Sky Dungeon

Chapter 935: Not everyone likes to be praised thin!

   Of course, the appetite of ten little girls is about the same.

   I have to say, except for Luo Xia, the little guy Xiao Huo seems to have a short appetite but is not in proportion to his body, and eats a lot more than Jing Tian.

   The other four personal guards also received Lin Yumian's order to eat together. Although their appetite is not astonishing, they can definitely be one enemy three.

   In short, the result of this time booking is so happy for everyone!

Back to the first floor of the base of Konghai Garden, I will call the building that Lin Yumian bought as the base for the time being. Surprisingly, several strange guards at the door are of ordinary body. They wear security uniforms and look like the original community. The security team was exactly the same, but everyone did not plan to communicate with them in depth, because before they waited for everyone to say hello, several of them handed over with four personal guards and evacuated.

   In the elevator, Zhao Jiaxue couldn't restrain the restless gossip heart, and asked Lin Yumian: "Are those security guards yours? How do you feel like ordinary security guards?"

   "It's my guard, but they are the passers-by who are in the crowd on weekdays. Of course they look ordinary. Everything is the power of Internet celebrities!"

   What does this have to do with the power of influencers?

   Is it because the Internet celebrities are so outstanding that they make these people seem too mediocre?

   Lin Yumian casually revealed the mystery, but most people did not think and understand.

She didn’t give everyone too much time to understand the mystery, so she casually explained: “Open guns are easy to hide from hidden arrows. If you want to assassinate any important person, then you must be careful around you. It seems to cover your passers-by army. , But it may be the Skynet that surrounds you. The moment you shoot, someone behind you will take you down in one fell swoop. In fact, the most qualified guards are just these passers-by guards. They are simple and unpretentious. It's easy to paralyze the enemy and make the enemy sway in front of you."

   "I don't want to assassinate anyone!"

   Zhao Jiaxue was a little horrified, and she didn't know what kind of picture she had made up by herself, and her body shuddered slightly when she spoke.

   In her eyes, all passers-by on the street now are other people's guards?

   Or in other words, this guy seems to really want to take advantage of the opportunity to go out, to whom?

   is now being poked into the thoughts in his heart, so his consciousness vetoed it?

   Or knowing that this path is not feasible, she feels fortunate that she has not implemented her own plan before... Sure enough, jumping thinking is hard to understand!

  Look at the time. It’s almost time for the furniture to be delivered to the door. Although it is not working time, the furniture city has made an exception and asked the mover to work overtime to deliver the furniture.

   So, Jing Tian said lightly: "Everyone, go back and rest. Lao Xia and I will help Jiu Qianxun and Xiao Yan receive furniture. We will call everyone to play together after we settle down."

   Everyone has no opinion. After playing games, the lunch break becomes a bit extravagant. It is rare to have such an opportunity. Naturally, everyone goes back to each house and finds each bed.

   "I'm doing it! Why do I still have me? I want to take a lunch break." Luo Xia found the opportunity and whispered to Jing Tian.

   "Fatty, don't you want to face, you have slept in Liu Yaya's bathtub for one night plus one morning, and still have a lunch break? Why don't you just get a summer sleep." Jing Tian said lightly.

   "Fuck you, I think you are pulling me as a backer. If you are all alone, you will be thievery. Pull on me to prevaricate your harem, lest you suspect that you have to fill the harem again."

   Luoxia's voice was not covered at this time, Jiu Qianxun naturally heard it clearly, her apricot eyes widened and stared at Jing Tian and said: "Smelly man, you don't want to succeed!"

   "What do you want to do to my cousin?" Xiao Huo also snapped angrily.

   What can I do to her?

   I don’t do it with so many beauties. Why do I have to deal with a stubborn older leftover sister?

Although Jing Tian complained so much in his heart, he still had to honestly say indifferently: "Uh...Old Xia has a **** mouth. I have always been not interested in slimming elder sisters and the like. I like Xiaojiabiyu and considerate. Girl."

" are the elder sister, your whole family are weight-loss champions! How old are you? What's wrong with how old are you? Sure enough, all men in the world are contemptuous!" After Jiu Qian roared, he hid in his own choice. As soon as the door of the master bedroom is locked, the people outside are ignored.

In fact, she was far more resentful in her heart than she had shown. What she resented was that she was rejected by a stinky man. What she resented was that her father told herself that if she wanted to grow faster, she should drink more alcohol, which is good for her body. Development, but drinking so much alcohol has no effect at all!

That’s right, another very important reason why Jiu Qianxun is drinking too much is because his father once said in a joke when he was in junior high school: "Daughter, the longer you get, the taller your body is. It means that your body is unbalanced. You have to develop horizontally. That’s okay. Learn to drink with me. Liquor can grow meat."

   Jiu Qian Xun is used to being ordered by her father, so she learned to drink when she was in junior high school.

   It is true that drinking alcohol can increase fat, but this path seems to vary from person to person.

   But as she got older, her fat mass didn't change at She thought that she drank too little, so she drank more and started drinking.

How could a girl not care about her appearance. She was once pointed at her back at school to call herself a telephone pole. Although on the surface, she didn’t care about the alcoholic patrol, but the arguments behind it had become the nightmare that bothered her, and she was completely swayed. Don't go.

   It's all right now, Jing Tian actually said in front of her that she was a slimming elder sister, which caused her to run away directly.

   Not everyone likes to be exaggerated thin!

   Especially, this kind of ordinary praise word is the worst derogatory word in her mind!

   But what makes her a little unpredictable is: Why didn't she hit Jingtian, but hid in embarrassment?

   I can use this excuse to beat up the smelly man!

   Why are you afraid you can't beat him?

   Have you started to fear the smelly man in your heart?

   Jingtian looked dazed, what did he say wrong?

   Could it be that the girl is thin wrong?

   Now girls don’t like others to say they are thin?

   Is it that I have been eliminated by the times?

   However, soon, Jiu Qianxun had to come out facing the scalp because the furniture arrived!

   She doesn’t even understand why she cares about Jing Tian’s words so much. In her mind, Jing Tian’s words can’t go away repeating: "I have always been not interested in slimming elder sisters..."

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