Sky Dungeon

Chapter 870: Don't know if you can cut love and surrender?

   Although it is impossible to meet in the next game, Jing Tian has a hunch that today's knockout championship game will definitely encounter the **** building of the Green Wolf Guild.

"I'm doing it! Isn't it just four spirit puppets? It's far from my Nangong Lingxi, don't make a fuss. But they bullied our guild members, and today this one must be found back! Let's go out and mix, The most important thing is face!"

   Luoxia is also in spirit, and his heart is gearing up, as if returning to the peak of the mixed society back then.

"Brother, you have to come on, their equipment is all purple-clad cats. If it weren't for my poor equipment, I would never lose, no way, it seems that I have to pay for it, or I will be bullied by others!"ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   In Yang Miaomiao's heart, he has attributed the failure of the battle just to his poor equipment.

Jing Tian had thought of this a long time ago, not to mention the Hell Tower. Even the Five Small Earth Towers and the Five Big Heaven Towers were armed by the Blue Wolf Guild to almost a purple grade equipment, so the true main lineup hidden in the dark How could the equipment rank be poor?

   is also because of the equipment rank, the old witch's shabby equipment is a dish when it is set on fire. With her eyes closed, you can imagine how the little mother was killed by the first one!

   But what does this have to do with the poor equipment of your aliens?

  Your equipment is to be armed with a golden rank. Is it possible that an auxiliary profession can be turned around in seconds?

   Really regard yourself as the main output? Starting

   More importantly, do you want to count the failures on yourself as an excuse?

   Alien, you can do whatever you want, anyway, the Krypton is the earth coin, for you, the earth coin should be of little value.

There is not much time for everyone to discuss. The system soon started the next round of knockouts. I don’t know if the Cloud Riding Guild was lucky, but they didn’t even encounter a very strong opponent, that is, light and easy. Song won.

It’s hard to say something like a knockout. Even if the system deliberately makes certain arrangements according to the previous results, there is still a possibility that strong teams will be eliminated by strong teams, and weak teams will be eliminated by weak teams. There will also be strong and weak teams. The situation where the teams met in the late knockout round.

   Moreover, weak teams are not necessarily always weak. The results of the previous game do not represent the true strength of the teams this week, and weak teams may also use the advantages of the map to win by luck.

  In other words, the principle that the weak is always weak and the strong is always strong does not apply in the game.

   What's more, there are many Krypton parties in Sky Dungeon, but it is not uncommon for the Kryptonists to lose to the populace.

In short, after not knowing what the common chemical reaction was, the Cloud Riding Guild won this round smoothly, or maybe it was the elimination of the King of the Sword Cavalry team in the last round, which brought a lot of shock to everyone. There are powerful enemies around them. The feeling of lurking can not only cause anxiety, but also excitement that is difficult to suppress.

   Invincible in the world is the saddest, and the loneliest one is to seek defeat.

   You must know that the happiest thing is to meet opponents in chess. If you play chess with General Smelly Chess every day, your game level will be lower and you will not want to make progress.

  Only when there are equal competitors, or even stronger obstacles, can a person's fighting spirit and a team's fighting spirit be truly burned.

   When the fighting spirit of the powerful team burns, the combat power they exert is also amazing. There may also be reasons for this that make it appear that the Cloud Riding Guild is very easy to win. After this easy victory, the final round of the regional knockouts is about to begin.

   In this round, Natsuki's team faced off against the Celestial Lantern Guild in Division 5.

  The God Lantern Guild is the chief guild of the Lantern Guild Alliance, which occupies the eastern suburbs of the Alliance City. Most of the members of the guild should be Arab players, and the level of Arab players varies.

   However, judging from the exposure these days, the Tianshen Lantern Guild is a veritable local tyrant Guild!

Entering the guild even requires players to guarantee a certain amount of game funds on the game account. This method of measuring everything by money is simply unprecedented. Although it is impossible to gather a group of truly powerful players, it gathers a group of people who use money to pave the way. Crazy, but there is no doubt.

   Just thinking about it makes the fart people tremble, what kind of chemical reaction will a group of local tyrants have together...No, no, it should be a financial reaction!

Although the design concept of Sky Dungeon makes money not everything, but money can make the player's character grow faster. If this theory can be confirmed in which guild, it is precisely the Sky Dungeon. !

There is no doubt that they are all purple-grade equipment. The five members of the Celestial Lantern Guild team exudes incredible arrogance. In their opinion, money may be just a number. The point of spending in the game is even the amount in their account. The odds can't be shaken, but these numbers can drive others and even win without fighting.

Sinbad’s wine cup was the captain of the five district teams. He politely greeted Laois Xia Shi and others in the distance: "Dear friends from the league, can you give up your love? We are willing to pay 500,000 games. Coins as compensation to shocked!

   It is not just Luo Xia who is greedy for money, even Yang Mimi, January 31, white does not understand black, and black does not understand white are all shocked!

   500,000 game coins can be 500,000 real Huaxia coins. As long as one person admits to losing 100,000, everyone enjoys playing the game. Why do you have to fight to death?

   Could the guys from the God Lantern Guild win this way all the way?

   How much money do you have to spend?

   Don't the people of Tengyi company care about it? Can such a false game and things that go against the spirit of the game be carried out so drastically?

Naturally, Tengyi Company will not take care of it, and the competition itself does not allow opponents to surrender and surrender through their own comprehensive strength. Money is also a symbol of comprehensive strength. Money can make ghosts tortured. Could it be that some in the world buy peace with money? Is the matter of international friendship even a violation of principle?

   should be suppressed by a group, or even sanctioned?

I have to say that Luo Xia has been shaken. Although he is no longer as poor and white as before, the income of 100,000 a day is also a very attractive thing for him. However, he has not waited for everyone to figure out the answer from hesitation. , Yang Mimi had already spoken: "What are you kidding, want to use money to tarnish this sacred game?"

   The four teammates felt a little depressed when they heard it. They really didn’t know when Yang Mimi was so ill in the second grade, playing a game. Where did the sacred match come from?

  Perhaps aliens are aliens. Of course, it is natural not to eat fireworks.


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