Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 81 Copy Two: Successful Reporting

Everyone was stunned. They had done nothing, yet they were going to be punished.

Punishment means something, it means death is very likely.

In an instant, all the resentment and anger gathered on Tang Tang.

Because they will feel that if it is not Tang Tang, they can get away with it.

Tang Tang smiled, "Then teacher, how are you going to punish us?"

The woman said viciously: "Everyone will be imprisoned!"

After finishing speaking, she deliberately looked at the others, "Have you seen that, originally you would not have to be punished."

"But if some of you don't obey the school rules, then there's nothing you can do."

The purpose should not be too obvious, just to bring hatred to Tang Tang.

Tang Tang nodded, "Yes, yes, yes, it's all my fault."

"So, can we close the confinement?"

Many people dare not speak out, and being implicated by others makes them angry no matter how they think about it.

But he was afraid of offending this woman.

The woman raised her hand and signaled to the security guard, "Take them all to confinement!"

The confinement room is a row of bungalows.

Since there are quite a lot of Tang Tang and the others, except for Tang Tang who has a confinement room for each person, there are several rooms for everyone else.

But for a minute or two, before the other players even felt the terrifying atmosphere, the game system beeped.

[After verification, the player Tang Tang's report that the dungeon npc violated the dungeon rules is true, and the penalty: obliteration. 】

[The dungeon affected by npc violations is now being corrected, players affected by npc violations will be compensated, 300 points. 】

Immediately afterwards, except for Tang Tang, other players and npcs who were locked up were released.

When they came out, they saw the mean woman screaming, her body bent and folded in an unbelievable state.

It became a spherical shape, and then lost its breath.

The released players looked at each other, completely unaware of what happened.

He thought he was going to be in danger, but he was released suddenly and got 300 points.

They recalled the system broadcast just now, and their mood became more complicated.

It sounds like Tang Tang reported the npc violation.

Still have this kind of operation?

Thirteen smiled happily, "It's really interesting."

Tang Tang seemed to be a player who hadn't experienced a few dungeons, but he was able to learn to report npc so quickly.

In the dimly lit confinement room, Tang Tang was a little dissatisfied.

It was clearly her who reported it, so how come the points belong to others and she doesn't have them?

I didn't report it if I knew it earlier, it's a shame.

Why did Tang Tang think of reporting it?

Because Bian Yu said that the npcs in the dungeon also have to abide by the rules.

Especially the npcs of low-level dungeons, there are even more rules to follow.

So can Tang Tang think that the school rules that players must abide by are the rules that copy npcs must abide by?

In other words, players who violate school rules may die.

And npc can only attack players who violate the school rules.

She would think that the npc violated the rules because there is no such thing as a continuous sitting in the school rules.

Players who violate the school rules will be punished by the teacher, so what about the npc who violates the dungeon rules?

Of course it's official.

Tang Tang really likes this kind of copy that clearly writes the rules.

It's just that she didn't earn points, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Not only that, she had to be locked up.

Because Tang Tang did violate the school rules.

This confinement room is really quite dark, because there are no windows, only a little light coming in through the crack of the door.

Tang Tang also felt a little cold.

She glanced around the brig.

There is a set of tables and chairs in the middle of the confinement room.

He also vaguely saw something on the wall of the confinement room.

Tang Tang got closer and saw clearly with the faint light.

On the wall are black shadows one after another.

Tall and short, fat and thin.

a lot of.

Tang Tang was observing this moment, only to feel something flash behind him.

She turned around quickly and found someone standing not far away.

It was a man with what appeared to be a smiley mask on his face.

There is a weird feeling.

A voice came from that person's direction, eerie and terrifying, "Student, have you finished your review?"

Tang Tang: "Review? What review?"

The man didn't move his mouth, and said slowly, "Student, if you violate the school rules, you will have to write a self-criticism."

Tang Tang suddenly realized, "Then what if I don't write?"

That person's voice sounded again, "If you don't write, you will only be with the classmates who violated the school rules before."

With that said, he raised his finger and pointed behind Tang Tang, "They seem to like you very much."

Tang Tang turned his head and saw the black shadows on the wall moving.

It's like a paper man getting fuller gradually.

Those black figures without facial features surrounded Tang Tang one by one.

Paper and pens appeared on the desk and chair in the middle of the confinement room.

The man said, "Do you want to accompany them?"

Tang Tang asked without answering, "How many students here violate the school rules?"

The man said slowly: "I can't remember, but it will increase soon."

Hey, then Tang Tang can only count by himself.

There were about sixteen of them.

A 250 points.

Hey, four thousand points, rich, rich.

It’s just that it’s a bit difficult for one-to-sixteen, so I have to find a way.

Tang Tang asked again: "After writing the review, can I go out?"

The man replied: "If your review can satisfy me."

Tang Tang continued to ask: "Then how can you be satisfied?"

The pervasive smile on the man's face seemed to be a little thicker, "That's what you need to do."

Tang Tang was dissatisfied with this answer, "Isn't it true that you are dissatisfied if you say you are dissatisfied?"

The man seemed to be teleporting, and he was face to face with Tang Tang in the blink of an eye, "So you have to work hard to satisfy me."

The magnified mask-like smiling face was extremely terrifying.

Tang Tang is silent, saying this is the same as not saying it, is it interesting?

The man spoke again, "A thousand words, an hour."

It means that Tang Tang has to write a thousand-word review within an hour.

All right, all right, while writing, think about how to earn these four thousand points.

Tang Tang sat down on the chair and just picked up the pen.

Those black shadows hung on Tang Tang's body in all directions without dead ends.

Not to mention writing a review, Tang Tang is having a hard time even raising his hand.

She moved her fingers and raised her middle finger tremblingly.

The smiling man said, "It's been a minute, students should hurry up."

Tang Tang squeezed the pen and raised his hand with great effort.

The black shadows pulling her arms were like a thousand catties.

It is very difficult for Tang Tang to lift a little bit.

She could barely move her fingers.

Tang Tang press the pen to the palm of the hand with the middle finger, and then move the pen down little by little until the index finger can touch the end of the pen.

She put the tip of the pen against the hand of an unknown shadow, and suddenly pressed her index finger to the end of the pen.

The tip of the pen pierced Sombra's hand.

That's right, she worked so hard just to see how she could get points.

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