Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 39 Dungeon 1: Alienated Object Level

So when Lin Haobin and Bian Yu came back, they saw an extremely harmonious scene.

Tang Tang sat comfortably on the podium, while other players pinched their shoulders and fed fruit.

Zhou Xing was pinching his feet, his eyes were swollen like walnuts.

The students in the classroom look friendly and help each other.

In short, the years are quiet and good.

Lin Haobin thought for a moment that he was hallucinating.

Then he thought about it, maybe something happened after he and Bian Yu left.

As for what's the matter, Lin Haobin didn't mean to ask.

He entered the classroom again and said, "Let's ask about Chen Xiaohong and Liu Wenshan."

Tang Tang took the orange peeled by the player, raised his eyebrows and asked, "How do you say it?"

Lin Haobin briefly talked about the information asked.

The mayor's malice towards Chen Xiaohong seems to be great.

This is true of both men and women.

But this kind of malice has some differences.

The woman's malice was very naked, and she cursed some nasty words.

Male malice is insulting.

Most of them said she was unclean, vixen or something.

The place where Chen Xiaohong used to live was abandoned.

No one lives.

As for Liu Wenshan, I didn't find out that he was related to Chen Xiaohong.

Just say that he is the only promising one in this small town.

And know how to be grateful.

This school was built by Liu Wenshan when he came back.

Before Liu Wenshan came back to build this school, most of the children in the town only attended elementary school.

That's why these students are all eighteen years old and still taking junior high school courses here.

Then he mentioned that the people in the town didn't care about learning or not.

But seeing that Liu Wenshan, who loves to study, is so promising, they all agreed to let their children study again.

After speaking, Lin Haobin paused, "There is just a place, which is a bit strange."

Tang Tang was lazy, motioning for him to continue.

Lin Haobin thought about how to describe it, "The people in this small town seem to be... fuzzy about time?"

Tang Tang understood, "For example, when Chen Xiaohong died five years ago, Duan Zixuan was eighteen."

"Now, Chen Xiaohong has been dead for five years, and Duan Zixuan is still eighteen years old."

Lin Haobin nodded, "Yes! That's it!"

It sounds weird.

Tang Tang casually asked Lin Haobin, "What do you think is the reason?"

Lin Haobin thought, "Strictly speaking, these people in the town have been completely alienated, and what they see now is only the illusion of peace."

"So could it be that a higher-level alienated object controlled them and made them feel that way?"

"It's like, I clearly saw someone alienated, but it's like I didn't see it."

Tang Tang finally became interested, "Alienated objects are divided into levels?"

Lin Haobin glanced at Tangtang, thinking that she shouldn't know about this.

When he was hesitating, Bian Yu spoke indifferently, "Yes."

"A high-level alienation can control the low-level alienation it pollutes."

Tang Tang suddenly realized, "So these people in the town are all polluted by the same high-level alienated substance?"

Bian Yu hummed, and continued to popularize science, "Advanced alienated objects have territorial awareness."

"There will only be one high-level alienated object within the range of a territory."

Tang Tang found it very interesting, "Then how many levels does this alienated object have?"

Bian Yu said lightly: "I don't know."

Lin Haobin sighed, "After all, we haven't cleared a few dungeons, so we don't know that much."

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