Sky Dungeon

Chapter 877: Space kill

   Must be summoned, if you don't summon as a summoner, you will definitely be fighting the five scum.

   First-tier Spirit Beast Summoning: Summon a spirit beast higher than your own level to fight for yourself. Chanting time is 5 seconds.

When the second level is reached, it will be shortened to 4.8 seconds, but this shortening is of little significance to retail summoners. For the time being, no one will give priority to upgrading this spirit beast summoning skill, and only those who do not read the introduction of skill upgrade Players will upgrade this skill subconsciously, thinking that after upgrading this skill, they can strengthen the strength of the summoned spirit beast, but it is just a delusion.

Just think about any organ of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. The level of the spirit beast summoned by the first tier has already surpassed yourself, so if you can continue to increase the level of the spirit beast, how can you play with other classes? A monster that only comes with level suppression halo?

   Therefore, it is impossible to summon more powerful creatures by upgrading the summon skills!

   And most of the summoning professions are unable to choose their own summoned beasts, and the summoned thugs are random.

   However, it cannot be said that the boosting summoning technique is useless at all. After upgrading the summoning skill, the probability of randomly finding a powerful summoned beast will increase.

   This is like N, R, SR, SSR. Players who have played this kind of krypton gold games know that the ratings of babies summoned by krypton gold are different, ssr is more excellent, and the measurement panel will be stronger.

   Then it can be said that increasing the level of the summoning skill will increase the probability of summoning to the SSR.

However, there may not be so many ranks in Sky Dungeon, and the summoned creatures are only divided into SR and SSR. Therefore, many players can't feel this setting at all. The only thing they see is that they summon spirit beasts. The time is shortened.

   The shortened summoning time also means that you have a faster call-out ability, especially after you die in battle, you can go into battle faster, so the spirit beast summoner will still choose to upgrade this skill.

  Don’t think that the spirit beast will only scratch and hit ordinary attacks. Those combination skills are also very sharp to activate, especially the expert skill of the spirit beast summoner: [Space Kill]!

First-order space killing: Combine skills, use the space staff to cast a space blockade on the selected area in front, and transmit the spirit beast in a rage state, and at the same time inject a lot of magic power into the spirit beast, the spirit beast will perform on all enemies in the space Crazy attacks are repeated many times, and the attack method varies depending on the type of spirit beast.

   The space blockade enchantment lasts for 5 seconds. Within 5 seconds, the summoner is in the enchantment maintenance state and cannot be interrupted.

5-second space barrier, brutal and crazy 5-second precision strikes. Don’t think that spirit beasts can be interrupted and interfered after being teleported into this space barrier. Spirit beasts in the runaway state will not be attacked at all. Interference is even more invincible. Even if the Glory Paladin deploys the compulsory hatred skills in the enchantment, it will not help. At that time, he can only feel a real sense of powerlessness in the face of a powerful existence.

Of course, it may be a bit exaggerated. Although the opponent is invincible and the fighting power is bursting, the damage will not make the player too painful after all, but the space kill has more powerful uses, so that the spirit beast summoner is very much in the team. Popular!

   However, at this stage, there are still relatively few players using the correct posture for space killing, so that the power of magical skills has not been maximized.

   Of course, the magical skill belongs to the magical skill, and the skill description can also be regarded as clearly pointing out the weakness of the space killing: it cannot be interrupted!

   As soon as the space barrier disappears, the spirit beast's runaway state will disappear, naturally, the crazy combo will be interrupted.

   Moreover, Space Kill has a fatal flaw: combo skills, two-way enchantment.

   Combination skills are not difficult to understand, that is, they cannot be used without the spirit beast. Most of the skills of the spirit beast summoners are combination skills, which also leads to the fight with the spirit beast summoners, and you can also kill the opponent's spirit beasts first.

The spirit beast sounds powerful, but in fact the attribute template is not exaggerated, and even weaker than the attributes of ordinary monsters. After all, the attack of the spirit beast itself is unlikely to be high. If its basic attack is a high attack, then the spirit beast summoner There is no need to use any skills, just add an all-sensitive attribute to fly a kite, as long as you don't enter the enemy's attack range, and then rely on the far-reaching attack range of the spirit beast, let the spirit beast charge and become wretched.

   Obviously, neither the original game master Ce Jingtian nor the current Kitian Nongjing didn't like this style of profession, so they didn't give the spirit beast summoner this route.

However, don’t underestimate the command of the players in the world. Later, there were people who were so wretched. Although they became a soy sauce exporting party, the killing rate was so low that they were one of the most questioned figures. .

   But this is all something to say, we will not mention it for now.

Then talk about the two-way enchantment, that is, the attacks inside and outside the enchantment cannot pass through the enchantment. This also leads to the fact that if an unexpected player in the space enchantment in the space kills attacks on the enemy in the space enchantment position, they will be terminated. Block.

   The same is true ~ If there is a player on your side in the enchantment, then your player cannot receive attacks and treatments from players outside the enchantment.

   If your own players trapped in the enchantment are okay, they can cooperate with the space to kill the enemy with the least bloodline. If there are few people, they will definitely be set on fire.

However, it is precisely because of the two-way enchantment effect of the space killing that also pushed the spirit beast summoners to the altar, but at this stage, most of the spirit beast summoners are not aware of how to use it, not to mention the war commands of the various guilds. .

   In fact, as long as you use the space kill and throw it on top of your own camp, you can resist the first wave of attacks from the opponent, which is equivalent to group invincibility!

   Don’t stick to the damage caused by space kills. Even if there are no players in the area covered, the value of this skill is great.

Imagine that when the two sides are facing each other, the first wave of long-range attacks is coming. The soldiers standing in the forefront do not need to back down. The retail summoners behind them have launched space killings, and each attack is bombarded. Above the enchantment of Space Kill, it did not cause half a dime damage to the players in their own positions.

   Based on this, a team of twenty people must have a seat as a spirit beast summoner!

   In the late dungeon, if the BOSS will have a full-screen spike skill, if there is no similar space kill skill, then wait for the group to be destroyed. This also achieves the dual status of the spirit beast summoner PVE and PVP.

   Just such a small skill, even if the other skills of the Spirit Beast Summoner are rubbish, it is not enough to lower the status of the class in Sky Dungeon.

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