Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 2 Dungeon 1: Self-Cultivation Of The Prey

She stood up staggeringly, extremely angry.

Where Tang Tang gave her a chance to attack again, she rushed up and smashed the lollipop.

The spider girl was stunned, and retreated unconsciously, and ended up retreating into a corner, unable to retreat.

He was directly smashed to the ground by Tang Tang.

Tang Tang pressed the Spider Girl's face to the ground with a lollipop, took a breath and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit harsh."

But the quality of this lollipop is really good, it is worthy of being customized.

The spider girl roared angrily, "I want to eat you! Eat you!" She is a monster! She was treated like this when she came up, did she not want to lose face?

Tang Tang looked at the spider girl and said in surprise, "You can talk, so can you tell me where this is?"

The Spider Girl's voice was sharp and piercing, "Here? This is Extinction Town! You can't escape!"

"Hehehe, if you are willing to be eaten by me, I can be gentle with you, and I can be very gentle with my prey."

Tang Tang kicked her on the head, "Be serious, it's not suitable for you to speak harshly now."

"You mean there are other people besides me?"

The spider girl twisted her face and asked Tang Tang, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

Ordinary people should be afraid and terrified when they see her?

Tang Tang hit her head again with the lollipop that was pressing on her, "Why don't you answer me first? Is there anyone else here besides me?"

The spider girl said reluctantly: "There are several more, but you are all just a group of prey, no matter how hard you struggle, the result will be the same!"

Tang Tang nodded, and did not ask other people where such nonsense.

Probably hiding from Spider-Girl.

Reciprocity, Tang Tang also answered Spider Girl's question, "You ask me why I am not afraid of you, maybe my nickname is Tang Bold, and I like unique things, like you."

At this time, Tang Tang heard the sound of something going upstairs.

The spider girl smiled distortedly, "You don't think I'm the only hunter in the whole town, do you?"

Tang Tang replied calmly: "Now I know, there are other things."

She guessed that it might be something that eats human heads from the opposite room.

It's troublesome now, it's a bit difficult to deal with two at the same time.

The closer the footsteps were, the calmer Tang Tang became.

She asked Spider-Girl, "Do you hunters share your prey with each other?"

Of course not, but Spider-Girl said, "Of course."

Tang Tang nodded and said softly: "I know, no."

The spider girl was out of breath, "If you don't believe me, what do you ask me?"

Tang Tang lowered his voice and said slyly: "Of course I believe it, just listen to it the other way around.".

Hua Luo quickly took back the lollipop and backed away, standing behind a cabinet, the things that came up from downstairs appeared at the stairs.

That thing is very black and thin, with a slender backbone, like a person who has been sunburned into a mummified corpse, but the teeth are exposed and protruding.

It saw Spider-Girl and squeezed a syllable from its throat. "Minute."

It appears that it just overheard "parts" of Spider-Girl's and Tang Tang's conversation.

Tang Tang is of course trying to be helpful.

She immediately pointed to the spider girl and said quickly, "Yes! She said that you will share the prey, so how are you going to divide me?"

Damn girl! The spider girl was so angry that she spit out spider silk directly at Tang Tang.

Tang Tang squatted down quickly, and the spider silk was all stuck on the cabinet.

She poked her head out from the side of the cabinet, shook her head and said in disapproval: "You actually regret it! You want to take it all yourself!"

The slender monster rushed towards the spider girl angrily, very fast.

The spider girl couldn't dodge in time, and a piece of flesh was bitten off by the slender monster on her shoulder.

She cursed, "Fool! This dead girl is trying to sow discord, trying to escape while we are fighting..."

Then the spider girl saw Tang Tang sitting on the cabinet with his hands up, crossing his legs, "Huh? Escape? You are insulting my self-cultivation as a prey!"

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