Sky! She Harmed The Npc Again In The Horror Copy

Chapter 90 Dungeon 2: Pulling Hatred

Bian Yu turned his gaze to Tang Tang, "When the school was normal, it killed many people."

His voice clearly reached Tang Tang's ears, as if her ears had no problem.

Thirteen was a little dissatisfied, "Don't you give me a chance to show off in front of beautiful women?"

Obviously, only Bian Yu's voice can be so clear, the others are still the same.

Tang Tang also leaned sideways against the wall, she was indeed a lazy beauty, "Okay, you can act now."

Thirteen pointed to the tall iron fences not far away, "Did you see those school walls, they are electrified."

"What kind of school do you say will have electricity on the fence?"

Tang Tang looked at those fences and had a clue, "Some, special training school."

"For example, the King of Thunder and Lightning."

Thirteen snapped his fingers, "That's right."

Seeing that it was Tang Tang's turn to carry out the so-called physical training.

She moved to Bian Yu's side, "Can you relieve the pain?"

It hurts badly.

Bian Yu replied quickly, "No."

There was no expression on his face, and he looked very cold and ruthless.

Tang Tang didn't mind either, and stretched out his hand, "Then stop the bleeding again."

Before Bian Yu could answer, Tang Tang grabbed Bian Yu's side hand.

It can be said to be very rogue.

Bian Yu lowered his eyebrows, and the mild sunlight hit his side face, making him more handsome and elegant, like an angel descended from the earth.

He said, "Let go."

Tang Tang blinked, "Okay?"

Bian Yu replied: "Yes."

Tang Tang let go without any hesitation, and distanced himself from Bian Yu, looking like a scumbag who threw it away after use.

Soon they arrived at Tang Tang for physical training.

The players all had grim expressions, as if they were about to go to the execution ground.

There are still players who died, and the whole person was torn in half by the powerful alienated object, which was extremely bloody.

Zhu Ning couldn't bear to look away.

After a while, the physical fitness teacher called Tang Tang's name.

Tang Tang just took a step forward when Teacher Zhu appeared and said kindly with a smile, "Tang Tang is a good student. He was injured in an accident this morning, so he won't be participating in physical training."

For a moment, all eyes were on Tang Tang.

Many of them looked at her as if they were looking at a traitor.

After Teacher Zhu finished speaking, he walked up to Tang Tang and said a lot in a concerned tone.

To understand is that Tang Tang is already on the same side as her, and Tang Tang will watch the students for her.

Teacher Zhu's operation was not to help Tang Tang, but to make Tang Tang a target of public criticism.

No, the eyes of those NPCs almost pierced her through.

However, it is not completely without benefits, at least there is no need for physical training, so why not do it.

It's just that she was still very angry, "What nonsense are you talking about! I didn't promise you anything!"

Seeing Tang Tang's reaction, Teacher Zhu smiled even bigger, "Then... the teacher made a mistake, but you were indeed injured. How about it, you don't need to participate in physical training for the next week."

It was wrong to say yes in the first sentence, but the latter sentence was to say, yes, that's it, otherwise how could she have such a privilege?

Tang Tang was even angrier, "You just want other students to hate me! If you don't have physical training for a week, you'll regret it!"

Teacher Zhu laughed even more disgustingly, "How could it be? The teacher never counts what he says."

Tang Tang put away his angry expression, and said with a smile: "This is what you said, teacher."

Teacher Zhu's face changed like Tang Tang turning over a book, and he couldn't react for a moment.

And Tang Tang has already walked to the wall to lean against the wall, and falsely shouted cheers for other players.

A few players were so angry that they died, and people were more angry than others.

Tang Tang drew hatred on herself, what Teacher Zhu wanted was to bring hatred to Tang Tang, but she didn't feel happy.

What made her even more angry was that Tang Tang waved to her with a bright smile, "Thank you teacher!"

Teacher Zhu left angrily.

Tang Tang was able to observe how all players jumped repeatedly on the death line.

Thirteen's way of passing is more fancy, just like playing tricks.

In fact, it's normal for him to be so relaxed. This is a D-level world, and Thirteen is obviously someone who has cleared many dungeons.

And the ability is still relatively strong.

As for Bian Yu, there is no suspense.

Because he really walked over directly, those alienated objects turned a blind eye to him.

Don't ask, asking is skill plus luck.

Even Thirteen believed it, and felt that this skill was too heaven-defying.

And he regards Bian Yu as a high-end player who fry fish in low-end rounds like him.

Tang Tang can only say that he is happy.

Maybe it was because they were tortured once yesterday, so although today was difficult, only two players died.

Feng Wenwen also died, because she had one eye in the palm of her hand, and she was not used to using the eye in the palm of her hand. The poor vision made it even more difficult, so she couldn't pass safely.

Zhu Ning pinched his arms and looked at Feng Wenwen's body hanging on the wooden pole in horror, the fear in his heart was even greater.

Those who died were insignificant people, and perhaps the impact on people would not be particularly large.

But if the person who died was someone who had been with you for a day and a night, or was even talking to you just a moment ago, then the impact would be greater.

Zhu Ning mechanically turned his head to look at Tang Tang, "What should I do so that I am not afraid?"

She clearly understood that the more she was afraid of alienation, the faster she would become alienated, but she couldn't control it.

Even if she told herself over and over again not to be afraid, the fear had wrapped her tightly, and she couldn't get rid of it.

Tang Tang looked at Feng Wenwen's body not far away, and replied, "I don't know either."

Maybe after escaping from the dead, all negative emotions need an outlet, and a player suddenly yelled at Tang Tang, "What don't you know! I think you already knew how to pass the level, so you didn't tell us on purpose!"

"Otherwise, why don't you have to face the danger of death like that!"

"People like you are fucking selfish!"

"Extremely selfish!"

Tang Tang's expression didn't change, he said let him say, anyway, Tang Tang won't lose a piece of meat.

She just leaned against the wall and looked at the player, as if she was looking at an impotent and furious clown.

The player became even more annoyed, his nails suddenly sharpened, and he grabbed Tang Tang.

Tang Tang finally moved his hand, grabbed his wrist and pressed it directly against the wall, "It seems that you can't wait to give me points."

The player's head hit the wall and the pain made him sober up, but he still didn't want to admit that he was wrong.

He said in a bad tone at the beginning: "Let go of me! I won't let you have a chance to turn me into points!"

Tang Tang let out a sigh of relief, and sent encouragement, "Come on."

But this encouragement made the player's blood pressure a little high. He endured and endured, so that he didn't let himself do anything to Tang Tang again.

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