Sky Dungeon

Chapter 925: Fengyoujing plus abnormal spicy chili oil

The girls went back to their homes. On the way to the hospital, they just ate a simple meal prepared by the maid from the South. Those who were not full would naturally go home and look through the refrigerator to supplement the energy needed to sustain life. of!

Of course, this kind of excuse sounds nonsense to Jingtian, and it's because the mind is too jumping.

At this time, Nan Lingxi, the protagonist, asked for a one-time application of potion from Liu Yaya, hid in her bathroom, first rinsed it out, and wanted to apply it in the bathroom like this, but she recalled the last words of the doctor.

This medicine is more irritating, so if you can't help it, there is no comfortable place to lie down in this bathroom, where can you take it?

Thinking of this, Nan Lingxi casually wrapped a towel and walked back to the bedroom with bare feet. After closing the door, she lay directly on her big bed. After thinking for two seconds, she found a mirror. So I used a cotton swab moistened with the potion to smear my belly...

When the liquid on the cotton swab was applied to the belly of Nan Lingxi, there was no special feeling at first, but it felt a little cool. It seemed that it was not as irritating and unbearable as the doctor said, so Nan Lingxi relaxed and applied it again. Some, but just when she tried to apply it for the third time, there was a cool, hot and tingling sensation around her belly button!

Nan Lingxi finally began to believe why the doctor stayed alone and told herself so solemnly. This kind of stimulation was really unbearable. She was already roaring again and again like killing pigs on the bed.

At the same time, Liu Yaya was lying on her bed eating snacks, dreaming about the appearance of Nanlingxi smeared with wind oil and Indian devil pepper. The more he thought about it, the happier he was, and he burst out the snacks with a smile.

That's right, it is Fengyoujing plus abnormal spicy chili oil!

The emerald green bottle Liu Yaya gave the doctor is not wind oil essence, what else can it be?

Now Nan Lingxi smeared her belly with Devil Chili Oil!

This Indian devil chili oil is naturally in Liu Yaya's kitchen, but she deliberately prepared a lot of this chili and chili oil. Usually, in order to make food tasteful, it can be used as a weapon in times of crisis. Isn't it happy?

More importantly, like at this moment, it can be used as a tricky tool, isn't it even more uncontrollable?

Nan Lingxi yelled in her mouth and muttered in her heart: Why is this medicine so irritating? The doctor also said that Ren Yi Ren passed away. It has been a few minutes, and this burning sensation shows no signs of receding, shouldn't it? Did you smear the wrong place yourself?

It shouldn’t. Didn’t it say to apply around the belly button, shouldn’t it only apply around the uterus?

Or is your body different from other women, more sensitive than them?

In other words, your skin is allergic to drugs?

That's right, it must be so, after all, I am still not married!

If Jing Tian knew what Nan Lingxi was thinking at this time, he would definitely stare at Nan Lingxi with the look of aliens.

Maybe your skin may be allergic to drugs, but it has half a dime relationship with whether you are married or not married...

Wait, this medicine is so irritating, shouldn't it corrode your skin?

If there are any scars on my belly, how can I wear navel swimsuits in my life?

Isn't it right? If my skin is injured, how can I marry?

What if a scar is left after being suspected of having a cesarean section?

Especially Brother Jing, if he misunderstood something, he should be hit to death to show his innocence.

No, I have to call and ask my personal doctor, this is a matter of my innocence!

That’s right, how could there be no private doctor in Nan’s family? The reason why Nan Lingxi didn’t call his own private doctor to diagnose is precisely because he wanted to date Jing Tian. Although this date was contrary to the original intention, it tricked the group. Rivals in love also made Nan Lingxi happy.

In fact, let alone private doctors, there are hospitals in Nanjia's property. She can go to her own hospital for any checkups she wants. Where else might the current problems arise?

Sure enough, many injustices will kill themselves. Ask what the pit is in the world? Directly teach people to stumble and jump. The pits I dug by myself must climb out even if they are spicy!

Soon, Nan Lingxi's personal doctor answered the phone, and as soon as he came up, she heard her anxiously say: "My dear, what's wrong, what's wrong?"

However, it was not Nan Lingxi’s language that answered her, but Nan Lingxi’s unbearable screams, the kind of heart-piercing screams that seemed to be put on a torture instrument, and heard the private person on the other side of the phone. The doctor was completely dumbfounded.

In the next second, she recovered and immediately said: "My dear, hold on, I will call the security guard!"

Why is it called a security guard?

Shouldn't you call an ambulance?

"Don't...don't call the security guard, I hurts, after applying the hurts." Nan Lingxi said with difficulty.

"What? What's wrong with you, where it hurts, I'll call you an ambulance!" the private doctor said anxiously.

"No... I just applied... the potion prescribed by the city hospital doctor..." Nan Lingxi dared to endure the fiery pain.

"What potion? What wound did you apply?"

Personal doctors try their best to guess all possible events.

"I don't know... I applied it around my belly button, and there was a burning sensation... No, at first there was a cooling sensation. Will my skin scar?" Nan Lingxi anxiously wanted to cry, except for pain in her voice. Many worries.

Will scars fall?

Is it time to care about this kind of weird problem?

The key is to treat you well?

"Don't nothing will happen. What did you apply, what color is the potion, and what does it smell like?"

Private doctors began to search for medicines applied to the abdomen again in their minds, trying to always lock in a potion that would strongly stimulate allergic reactions.

But what do you think, this kind of potion shouldn't exist either? Could it be that the owner is allergic to potion and has an allergic reaction?

After all, it’s the skin, or anyone with allergic muscles!

Maybe it is allergic to a certain element, but I haven't encountered it before.

Hearing the reply from the private doctor, the anxiety in Nan Lingxi's heart eased a lot. It seems to have found some support, so you don't need to worry about it, as long as the other party is there, there is no problem that can't be solved.

"Say green or not green, say red or red, I haven't smelled it, you wait..."

Normal people who are okay to smell the smell of the medicine, don't you just put it on if it smells bad? Do you think you choose perfume?

"It smells a cooling oil, it smells...a bit pungent, and a bit like chili."

The smell of cooling oil?

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