Sky Island Survival: Sign In Thunder Fruit At The Start!

Chapter 177 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

(177) The Fourth Magic, the Great Darkness!

After all, for the dark lord, he has never been able to figure out Su Chen's true strength.

Sometimes, Su Chen gave him the feeling that he was very easy to deal with.

But when he really dealt with it, it was not an easy task.


When one after another such things and problems are really put in front of everyone.

in the next time.

I saw that Su Chen didn't have so many thoughts and considerations.

Instead, his expression was sharpened and dignified directly.

And then with very solemn and very heavy eyes.

Facing the past towards Su Chen's figure.

Time seems to be slowing down a bit at this moment.

For this attack and attack that the dark lord is launching towards himself at this moment.

After being noticed that Su Chen's eyes were inside.

At this moment, Su Chen didn't even notice such an attack.

Even for Su Chen, such a situation and problem is already very simple and easy in his eyes.

However, the attack launched by the dark lord against himself can be stronger.

It's not that Su Chen doesn't take him seriously.

It's because the Dark Lord's performance has always been a bit too bland.


In the next time, Su Chen will not take it too seriously.

The atmosphere has become much more solemn and serious at this moment.

As the offensive energy began to get closer and closer.

After such a situation was noticed in his own eyes.

Then I saw that Su Chen didn't have so many hesitations and so many ideas.

But suddenly with a very determined look and eyes.

Facing the past in front of the scene.

And, looking at the dark lord's eyes, a very Rayleigh atmosphere has begun to fill up.

"I hope you can show your strongest power, instead of confronting me with this low-level energy."

At this moment, Su Chen's voice was full of lightness and indifference.

After letting the dark lord listen.

The dark lord's face changed immediately!

Perhaps for the dark lord, he himself did not expect that Su Chen would use such words to evaluate himself.

Are you saying that your offensive skills are rubbish?

Damn it! It's so cute, I can't stand it anymore!

Why don't Su Chen have a good look at his own power.

I'm afraid that I really won't be able to continue to mix in this field in the future.

This lordship of his own will also be greatly shaken!

This is what I have in my mind.

In the next time, I saw the dark lord without hesitation.

Since Su Chen's words (cged) have already been mentioned for this sake.

And Su Chen's meaning has been expressed so clearly and clearly.

Then there is no doubt that if he continues to hide his strength.

It doesn't make any sense.

So ever.

in the next time.

I saw that the expression in Su Chen's eyes that was showing to the outside began to change.

While facing the dark monarch.

The state of the whole person has fallen into an extremely intense combat state.

"Human, take a good look at my power!

End in one sentence.

In the sky, a black vortex suddenly appeared.

It appeared very abruptly! There was no expectation at all.

As if torn out of thin air.

Then, thunder surged.

One after another blue-purple thunder burst out from it.

Then, it exploded toward the outside.

This picture seems to bring a very strong sense of visual impact.

This scene is enough to see it.

The dark lord at this moment is really angry!

I have been entangled with Su Chen for so long, and there is no sign or sign of the end.

So now.

Since Su Chen's meaning has been understood.

All he wanted was a quick decision, with both sides unleashing the most powerful forces, and one move would determine the outcome.

One skill decides life and death.

If that's the case, that's it for him!

Fourth "Magic! The Great Darkness!

A fierce word came out of his mouth.

In the next second, the entire space dimmed instantly.

At the same time, countless blood-red tentacles began to stretch out.

The black back and red savings look especially scary!

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