Sky Dungeon

Chapter 834: The players all squeezed a handful of sweat for Nangong Lingxi

   A big countdown is rising in the air, 7...6...5...4...3...2...1, start!

  Nangong Lingxi did not hesitate to choose to enter a shop. Looking at the ten or so cumbersome puppets behind her, the players thought it was funny and angry, and even more curious about what Nangong Lingxi was going to do.

   "Could it be that you want to hide, let's drag it until the game time is over" someone in the audience asked aloud.

   He is right. This type of 5v5 battle has a system time limit. If there is no difference in time, it is considered a tie, and each team's guild gets 0.5 points.

Not to mention that this time the five teams of the guild are divided into five divisions. Even if they meet their own teams in the same division, no matter who loses or wins, it will be a matter of accumulating 1 point. There is no need to delay time to shake hands and make peace. .

   Of course, if you are facing your own strong team and trying to hide, it would be the best way. After all, if you lose in the knockout round, there will be no success, and a tie will give you a chance for the next game.

   However, it is not an idiot to kick Tian Nong Jing. If there is a tie for the second time, the team with the most draws will be eliminated. In other words, the chance of advancing through a peekaboo draw is basically zero.

After Nangong Lingxi hid inside a relatively large store, he issued a series of instructions to arrange his own puppet stand, and began to write a series of delayed instructions. The player on the opposite side of the Sixth Sense Guild was to take the street. After searching for a whole time but no trace of the enemy, they realized that the enemy might have gotten into a certain shop.

   That’s right, it’s just getting together. In the elimination rounds, you can’t actually see any information about the opponent players, let alone Nangong Lingxi alone!

Sixth sense guild players naturally support their guilds. When they saw their guild players facing an enemy, they hesitated. They were funny and angry in their hearts, and they wanted to rush into the arena to tell The five colleagues: "Hurry up, there is only one person fighting!"

   "Go, you can win even if you lose your skills blindfolded!"

Unfortunately, just like the previous guild power competition, all the players’ external communication systems have been banned. The small guild does not have the sense of spy, and it does not say that it will arrange for people to deliberately support the guild of potential enemies and pass the game. Communicate between other communication devices and competitors.

   This is probably the gap between the small guild and the big guild. Of course, this is contrary to the spirit of the game, but driven by certain interests, some people do not pay attention to any principles. After all, in the long river of history, victory is king.

At this time, the five members of the sixth sense have to hesitate. The problem they have to consider is the occupational composition of the opponent. If the opponent is a melee-based team, then it is obviously a melee occupation in the narrow space in the shop. The heaven, just go in casually, can only be cut into pieces by the other side as fish.

In addition, there is also a possibility that the opponent is the extremely abnormal team, such as the mercenary creed that players often discuss in the first hegemony tournament. Their guild adopted a combination of 4 stalkers and 1 treatment at that time, and it is still in the competition. Shine.

Maybe the healer now hides in a certain shop building, and the other 4 stalkers are behind his team members, quietly trailing, and when the team finds that the hostile healer is slack, they will use a dagger. In the back of everyone's head!

Don’t look at the guilds of the Sixth Sense, although they are weak, but they all have big ideals and ambitions. On weekdays, they will open forums and game strategy websites for research. This week, I have read many reports and articles about the guild competition. , Unconsciously, you will think of the great man in the previous session.

   Of course, no matter which situation, it is not what the five members of the Sixth Sense Guild want to see.

   However, it is impossible to wait for the end of the time to shake hands and make a peace. If the opponent is really strong, he should not choose such a lack of confidence in fighting.

   Therefore, the players of the sixth sense decided to carefully seek out the enemy, the Honor Paladin took the lead, and the rest of the players followed closely behind the Honor Paladin.

   In order to prevent sneak attacks by stalkers, the Elemental Mage can only helplessly cling to his teammates. If he stretches the distance, he might be instantly dropped.

When this well-behaved team finally slowly approached the shop where Nangong Lingxi was located, all the audience players sweated for Nangong Lingxi. Of course, there were also players who were good at alleviating the atmosphere and directly said in the audience: " Let’s take a gamble to see how many seconds Nangong Lingxi can last!" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   If Nan Lingxi heard this person say this at this time, I am afraid he would definitely jump out of the shop, rush into the audience, and slap this person on the nose!

   Can't you have a little confidence in yourself if you clearly line up so hard?

   How did you decide that you must lose?

   You have to know that you are well prepared, it is definitely not a whim!

   Although it's a small experiment, it doesn't take a few seconds to be killed, right?

"60 seconds!"

Soon someone came forward to respond first, and I don’t know where to see that the purple-equipped Nangong Lingxi is so impatient to be beaten. It is important to know that when the equipment ranks are different, even if you don’t consider the puppet, Nangong Lingxi Even standing still and being hacked by the Sixth Sense team, you can last for 1 minute!

   "Two minutes!"

   "Thirty seconds!"

   "90 seconds!"

Whether it's reliable or not, the people who eat melons still have to join in the fun, perhaps just to deliberately make a funny blogger, or maybe to pretend to be so profound, anyway. You are also idle, adding some catalyst to the tense atmosphere, why not do it?

  Furthermore, maybe I can still be right, and then I can put on a "brick house" hat in a domineering manner.

   Of course, it was mainly because there was no suspense about what happened next, and everyone felt that there was no point.

   But don’t everyone find a strange and discordant place?

   It is clear that everyone thinks that Nangong Lingxi will lose, but why are you so concerned about this battle?

   In fact, everyone still hopes that Nangong Lingxi can win!

   That’s right, if Nangong Lingxi wins, that’s the breaking news, and it can definitely sweep the whole world in shock.

   Then, I can become a witness to myself!

Soon, the Glory Paladin of the Sixth Sense Guild stepped into the dimly-lit shop door. All the audience had already held their breath, and the players of the Sixth Sense Guild looked relaxed at this time. With so many shops, the first two or three shops will be cautious and highly nervous. As the number of times to explore the interior of the shops increases, the sixth sense players feel that they don't care, and they completely lose their cautious attitude.


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