Sky Dungeon

Chapter 828: Pregnancy test?

   "Brother Jing, don't blame you, if you really blame yourself, then promise this profiteer one thing." Nan Lingxi seemed to have caught some opportunity.

   Why are you talking about terms again?

   Who caused the damage, and the next decision of oneself has to be negotiated?

   "What's the matter?" Jing Tian asked indifferently, without thinking of the consequences of agreeing to the other party.

   At this time, the girls seemed to have become rabbits, and they raised their ears and waited for Nan Lingxi's answer.

   Of course, you have to listen carefully to the other party’s conditions. What if you are traveling with you?

   Isn’t that going to leave them alone for a long time?

   Didn’t that give Nanlingxi a chance?

   This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed!

   "Accompany this profiteer... to the hospital."

   Nan Lingxi summoned the courage to speak out his request.

This answer really surprised everyone, and then everyone thought about it, especially Luo Xia. At this time, he had begun to fantasize, and Mai Tai asked: "I'm doing it! Frog, you beast, when did you have **** with someone unmarried? "

   Unmarried sex?

   Go to the hospital for an examination?

   It's also that aliens like Yang's sister and brother would believe this kind of lies!

   There is no chance to be alone between us, let alone the unmarried sex. How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

   Do I have a magical skill, whoever is pleasing to the eye can make anyone pregnant with their own child?

   Jingtian shook his head and sighed, and couldn't help but want to scold the fat man. However, before he could speak, after the next breath, Zhao Jiaxue furiously and furiously said: "Frog, you tell the matter clearly, why do you only have **** with Nan Lingxi unmarried and not with us?"

  Daughter, your brain circuits are completely burned out, right?

   Say that we don’t share the same room every day, aren’t we also clean and nothing happened?

   Even if it really happened, it will be checked in a month, right?

   How long have I reunited with Nan Lingxi now? How can I go for a pregnancy test?

   No, even if the reunion lasts more than a month, you won’t get a pregnancy test, right?

   I haven't done anything!

   If there is anything, it must not be mine!

   Jingtian yelled silently in his heart, and the more important thing is that he decided to withdraw his previous thoughts. Apart from the thought jump of the Yang family's sister and brother, the brainless woman next to him would also believe in this boring scandal.

   So Jing Tian retorted faintly: "Is it so fast for a pregnancy check? At least it will take dozens of days. How long will Nan Lingxi and I meet again? Do you have to reverse black and white like this?"

   "Oh? Isn't it necessary to go for a checkup as soon as the menstruation stops, for example, Lingxi is in the menstrual period these few days, and the menstruation is not coming, shouldn't you have a pregnancy checkup?"

Liu Yaya actually stood on the same front with Zhao Jiaxue, and began to interrogate. Her voice was full of murderous air, as if she was going to the hospital with Nanlingxi and Jingtian now. As long as the situation is true, I am afraid I will come directly. Were executed on the spot.

   After all, which fiancé can bear the fact that his fiancé let other women get pregnant inexplicably, let alone do it under his own strict control, then if he gets married in the future, wouldn't he have to go out and steal the fish every day?

   So that's it!

   Jingtian doesn’t have much experience in this area, but he spit out in his heart: If menstruation doesn’t come, it can’t be irregular menstruation. What is our business?

   I really can't clean it after jumping into the 84-year-old disinfectant!

   Fortunately, before Jing Tian could eloquently argue, Nan Lingxi said: "What do you think? The child's affairs have not been eye-catching. Don't guess, you are not sure about anything!"

   The child's matter is still not visible?

   is right, but there is no eyebrows at all, what is uncertain, it is better not to say the feelings!

   Doesn't you mean that there is no silver in this place?

   You can know the wonderful expressions on the faces of the girls at this time. Maybe you want to castrate the peony flowers, and you can only suffer as a ghost!

   Jingtian was directly mad in his heart. He really wants to pull Nan Lingxi over and ask, what is wrong with her, and why should he treat him like this?

   Sure enough, the next second all the women bombarded Jing Tian, ​​Zhao Jiaxue took off the VR suit and turned over from the bed, grabbing Jing Tian's collar and began to torture her.

   Jing Tian couldn't help but cried out injustice, he never thought that Nan Lingxi would be such a violent woman!

   After so long in the business world, how could Nan Lingxi forget to attack the enemy. Now they are actively suspicious, and they naturally have to add fuel to the fire, making these women envy and hate.

   However, this move is somewhat detrimental to oneself, but it has not made his own voice or demonstrated his strength, which is not Nan Lingxi's style.

  After eloquence, everyone naturally chose to temporarily believe that Jing Tian did nothing. After all, under the eyes of many people, Jing Tian does not have the time and opportunity to commit crimes.

   But everyone unanimously asked Liu Yaya to accompany Nan Lingxi and Jing Tian to the hospital for check-ups. If there is anything to do, they will be shot 10,000 times.

   However, everyone seems to have completely forgotten that Jing Tian has not yet agreed to Nanlingxi.

   Jingtian's heart is really Life is not satisfactory, the Ming Dynasty will give out a fart!

Fortunately, this episode did not affect today’s guild hegemony. Everyone is flying to the woods in the Dapeng. At this point, it’s boring to tease your Ziwu pet, and it doesn’t matter if you add a little episode or something. Not boring.

   The interactive intelligence of Zi Wu Kong pets is getting higher and higher, and many topics in the game can't be troubled by them. Once it comes to real problems, these little guys are somewhat unlearned.

   The Ziwu life pet in the game naturally follows the general background of the game. It is impossible to talk about some modern topics without leaving the game itself.

Players poured into the Woods Forest from all sides. Many of the stations in the Woods Forest were overcrowded. Fortunately, everyone had no intention of staying. They rushed to the woods forest competition venue. After all, entering the venue early means A large amount of experience is recharged to the account, who would even want to take advantage of this time before the game to spawn monsters for tasks?

   What if there is a bug in the system that prevents you from entering the venue when you are late?

   Everyone's passion for participating in the guild hegemony competition is much higher than doing missions and dungeons.

   It seems that most people like to take shortcuts, and they all like the comfortable upgrade environment and upgrade methods. The most comfortable way to gain experience in Sky Dungeon is probably to watch the game!

   Actually, racers do need to pay attention to the "late" situation, but the audience shouldn't worry too much. Even if they enter the venue in the middle of the game, they can gain experience from the middle.

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