Sky Island Survival: Sign In Thunder Fruit At The Start!

Chapter 395 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

(395] Must not be Su Chen's opponent!

Facing Su Chen's serious and stern look at him.

After being noticed inside the eyes of the dark lord.

In the next time, I saw that the dark lord seemed to be suddenly stunned.

The whole person stopped in place.

He faced Su Chen with a serious face.

And, when looking at Su Chen.

One thing that can be seen more clearly is that.

At this moment, the eyes revealed in the dark lord's eyes have changed very seriously.

After all, in the heart of the dark lord, Su Chen's existence has always been a very worthy of fear.

Especially now, when many problems are placed in front of me.

For the follow-up, how should I do it, and how should I solve this conflicting battle between myself and Su Chen.

This question, in the heart of the dark lord, has almost become something that makes him completely free from any suspense.

After all, if it is according to the current situation.

No matter how far things will develop in the future.

Or no matter how serious and severe things will follow.

The first thing that is very certain and very certain is that.

The situation in front of them must have gone far beyond their thoughts and their imaginations.

And, more and more problems are placed in front of them.

In the following time, one thing that everyone can think of very clearly is death.

The decision of the dark lord is often accompanied by many situations and many puzzled problems.

It's like saying now.

The tension between Su Chen and the Dark Lord has started to grow more and more serious.

And, in terms of subsequent events and developments.

It has also become something that everyone is looking forward to very much in their hearts.

After all, if this is the case.

No matter what changes or changes occur in subsequent events.

All in all, it is very clear in everyone's heart.

The comparison between Su Chen's strength and the strength of the Dark Lord does not have much origin.

In other words, as long as there is a real fight.

The existence of the dark lord is not necessarily Su Chen's opponent.

And more likely, Su Chen can defeat the dark lord, which is something everyone is very sure of so far.

However, even with many convictions, the dark lord has the exact same opinion as everyone else.

It's like saying now, although he may not be Su Chen's opponent.

But don't forget, no matter what you say, you are the lord in this secret (Zhao Zhao's) realm.

If you don't have the skills, you won't be able to achieve this position.

So at this moment, the thoughts in the dark lord's heart are actually a very serious and very serious existence.

Especially when facing Su Chen.

The dark lord's attitude has always been a very serious and very dignified evil attitude.

The thoughts in my heart have come to this point. In the next time, Su Chen didn't think so much.

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