Sky Dungeon

Chapter 856: Obviously it is the first guild, but it uses 3 abuse methods

If Zhuge Liang is really replaced afterwards, it will be the Five Tigers and the Five Zhuge, no matter how resourceful Zhuge is, he will be beaten into Luofengpo in the arena!

The office building finally woke up at this time, glanced at the situation of his teammates with a bit of bitterness, and then reluctantly said: "Give up and quit the game, and they can't be wiped out!"

That's right, the game is not a wild PK. There is no rule that you must fight to the end. Even if the current situation is to fight to the end, I am afraid that the ending will be more embarrassing than admitting defeat. A master with a reputation like Wuxiaodilou pays most attention to face.

Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. If you lose, you will lose, but you must protect your face.

Others naturally understand this truth in their hearts. Now is not the time to be a hero. So many players will definitely record videos. If you record the scene of the entire team being killed for speculation in the future, your salary will probably be cut again.

As a result, the figures of the four small buildings disappeared from the field one after another, and the VR display also showed a system prompt that the four people had surrendered and quit the game.

Whether it is the supporters of the Empress or the supporters of the Green Wolf Guild, it is naturally boos outside the field. However, compared with the unanimous boos of the supporters of the Empress, some people in the Blue Wolf Guild deliberately stepped up to encourage morale: "Lose one. The field is normal, the five big towers are still playing, and the other three teams are performing well. The total points should overpower them from the Cloud Riding Guild, and the Blue Wolf Guild will win!"

"That is, walk around, watch the matches of the five heavenly towers, cheer them on, the champion must be our Blue Wolf Guild!"

"The Green Wolf will win!"

"Go away, when the results come out, you must slap the Qiyun Guild!"

At the same time, another game is nearing its end. With the battle of attrition, the King of Sword Cavalry team has wiped out the blue of the priest [Phoenix] in the main team of the Star Guild!

Moreover, the blue bars of the other people are already stretched. Even if the people of the Sword Cavalry King team stand still and let them kill four people, they may not be able to kill one person before Kong Lan.

So, more or less similar, the main team of the Stardust Guild, under the order of the North Mianzu, conceded defeat and withdrew from the competition. The King of Swordsman Team and the Luojing Xiashi Team both advanced!

In another game, the Sit Jing Guan Tian team won a little too easily, making the audience feel a little boring.


Sitting Jing Guantian, the village woman, and the drunkard joined forces to forcibly hit the opponent's Pastor Shennong, Yun Xueyi controlled the field to cover, and the plastic surgeon symbolically lost a few skills to cover, and the opponent's pastor fell!

Even if the sky blessing of the blue bar was not automatically restored, the number of skills of the village woman made other professions cry in tears. The continuous skills hit the opponent Shennong Pastor, and he did not add a bit of blood to the end.

The attack of sitting in the well and watching the sky is even more ridiculously high. Although the attack value of the character itself is not high, it can not withstand the 3 times the damage of the frequent critical strikes. The racial hidden characteristics of the fallen angels are fully utilized, even Jing Tian himself suspects Did you have a big luck today? Should you buy a lottery ticket worth a few hundred yuan and win tens of millions of prizes?

Of course, this was not enough to be the main reason why the opponent Shennong Pastor was nearly killed by a spike. The main reason was the outbreak of the unstable factor of drunks.

This woman was once again influenced by Jing Tian's order during the game, and secretly poured another bottle of white wine. When the spirits of the wine surged, it coincided with the exchange of fire between the two sides, and the drunkard did not know how to be like a loach that was opened. Dodged the ambush of the enemy team, and hit the opponent's Pastor Shennong's head with precision one shot after another!

That's right, every time it's a critical issue, Pastor Shennong is stunned!

Even Jing Tian, ​​he didn't think that he could use his consciousness to manipulate the character to avoid all prepared attacks when he was ambushed at that time. This absolutely requires a detached subconscious reaction speed and definitely should not be in a drinking state. The response that humans can make.

But it happened to the drunkard. Why can this guy make these weird reactions when he is in a state of drunken fist?

Maybe, she should be able to hold her in the laboratory and study it!

After seeing the performance of the alcoholic, everyone is fortunate that the enemy's first target is the alcoholic. If you change to someone else, the first wave of ambush will come to a deadlock.

To say that the more depressing is the ambushing party. They waited until the drunkard came to the ambush point. A magic class with a magic stone staff should have the weakest health bar and defense. They chose to take away the drunkard. At that time, it was considered by everyone to be the wisest choice, and there was no possibility of any difference.

However, they were all wrong. They were so wrong that they even doubted life. Could it be that everyone's hands and mouth are broken?

wrong! Someone must be acting as a spy in the audience, and the other party can see clearly his ambush and inform the other party that they will be counted!

Some people can always find the reason for failure the first time, even if the reason is subjectively judged by him, but this kind of speculation is not a delusion, and with the development of the guild power competition, this kind of secretly arranging spies to watch the battle It can't be derived from containment, so that no guild team would use ambush, maybe it will become ambushed and surrounded every minute!

"The Riding Cloud Guild is too shameless, UU Reading actually arranges a spy!"

"That's it, it's obviously the number one guild, but it uses the three abuse methods!"

"What **** the first guild, it's the first shameless guild!"

That's right, the loser absolutely can't swallow this breath, and can only let all the problems come down to the Riding Cloud Guild, and even more aggressively promoting on the World Channel.

This publicity is complete, as if opening a certain chatterbox, and immediately many players came out to support it.

"That is, the guild we met was as shameless as the guild, how can we play tactics?"

"Is there any morals? Doesn't it mean that communication is forbidden?"

"Are you raining and not wearing an umbrella or a raincoat? In-game communication is prohibited, can't you be outside the game?"

"That's it, can't you just start a conference call mode with your mobile phone?"

"It's awesome, you can do this, we will do it next week too!"

"That is, which guild has no people, what's the big deal, a guild arranges an eyeliner! Isn't it more than people?"

"One for each guild, is it too messy? It must be organized and premeditated!"

"You are too unprofessional. How can one eyeliner be enough for so many teams in a guild? When playing at the same time, the opportunity is fleeting!"

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