Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 334 Dungeon Five: A Player Wants To Kill Her

At this moment, a small knife with a cold light pierced through the fog and went straight to Tang Tang's door.

Tang Tang leaned back quickly, and the knife wiped her forehead, causing a slight sting.

But luckily it wasn't a fatal injury.

A player wants to kill her.

Only ghost players can kill players.

I just don't know if the person who did it was Qin Bao or another ghost player.

This mist is also very good, and it keeps causing troubles for her.

She has reason to suspect that there is a special way of cooperation between the ghost player and the instance npc, or the alienated object.

Tang Tang's arm hurt from being pulled, and then he heard that he had also bought a knife.

And there are still two.

Two small knives appeared in Tang Tang's palm, and she held the knives to cut the rope that bound her wrist.

Because it's not easy, it will take a while.

And the rope came out of the mist again, obviously trying to stop her.

Not only that, but the player who secretly wanted to kill her did not give up.

While Tang Tang was tired of dealing with the alienated objects, he started from behind again.

Tang Tang couldn't avoid it completely at this time, he could only avoid the vital parts as much as possible.

So the knife shot from behind pierced her shoulder directly.

She had slit the cord from one wrist, and then quickly slit the other wrist as well.

Grabbing the rope wrapped around her ankle, she kicked off the ground and leaped back, avoiding other incoming ropes and pulling out a alienated object.

She wrapped the rope around her arm, completely pulled the alienated object to her eyes, and stabbed it into the heart.

Then he turned around quickly, and the flying knife that appeared in the mist also pierced the alienated object's body.

The next process is that Tang Tang is constantly trying to survive under the attack of alienated objects and unknown ghost players.

Injuries are certain.

This fog can't get out, and killing the alienated object can't change anything.

Then we can only wait.

After the rain stops for a period of time, that corrosive ash will appear in the air.

If the mist does not disperse by then, and the mist adds ashes, plus the alienated object, there will be no solution.

it's out of the question.

Every crisis in the dungeon has a silver lining.

So Tang Tang believes that when the ashes appear, the fog will disperse.

Now I can only hold on.

I don't know how long it took, but the fog really began to dissipate.

Tang Tang tried to walk a few steps, but still couldn't get out.

Then wait.

It may be because the fog began to disperse, and the ghost player was unwilling to reveal his identity, so he left.

The alienated objects hidden in the fog and constantly flashing gradually became clear.

When the mist became very thin, Tang Tang felt a slight tingling on the skin.

She squinted her eyes and observed, and indeed, ashes began to appear in the air.

Tang Tang quickly walked to the house not far away, not far away, and soon returned to the house.

But her skin was also corroded by the ash with some small red spots.

After Tang Tang stood still in the room, he saw several players running towards the door outside the door.

While she was looking at the situation outside, a hand was stretched out from the side.

Fair and slender.

Tang Tang tilted his head and glanced, who else, of course, was Bian Yu.

She stuffed her hand into Bian Yu's palm, and complained coquettishly: "You might as well just let me not get hurt, so that you don't have to waste a lot of money to heal the injury."

As she spoke, she moved her shoulder, and she no longer felt the pain.

The corroded red dots on the skin also dissipated.

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