Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 88 Copy 2: There Is A Problem

Tang Tang was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, "If you want to die faster, keep arguing."

It was as if she knew nothing about Feng Wenwen's condition.

After finishing speaking, Tang Tang tore the sheet and quilt cover out of the collapsed bed and spread it directly on the ground.

Danger solved that is of course sleeping.

Zhu Ning was a little afraid of Feng Wenwen, who was showing signs of alienation, so she could only shrink beside Tang Tang and not speak.

Feng Wenwen panicked, she didn't want to become a monster.

But she didn't dare to continue making noise, because it was possible that the fan person on the ground would be her end.

After calming down, some Feng Wenwen also discovered that it wasn't that she lost her eye, but that the eye had grown to the palm of her hand.

Feng Wenwen's scalp felt numb as she looked into the eyes of her palm.

How to describe it? When the eye in the palm of your hand is facing you, you are looking at yourself.

Feng Wenwen could see her terrifying appearance now.

She was terrified of this feeling.

She closed her palms suddenly, not daring to face herself again.

But fear was still gnawing at her nerves bit by bit.

Even if she kept telling herself not to be afraid, it didn't help.

Sometimes it's one thing to know what's the right thing to do.

Whether it can be done is another matter.

Tang Tang really fell asleep, but neither Zhu Ning nor Feng Wenwen slept, nor could they fall asleep.

One feared that he was going to become a monster, and the other feared whether Feng Wenwen would suddenly lose his mind.

The lingering negative emotions have become a breeding ground for accelerating the alienation value.

The night was lengthened, and both Zhu Ning and Feng Wenwen were eroded by this darkness.

When they were urged to get up early the next morning, Zhu Ning also showed signs of alienation, but not so serious.

Feng Wenwen's degree of alienation is even higher.

The alienated part and the non-alienated part are clearly separated, which looks weird and distorted.

It's like trying to put two completely different things together.

Tang Tang's ears got better, but only a little.

Barely able to hear some sound.

There is a washing place at the end of each floor of the dormitory building.

There is a large mirror above the sink, but the mirror has been completely painted with red paint.

Tang Tang remembered the mirror alienation thing he encountered yesterday when he was washing his paintbrush.

Could it be that this is also to prevent the mirror alienation from appearing?

Tang Tang was squeezed back a step.

All the students crowded into such a small place, racing against time to wash up.

Tang Tang glanced over these students, their faces were full of fear, numbness, and nervousness.

The first thing they do when they open their eyes every day is probably thinking about how to live.

Tang Tang suddenly remembered that he still had something to do.

She reached out and grabbed a classmate, an npc, "Student, may I ask, how did this school become like this?"

Straight to the point.

Although it is impossible to complete the task by this method, but what confidence can be gained?

After asking, Tang Tang tilted his head, trying to catch the classmate's answer.

The classmate took a step back in horror, and could hear her saying intermittently, "I don't know, don't ask her."

As expected.

Tang Tang asked again: "What kind of school is this?"

This school is really problematic.

Which regular school has the same school rules as yesterday.

The classes I attended were not normal school classes either.

Before Tang Tang could get an answer, he felt a tingling pain in his neck.

She quickly raised her hand to touch her upper neck, the back of her hand hurt, and blood flowed down the back of her hand.

Zhu Ning and the surrounding npcs all looked at Tang Tang in horror.

Tang Tang had already realized something, and quickly backed away from the sink where they washed.

It's the mirror alienation.

It seems that that thing can not only hurt people through the mirror as a medium.

Anything that can reflect things can be used as a medium.

For example, water surface.

Tang Tang didn't hear what Zhu Ning said in his ear very clearly.

She raised her hand and looked at the back of her hand.

There was a deep gash cut by something sharp, and blood was dripping on the ground.

The glaring blood smeared on the wet ground.

If Tang Tang didn't react quickly enough, it might be her throat that was slashed open.

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows and looked at a girl standing by the pool.

The girl held the razor blade with one hand and raised it with the other.

Looks like he wants to cut his wrists.

Seeing Tang Tang looking over, she quickly hid the blade behind her back, shaking violently.

It should be that the blade in the girl's hand was also reflected on the water, so it was used by the mirror alienation object to attack Tang Tang.

Perhaps because there was too much movement, a teacher came over in a hurry.

is a new face.

She looked very similar to the supervisor next to her, in her fifties, with a kind expression.

However, the fear and fear on the faces of these students did not slow down in the slightest.

She should be asking what happened.

But the hearing-impaired Tang Tang also couldn't hear clearly, as if he was out of tune with everything around him.

Then the teacher reached out and grabbed Tang Tang's injured hand with a concerned expression.

Now it was so close that Tang Tang could barely hear what she said.

She asked Tang Tang, "Is the injury serious?"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, "Isn't that what you saw?"

Still need to ask?

The teacher was not embarrassed at all, and continued to be concerned: "Teacher, let's take you to treat the wound. It will be bad if it gets worse."

Then without waiting for Tang Tang to agree, he half pushed Tang Tang away.

Tang Tang also wanted to see what the new teacher was going to do, so he didn't resist.

Then I heard the teacher ask the dormitory supervisor to check the dangerous goods in a reproachful tone, saying that it would be bad if it hurt other students again.

He looks like a good teacher who cares about his students.

The teacher's surname is Zhu.

Teacher Zhu brought Tang Tang to the office.

As soon as Tang Tang stepped into the office, he felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

It's the kind of feeling that makes people unconsciously want to relax.

The layout of the office is very warm, as if the things that happened before were all hallucinations.

Teacher Zhu let Tang Tang sit on a chair, and then carefully bandaged her wound.

Then I asked Tang Tang how he got hurt.

Her gentle tone and the warmth of the office made Tang Tang couldn't help but trust her feelings.

Tang Tang smiled, and said very honestly: "It happened suddenly, I don't know."

Teacher Zhu sighed, and said distressedly that Tang Tang is a good boy, if he is bullied by other students, he must tell her.

Tang Tang tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingertips, feeling a little impatient. This teacher Zhu talks a lot of nonsense, and his business ability is not good.

But miraculously, the impatience in her heart dissipated in an instant.

Kind of like she shouldn't feel impatient in a place like this.

Teacher Zhu took a glass of water for Tang Tang. With a smile on her face, she said softly, "Drink a glass of hot water to warm your body, you must have been frightened too."

Teacher Zhu's smile is very warm, just like her mother.

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