Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 24 Copy 1: The Air Suddenly Quiet

As he spoke, he winked and said, "Otherwise, why would the mayor always wipe Duan Ruqin's son's ass?"

Tang Tang made an interested expression, "For example?"

The boss suddenly stopped talking, and then said vaguely: "Anyway, Duan Ruqin's son did a lot of bad things, and the mayor came forward to deal with it."

Tang Tang repeated, "For example."

The boss sneered, "I forgot too. After all, her son has the mayor as his backer. No one dares to do anything to him. He dares to do anything."

Tang Tang withdrew the money, "Since I can't give an example, then I can only think that your secret is nonsense, just to cheat my money."

The boss quickly stopped, "Don't, I didn't lie to you! It's true!"

Tang Tang remained indifferent, and slowly stuffed all the money back into his bag.

The boss was so anxious, it felt like the duck he got flew away.

He scratched his ears and cheeks for a long time before he said, "Just...he used to force a girl to death."

"In the end, nothing happened."

After speaking, the boss paused for a moment, and said in the same obscene tone as Duan Ruqin just said: "That girl is just like Duan Ruqin, and she is also indiscreet."

"I really don't understand how you can pretend to be a chaste and strong woman when you are so lowly."

"I'm afraid I didn't get any money."

When he said this, there were some subtle differences in his tone.

Compared with Duan Ruqin, the tone was a bit more determined.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Tang Tang, "Can I give you the money?"

Tang Tang only took out a piece of money and gave it to him, "Let's make do."

The boss was not happy, "Where are you sending the beggar? Only one hundred yuan?"

Tang Tang said in surprise: "How could it be to send beggars?"

"If it's a beggar, I won't give you a dime."

The boss's expression twisted for a moment, but he quickly covered it up, "No one dared to mention those things just now, why don't you add more?"

Tang Tang thought for a while, "Well, you answer one of my questions, one hundred yuan."

"I'll ask you a few more questions."

There was a hint of ruthlessness in the boss's eyes, obviously dissatisfied.

But for some unknown reason, he still agreed.

Tang Tang asked: "How did Duan Zixuan force that girl to death?"

The boss shook his head, "I don't know, maybe I want to do that."

Then he quickly reached out, asking Tang Tang to take the money.

Tang Tang gave him a hundred yuan and continued to ask: "When did this happen?"

The boss asked uncertainly, "Maybe... a few years ago?"

Tang Tang smiled and gave him a hundred dollars, "How old is Duan Zixuan now?"

The boss replied: "Eighteen years old."

Tang Tang gave the money, "How old was he when that happened?"

The boss hesitated, "Eighteen?"

Tang Tang is still going on, give a piece of money and ask, "How many years ago was how many years ago?"

The boss couldn't answer. Seeing that Tang Tang was about to take back the money, he hurriedly said, "Five years ago!"

Tang Tang let go of the hand that took the money, "What's the girl's name?"

The boss kept his eyes on the money in Tang Tang's hand, "Chen Xiaohong."

Tang Tang: "Does the girl have a family?"

Boss: "No, she is an orphan, and the person who adopted her died."

Tang Tang: "Where did she live before?"

Boss: "East of the town, the most fringe place."

This time Tang Tang drew out three cards, "Is there any birthmark on Chen Xiaohong?"

The boss's eyes lit up, and he answered quickly, "No, there is a mole on the lower back."

The air was suddenly quiet.

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