Got binocular.

After all, there are still messy things stuck to the teeth in the sea beast's mouth, especially some disgusting things...

When she opened her eyes again, Pastor Shennong [Residential Building] had also been lying on the ground in feign death, and the remaining [Office Building] and [Apartment Building] had relatively higher physical defenses, and Qiyun, who had a poor magic career It was not easy for Luo Xue to quickly kill both of them. After all, they ran out of skills when killing the Shennong Pastor's Residence.

It is necessary to know that a priest Shennong who is not badly equipped, his dual defenses are not too low, and it is impossible to quickly kill him without using his true skills.

The reason why everyone in Qiyun runs out of killer moves must first take down the residential building. Naturally, they consider the protracted battle afterwards. If the two pastors of the other side are allowed to exist, this protracted battle may take too much time. The longer the danger, the greater the danger, maybe any guild will also be killed.


Jing Tian said these two words directly on the current channel.

The crowd of Qiyun immediately dispersed and launched attacks under Jing Tian’s signal. They no longer deliberately set fire to a certain person. If fire was set, the melee profession would naturally get together. Now it is divided into three output positions and the pressure to withstand damage is lower. There are two Shennong The priest and a guardian shaman are there, and this healing pressure is almost negligible!

Feng Gu Lou is really miserable, and everything he planned clearly, why did he have such a miscarriage?

Why don’t the spies report so many enemies?

Thinking of this, a drop of cold sweat suddenly slipped from Feng Gulou's heart. Didn't he miss the call before, and it was the spy who came here!

In the unlikely event that I have missed the information, if the Soul of the Blue Wolf knows this, my bonus will probably be lost!

I only feel that my future is gloomy. You have to know that they have been given special care. Now they have the opportunity to fight back. But is it really necessary to fight back? There are only 6 players left on my side. The other party is alive and running with 10 people!

However, can you escape without fighting? Now it can be counted as tens of thousands of people live broadcast. If you escape with the remnants, it is not impossible, but if you just escape, I am afraid that you will have no face to mix in the game again.

It's better to die than to fight!

Doesn’t it mean that you have repeated defeats and battles? Victory is not the key, the key is to put gold on your face. If you lose, you don’t lose!

When he considered this, the Moon Shadow Tower was already targeted by the village woman. Although other people's skills might be empty, she would not!

And at this time, Liu Yaya thinks that this sneaky guy is the easiest to disrupt the battle, and it is easier for Zhao Yunxueer to scream, relying on her ears and like a dog, to wag her tail in front of Jing Tian!

This nail must be pulled out first! The talent you can't get, let the talent become waste!

Sure enough, Gong Dou is cruel!

Therefore, the village woman directly swayed her rain-like skills on the moon shadow building.

Yueyinglou immediately asked for help when the situation was not good, and her plea for help immediately made Feng Gulou understand: can't hesitate any longer!

As a result, Feng Gulou, who had recovered his mobility, took the two behind him and walked towards the village woman.

You know, it’s not that no one is making trouble here, and the one making trouble is precisely...the leader of the Qiyunluoxue Guild they want to kill the most [Sit the well and watch the sky]!

Huanyin Lou also felt that sitting on the well to watch the sky was an eyesore, and directly swiped out a [Water Shadow Slash]. The group attack skill of Water Shadow Slash was completely wasted by her, but the second-order Water Shadow Slash fell on the body of the sitting Jing Guantian, successfully making the sitting well watch the sky more A deceleration state of 2.5 seconds.

However, they neglected the office building and apartment building on the other side of the Gufeng Building. Although the office building started the battle for glory, Luo Xia's vision was uncontrollably facing the office building, but the apartment building was still shot by the long-range gunfire of Qiyun Luoxue. Coverage, the scope of influence of the Battle of Honor is too limited, it is impossible to affect the long-range occupations.

And when the office building commanded the apartment building to move to the moon shadow building, he stepped on a magic circle!

Don't ask, why is it a magic circle, because this magic circle has been magically flashed, it flashed a little dazzling, it flashed a little doubt, and it flashed a little horrified and confused.

This magic circle is naturally something they have never seen before, but this is: [Thunder Cage]!

Yang Miaomiao had been looking forward to this moment for a long time. He had set up the magic trap of the mine cage in the melee before, and waited for the office building and apartment building to be caught!

Yang Miao Miao yelled: "Finally succeeded Miao! Everyone, kill the Berserker Miao!"

In the next second, the cage of thunder and lightning rose from the ground and took shape, directly shutting the enemy as a sparrow!

The office buildings and apartment buildings were even stunned by the scene in front of them. Where did they see such a cool magic, they all began to wonder if they were playing the same game with people like Riding Cloud Guild.

Where did these skills come from, and do comprehension skills really exist? Could it be realized by fusion?

The female players would cry when they saw it. Such a beautiful skill is too wasteful for a young Zhengtai to use!

It would be great if you could harvest the little cats as pets. If you use such beautiful skills from time to time in the future, you will definitely be very cool!

But hasn't waited for them to finish thinking about this tragic question, countless bolts of lightning began to fall from the thunderclouds in the sky, and hit them directly!

Although I don’t know what the effect of being struck by lightning in reality is, but being struck by the tears above the thunder cage in the game, it will present an exaggerated X-ray effect...

That's right, it's X-ray film, it's the funny effect of black skin and white bones!

This scene really made the audience laugh...

Yun Xueyi, Zhao Yunxue'er, the sister who doesn't eat mice, the black and white, and the plastic surgeon all tilted their attacks towards the Berserker [apartment building] in an instant!

A heavy feeling of powerlessness has risen in the heart of the apartment building: Why does his blood line drop so quickly, why does the Berserker not even have a damage reduction skill?

And this stalker, where did you come from? As for you also ran over to set fire on me? I have good equipment and a lot of physical defenses, so ruthless!

Fortunately, fortunately, the bird cage finally disappeared. My blood line is relatively long, and there are 34% of the blood line. As long as Mingfeng Tower can give myself a bite, I will definitely not fall down!

However, the screen in his VR wearable device completely lost its color in the next second!

what's the situation?

It turned out to be seconds!

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