Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 51 Dungeon 1: She Is Fear Itself

Liu Wenshan looked at the closed classroom door, the expression on his face became lighter.

He stood there for a while before turning to leave.

Threats should be removed.

Tang Tang sent down the test paper.

Then he took off his sunglasses, mask, and coat slowly.

He raised his hand slightly, showing his sharp nails.

His eyes were as red as blood.

She tilted her head, opened her mouth in an incredible arc, and looked at the students with a smile, "You should be able to get full marks in the exam, right?"

The voice was like the whisper of a demon.

People in the town will not respond to alienation objects during the day.

The high probability is that, as Bian Yu said, his cognition has been changed.

So logically speaking, they shouldn't have any reaction when they saw Tang Tang's terrifying appearance.

However, many students couldn't help but feel fear.

As if Tang Tang was fear itself, she could let fear erode their hearts just by standing there.

In fact, a large part of it is because most of the alienated objects that these students turned into last night saw Tang Tang's frantic hunting and killing of the alienated objects.

So even if there is no memory of the night, the fear is still engraved in the bone.

With a sound of "Boom", Tang Tang looked over.

A student dropped a fruit knife at his feet.

Tang Tang tilted his head, "Do I still need to bring a knife for the exam?"

The students were shaking like chaff.

He didn't know why, but he was afraid, terribly afraid.

Tang Tang's voice is very gentle, dripping water, "Look at what I do, do I have an answer on my face?"

The students quickly bowed their heads and started working on the test papers.

The topic was so simple that it couldn't be simpler, but they were afraid of doing something wrong, so they were careful and cautious.

After a long time, they all finished the test papers.

Tang Tang asked Bian Yu to collect the test papers, and then corrected them on the spot.

Tang Tang said with satisfaction: "Not bad, they all got full marks."

It's just that this task has not been judged to be completed.

Tang Tang recalled again, who are the three good students?

Good character, good study, good health.

"Tsk." Tang Tang's dislike was beyond words.

If there is anything I don't know, my character is not good enough.

She flipped through the ideological and moral textbooks, how to cultivate students' good moral character.

Develop good behavior habits, create a good family environment, and establish a correct outlook on life and values.

It really reminds me of my student days.

Tang Tang looked up, turned his wrist, and pointed the contents of the textbook to the students, "Memorize it by yourself, and then go out and do good deeds."

"Why help the old lady to cross the road, it's not bad to pick up money, find it yourself."

"Oh, you better know what is an effective good man and good thing."

After finishing speaking, Tang Tang glanced at the time, "Come back during lunch and report the progress."

Do any students dare to refute? No.

They walked fast one by one.

After the students left, Tang Tang bought mattresses and quilts from the mall, made them in the office, and went to sleep!

Although I'm not too sleepy, staying up late hurts my body, so why don't I find time to make up for it?

As for points? Points are like money, don’t you have to spend them when you earn them?

Tang Tang was sleeping, and Bian Yu was standing by the window like a sculpture, not even changing his expression.

I don't know how long it took, a few students came back sneakily.

They all had knives or something in their hands.

They cautiously pushed open the office door, staring straight at the sleeping Tang Tang.

There is a voice in their heads that keeps urging them to kill Tang Tang.

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