Sky Dungeon

Chapter 879: Is it okay to throw a wooden gada?

   However, I have to say that the game Sky Dungeon does not have an absolutely consistent resistance rate, nor an absolutely consistent hit rate.

  Different skills have hidden hit rates, and Tengyi has never made the negative hit rate public.

  On the one hand, it is convenient to make dark changes to the game.

On the other hand, I don’t want players to rely on data to judge the strength of their skills. Even if the skills are dead, the people who use the skills are alive. Especially in the later stages of the game development, the willpower generated by the player’s skills may be Will have an important impact on its own power.

   At this stage, even the full-spirited priest Shennong has very little chance of being immune to this powerful knock-up effect. Then there is no need to consider the strength-added Andromeda, his resistance is negligible.

   So, I saw that the Tauren uncle of Andromeda flew upside down, and inexplicably had a bruising effect on the canines behind him.

   That’s right, the player being knocked into the air is like a huge cannonball, and if it encounters a companion, it will cause a certain amount of damage.

   Of course, if someone backs up, the knock-up effect will decrease, especially if there are many comrades on the way out.

   Then, these comrades in arms can sacrifice themselves and stop the player who was knocked out.

   However, being knocked into the air this time only had a bruising effect on the companions. The knock-up effect was not greatly weakened, but it also caused additional damage to the teammates.

   This is called Hound's heart is dripping blood, after all, he is now below the safe blood line, he does not want to lose a trace of blood.

   But imagination returned to imagination. Neither Zuijing Guantian nor the village woman let go of his plan. In just a moment, the basic skills of the weapon fell on his head, and the crit hit tripled the damage!

   What are you afraid of?

   You guys are really both male and female!

   This is not over yet, the village woman blurted out the command: "Thousand-thumping throw!"

   The crossbow that exudes purple light was thrown out like a javelin by her!

   Do you want to be so cheating?

   Your skill is just doing whatever you want. Is it okay to throw a wooden gada?

   This must be a BUG, ​​it must be corrected!

   However, it was just such a piece of wood that it smashed heavily on the Hounds head...

   Hound's heart was instantly dark, as if he had been stunned by a wooden Gada.

   I have to say that the moment a Qianjun throw hits the target, it will form the special effect of the weapon escaping into the void. The special effect of time and space chaotically traveling through time and space is really a bit lingering, and it is full of praise.

   When will one's own skills be so cool!

   When can I throw a piece of wood at will and kill others?

   Just when the Hounds needed treatment most, Aquila finally made up his mind to start singing a skill, but his singing skill is obviously not a healing skill, but the wind of Shennong!

Jing Tian’s Yu Guang has actually been observing Aquila. After seeing that it was the wind of Shennong, Jing Tian realized that something was wrong. Don’t think that this magical technique of relieving negative states will not be able to recover too much blood and there is no use for eggs. , The second-tier Shennong’s Wind not only touches the negative state, but also produces resistance to the abnormal state for 3.5 seconds. Then as long as the Shennong’s Wind takes effect, then the healing can be freely cast any healing while welcoming the next thunder strike. skill!

   More importantly, as long as the Wind of Shennong takes effect, will the rest of the Star Guild fight back without being aware of the actual situation?

   This kind of opportunity, if you use the back of your head to think, it is impossible to let it go!

   But at the moment when Aquila sang, a cool breeze passed, and the next second a magic arrow with red firelight hit the Aquila!

  The Wind of Shennong was interrupted again!

   Yes, just before Aquila thought of taking out the wind of Shennong, Jin Chengwu had already issued a skill command: "???? (Shennong style)!"

   is actually the wind of Shennong!

The plastic surgeon Aquila thought of this skill step by step, maybe he should use this skill earlier, then it would not be so difficult to interrupt the tears of God in Aquila before. Perhaps the Hounds has been taken away by the system god. It's really dead.

   Then everyone will not be able to interrupt the other party's tears of God because of being controlled, and there will be no subsequent episodes, and they must once again forcefully kill the spirit beast summoner to avoid changes.

   After all, I’m too conservative, thinking that Shennong’s wind will stay in the rescue at the critical moment, but as the attacking party, where do you need to consider the rescue, you must push the opponent in one go, right?

   Regret and regret it, but it is not too late to make up for it. More importantly, the Shennong wind of the plastic surgeon has also dispelled the natural restraints on Yun Xueyiyi's body!

   This setting is actually a bit weird. Generally speaking, the wind of Shennong can only dispel some negative actions, and it is not effective for the restraint of materialization. After all, dispel is to dispel, but natural restraint is more like physical restraint.

   But, the origin of the natural binding force is is a wood attribute. When it encounters the wind of Shennong, it recognizes it and retracts directly into the ground!

   Don’t ask why, this is what Zhao Jiaxue came up with unexpectedly back then!

   This woman with jumping thoughts will always come up with strange ideas in strange places.

Originally, Jing Tian thought that those settings would surely make Ki Tian Nong Jing feel incomprehensible, but what he never expected was that those strange settings would often be adopted by the other party, but some of his own reasonable settings were also changed. Something weird.

   I have to say that, in a sense, Jing Tian feels that kicking Tiannongjing should belong to the same kind of person as Zhao Jiaxue. Sometimes he likes to jump thinking.

   Yun Xueyi was only able to start singing the Liaoyuan Arrow at the time of the last breath, and at this moment, the arrow hit the Aquila accurately.

The wind of Shennong in Aquila is interrupted and enters a semi-cooling state. Don't think that the cooldown and healing skills of Wind of Shennong are generally so short. This kind of anti-natural ability to remove negative states has an amazingly long cooling time. , Otherwise you don't need to use any control skills, and you can throw a Shennong style from time to time on the other side, just fight it out directly.

   In this situation, it is impossible for Aquila’s Shennong's wind to be used again in a short time.

What’s more tragic is that Yun Xueyi’s Liaoyuan Arrow still burned on the plastic surgeon. This is because the Liaoyuan Arrow has not been upgraded. Otherwise, the second-tier Liaoyuan Arrow fell on a poorly fireproof equipment. It's about to hit the ignited state directly, this is also the strengthening effect of Tier 2 Liaoyuan Arrow.

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