Sky War God

Chapter 1008: Ouyang Qinger

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In fact, this young Ouyang figure did not deceive the people present. What a noble status their young lady is, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to see the young lady.

Even these top figures in the Wind and Lantern Realm, few people have actually seen Ouyang Qing'er.

Therefore, the young man did not dare to promise everyone present, and at the beginning of this party, he never heard that the young lady would appear.

After learning that Ouyang Qing'er would not appear at the party, many people present were a little negative, and even a few people even started complaining.

Makes the atmosphere of the scene a bit discordant.


However, at this moment, the sound of a crane's chirping came over in the distant sky. This sound was clear and loud, echoing above the sky, so that people in the area around Ziyue Lake could hear clearly.

Their gazes turned in an instant, and they looked in the direction where the sound came from, and now there was a white crane figure flapping its huge wings, coming casually towards where the people were.

This white crane has a tall and straight figure and elegant movements. The white feathers seem to be covered with bursts of golden luster, which reveals a sense of sacredness. The pair of jet-black eyes are piercing, as if they are extremely energetic.

"this is……"

Seeing the white crane descending into the sky, the eyes of the crowd on the shore of Ziyue Lake were frozen for a while, it was not clear what the white crane descending meant.

Their gazes looked upwards, and they saw an extremely beautiful and elegant figure sitting on the back of the white crane. This figure was dressed in a white gauze and covered her face with a light gauze. She could not see her face clearly, but from that pair to the extreme. In her beautiful eyes, we can see that this elegant shadow definitely has a stunning appearance beyond people's imagination.

That slender figure, with a clear and ethereal beauty, seemed to release the holy light like a fairy.

The blue silk, which is like a black waterfall, dances with the wind, and it is elegant in its agility, making this beautiful figure even more holy and unparalleled.

She walked as if a fairy from above the nine heavens descended from the earth, and the breath she released seemed not to belong to this world. People can only admire it, but dare not blaspheme.

"This woman is so beautiful, who is she?"

Seeing this fairy-like girl Cheng He, all the people present trembled, and their eyes fixed on this holy girl. For a long time, she couldn't move away. Just listen to the people in the crowd. Shaking slightly.

After hearing this person's words, there was a touch of surprise in the eyes of many people present.

Although this young girl covered her face with a light gauze, she still couldn't hide her peerless posture.

Just the kind of holy breath released from the body is not comparable to ordinary women. This made it impossible for everyone present to move their eyes after seeing the girl, and all fell into the girl's attractive posture.


Baihe once again uttered a chirping sound, and his graceful posture swooped down, and it landed directly on a prescription position on the lake pavilion.

After the white crane descended, the holy girl also walked from above the white crane. Her eyes glanced at the people who came to the party not far away, as if she was deliberately searching for someone.

As if unable to search for the target she wanted, a bit of unexpected color flashed in the girl's bright and jewel-like eyes, and then she walked directly into the attic of the pavilion without a word. The gestures were all graceful, and the crowd was mesmerized.

"Is this Miss Ouyang Qing'er?"

After the girl entered the attic, someone boldly guessed, causing everyone present to flicker.

The young girl who just arrived seems to fit the description of Ouyang Qing'er in all aspects, including her appearance and temperament.

"You are right. This woman is officially known as Miss Ouyang Qinger, the first beauty in the Wind and Lantern Realm. Before that, I had the honor to meet Miss Ouyang Qinger, but she was still a veil at that time. Masked, I have not been able to see the true face of Miss Ouyang Qinger."

Just as the crowd guessed the identity of this girl, a strong one suddenly spoke.

As soon as he said this, the eyes of many people present flickered, and the expressions on their faces immediately became excited.

It turned out that they were right. The girl who just appeared was Ouyang Qing'er, who is known as the number one beauty in the Wind and Lantern Realm.

Sure enough, it was as beautiful as the rumors, just the breath that radiated from the body could already conquer everyone present.

It's really beautiful, even if it's a fairy from above the nine heavens, it's just so!

Everyone including Yitianlong and Jinlong had that excited expression on their faces, which could even be described as fanatical.

The first beauty in the wind and haze realm, anyone who doesn't want to get in touch with it, even the first glance is considered a worthwhile trip.

"The unitary time has come, the party should begin!"

Soon after Ouyang Qing'er entered the attic, she heard someone speak like this. In fact, the party hasn't officially started. After Ouyang Qing'er arrived, they couldn't wait to wait.

Only when the party officially starts, will they have a chance to see the first beauty of Fenglan Realm.

"Yeah, this party should have started. Otherwise, it will exceed the time specified in the invitation."

After hearing that person's words, someone immediately agreed and said that they didn't want to wait anymore.

Someone took the lead, and everyone present immediately responded, asking for the gathering to begin.

However, no matter what their request, the Ouyang family in the attic did not respond, which made the hearts of everyone present a bit of dissatisfaction.

"You all be quiet, how can the party start before that person arrives?"

Just when the crowd asked for the party to begin because of dissatisfaction, some people usually uttered such a voice.

Hearing this person's words, the eyes of everyone present couldn't help but flickered, they closed their mouths together, and involuntarily took a look at the empty spot at the front.

Just as the strong said, how can the party start easily if the owner of that location hasn't arrived yet?

"Yes, the Ouyang family must be waiting for that person to appear before they will come forward to preside over the opening of the party. Don't worry."

Someone immediately reacted and said, they all know that the owner of the seat is so influential, not to mention this party, even if it is the next building conference, that person may be the absolute protagonist, no one can compare He is even more dazzling.

After thinking of the person who hadn't arrived, everyone present was much quieter, and no one dared to continue urging.


I don't know how long it took, there was a sound in the void, and the next moment, the crowd felt a terrible pressure instantly descend from the sky.

Under the effect of that coercion, the entire space seemed to become extremely depressed, and the body of the crowd present could only be subjected to an extremely shocking pressure in an instant.

Nothing made the body of the crowd bend slightly. The next moment, only the sound of bang bang came out.

The wine glasses on the wine table shattered one after another under the suppression of this terrible coercion!

Even, there are several people with low cultivation bases. Under the suppression of this coercive force, the whole body is crawling down, and there is a trace of blood oozing out of the mouth!

"So strong! What does this pressure represent?"

Many people's hearts are trembling They can't imagine what kind of existence can release such terrible pressure.

"That man, here comes!"

A voice rang out from the crowd, and suddenly the eyes of many people present flashed again. They had previously guessed who was afraid of building Ziyue Lake. It turned out that the person they had been waiting for had arrived!


After the terrible pressure, there was another strange sound in the space, and the next moment, in the sight of the crowd, a light beam descended from nothingness.

In just an instant, while covering the empty seat, the light beam gradually evolved, and finally turned into a young figure.

Wearing a yellow gilt robe, this young man is tall and straight. His features are well-shaped, and his eyes show the light of the integral king. The whole person looks a sense of domineering, and he is an extraordinary person at first glance.

At this moment, many people's eyes all fell on this figure, their eyes flickering continuously, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

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