Sky Dungeon

Chapter 811: If the boss wants to attack, then expect to come soon one o’clock...

   So, what if there is only one player?

   Will kicking Tian Nongjing be so boring to give a player a boss meal?

   Jingtian obviously doesn't think that kicking Tian Nongjing is so boring. On the contrary, it may be safer to move alone. Or how can the drunk be so easy to survive in such a forest with bosses?

  The separate action is obviously more effective than getting together, and even safer. And if you don’t disperse, maybe the boss will continue to attack everyone. Maybe everyone has the ability to kill these bosses, but the purpose of looking for drunks will be ruined.

   The more important thing is that one and two bosses are okay, but if four or five bosses come at a time, it is really difficult to ride a tiger.

   Entering the Forest of Sin in a single or double form is actually safer.

   So, Jing Tian said lightly: "All withdraw from the Forest of Sin."

The retreat is naturally not as easy as Jing Tian said. The speed of this cat is too fast. While running, everyone has to alternately throw control skills behind. The previous werewolf did not die in battle, although his speed is faster than the cat. Slow up a bit, but being caught up is also troublesome, so it also requires people to keep losing control of skills.

   These prisoners are all lunatics, and they don't consider the comparison of combat power at all. They are like finding a delicious meal when they are hungry. They will rush up whenever there is a chance, just chasing and killing everyone.

Fortunately, they haven’t gotten too deep into the Forest of Sin. Everyone finally escaped from the Forest of Sin. The most frightening people during this period were not the werewolves and the cat prisoners, but the trees that suddenly emerged. Demon, these guys also have the terrible control skill of entanglement. If they are entangled without the help of teammates, they will definitely be caught up by the werewolves and cats behind. First release https://https://

   escaped without danger all the way, Jing Tian immediately arranged: "Everyone will go in in pairs and hunt for mobs and look for drunks. Be careful not to provoke boss prisoners."

"Brother Tian, ​​are you so burnt, 20 of us were driven by the boss when we went in. Didn't we go in a group of two to send me to death?" Yang Miaomiao asked first, obviously not seeing the twists and turns. .

   Other people also stared at Jing Tian with puzzled eyes, and seemed to hesitate to Jing Tian's command.

"Uh...The Forest of Sin is more special. The more we get together, the more we will provoke the boss prisoners. It is safer to be a group of two, and there is a response between them. As long as we don’t actively provoke the wandering boss prisoners, There shouldn’t be any bosses who come to the door on their own initiative. A group of two also takes into account the treatment and auxiliary occupations. The system should not send the active boss to the two-person team. Otherwise, do you think the alcoholic can still live in this area? ?"

   "Should not? Frog, you are not planning to use us as guinea pigs, right? I think you feel safer if you are the first to go in for a test."

   Zhao Jiaxue still has lingering fears about the scene that happened before. She even heard a third boss chasing everyone in the distance, but it was farther away, and the moving speed of the boss was relatively slow, so Zhao Jiaxue did not remind him.

   In Zhao Jiaxue's view, a team of 20 people is simply not enough to kill the boss within the specified time. The boss will spawn within a certain period of time and actively attack the player.

   The 20-person team is already inadequate, so what can a 2-person team do?

   If you are treated as a guinea pig, then this time is a battle for the extinction of the guinea pig!

"Uh...then I will be in a group with Yaya. Let's go in as guinea pigs, and we will pair up with each other. During this time, we will spread out to other places and wait to enter. If we haven't encountered a boss active attack after 5 minutes, Everyone will enter together again."

   Jing Tian made the final decision.

   Liu Yaya, who was named by name, was naturally exasperated, and she had the illusion of arrogance when operating the village women to walk.

   It’s making the questioning Zhao Jiaxue kind of missed millions of helplessness and depression, how did he help Liu Yaya somehow?

   How does Liu Yaya look like a villain at this time?

   so that Zhao Jiaxue really wants to ask Jing Tian one hundred thousand why...

Jing Tian’s reason for choosing Liu Yaya is naturally very simple: the village women’s infinite skills can cope with more emergencies, especially in suppressing the boss. If a boss is sent to the door, then the two of them may also kill each other. After all, now There is also a sky blessing that does not eat mice. When the sky blessing effect ends, even the village woman with infinite skills cannot produce infinite blue bars.

   So, if the boss is going to attack, then expect to come faster!

   Of course, Jing Tian didn't realize that, in his mind, he actually unconsciously defined a position for Liu Yaya, which is an existence that approximates fetters and transcends fetters. It's not because of anything else, it may be that Liu Yaya has appeared so far, and seems to be helping Jing Tian secretly.

   This makes Jing Tian feel at ease.

   "Officials, being alone with slaves, will definitely serve you comfortably." Liu Yaya deliberately said to the girls in the chat room in a provocative tone.

Yes, although Jing Tian was right, Liu Yaya was swearing her sovereignty over Jing Tian naked to the The most surprising thing was actually Jing Tian, ​​he never expected, In front of the old witch, Liu Yaya dared to be so presumptuous. Isn't she really the old witch? Starting

   Isn't Liu Yaya not wanting to marry herself at all, so what is she still bothering herself for?

   There are also old witches, you have seen Liu Yaya's virtues, can't you say something?

  Don't think that your relationship is good, you just ignore each other's shortcomings!

"No! Frog, go by yourself, or take us all together. It would be too cunning to just give Liu Yaya a tryst! It's too unreasonable!" Zhao Jiaxue jumped out and said, she is just like everyone else. Liu Yaya's complacent attitude.

"Snarling Dog, don't you want to abandon the Lun family alone? It's really a big deal to stay... It's better to let your mother accompany you, and you will definitely protect you." The little mother also joined the fun, In a pitiful tone.

  What does it mean to stay in the middle?

"Uh...a person, if you are entangled by the tree monster, I will definitely die if you meet the boss again." Jing Tian vetoed in an embarrassed manner, completely ignoring the old witch's words. Not staying?

After a pause for a second, he understood that he needed to give everyone an explanation, so he continued to say indifferently: "The village woman’s infinite skills can still be used. If we meet the boss within 5 minutes, we can still fight, and according to my guess, the two In the event of a boss attack, the level of the boss prisoner will be greatly reduced, and we will not be killed and run away."

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