Sky War God

Chapter 1328: Ying Jiaojiao's wedding news

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Ye Feng and the Lord of the Kingdom of Yuxiao Divine Kingdom set off immediately and came to a reception palace in the Palace of the Kingdom of Yuxiao Divine Kingdom. They discovered that the visitor was no one else but another giant in the area of ​​the Four Kingdoms. , The Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons!

After seeing the arrival of Ye Fengyi, the Lord of the Kingdom of the Gods of Yuxiao, the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons immediately got up from his seat. He had terrifying demon power. Today, his cultivation has reached the seventh stage of the Demon King, and his strength is extremely terrifying. .

However, even if such a powerful existence as the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom, after seeing Ye Feng's arrival, he still showed a pleasant face.

He was in the kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and naturally he also heard of Ye Feng's powerful return to Jiuyou, and the feat of slaying the three powerhouses such as Xuanyuan Ba ​​Tiantian Cang Kingdom Lord Feng Family Patriarch.

Therefore, the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demon Gods no longer regards Ye Feng as a young junior.

"Winner, long time no see!"

After Ye Feng arrived, he immediately showed a smile to the lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom, and said first, even though his strength may have surpassed the opponent now.

But the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons was always his predecessor. He also heard that after he had nowhere to go and stepped into the gate of the Palace of the Nine Nether Kingdom, the two great Lords of the Kingdom of Jade Heaven The Lord of the Heavenly God Kingdom exerted pressure.

Another point is that Ying Jiaojiao, the daughter of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and Ye Feng are very good friends. Once on Tianya Island, Ye Feng and Ying Jiaojiao fought side by side, and Ye Feng took the real dragon on his body. The bloodline was passed to Ying Jiaojiao, making this woman the only one in the four kingdoms of God who had the bloodlines of real dragon and phoenix.

Later, the two set foot in that mysterious space on Tianya Island together, where they were both instructed by the old rascal, and their strengths advanced by leaps and bounds.

It can be said that although the two have no formal publicity, they are also very close friends.

Based on the above two points, no matter how much Ye Feng grew up, Ying Jiaojiao's father, the Lord of the God Kingdom, Wan Yao, was always his elder.

"It's okay, the old man, I was very pleased to hear that Brother Ye returned safely. I specially came to visit Brother Ye from the kingdom of ten thousand demons."

The Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Ye Feng, also showing a smile. His body is an extremely powerful flood dragon, even if he does not deliberately release his breath, standing there at will can give people a strong sense of oppression.

"The Lord of Winning has bothered. If it hadn't been for a lot of things to do recently, perhaps he would have gone to the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons to visit the Lord of Winning at this moment."

Ye Feng waved his hand to the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon God Kingdom, and the other party did not rarely speak for Ye Feng at the Shenwu Conference. Ye Feng always remembered this love.

"How can Brother Ye go? The old man can come forward on his own initiative."

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons smiled and asked again: "If the Blue God Kingdom has been settled today, what plans does Brother Ye have?"

Upon hearing the words of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, both Ye Feng and the Lord of the Kingdom of Yuxiao Divine Kingdom flashed a sharp light in their eyes. Ye Feng asked the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons: "Does the Lord of the Kingdom have any insights? "

"In addition to visiting Brother Ye, the old man mainly talked about these things."

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons smiled and said: "The Heaven God Kingdom is destroyed. Now, Brother Ye controls the resources of the two kingdoms of God. From the perspective of the old man, our four regions of the kingdom of Gods can be merged into one force. As long as Brother Ye nodded, I The Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is willing to join, and follow your dispatch from Brother Ye in the future!"

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is a wise man, and now Ye Feng is able to destroy the Heaven God Kingdom by his own power.

Moreover, Ye Feng is still young, and he has a boundless future in the future. With the vision of the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, it is not difficult for him to see the general direction of the four great kingdoms of God in the future.

The unification of the four great kingdoms of the gods is the general trend, and he might as well take advantage of the trend to be a favor of the gods of the ten thousand demons. Ye Feng can also add some good impressions here.

If not, when Ye Feng takes control of a larger area, his position in the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons will be quite embarrassing.

Hearing the words of the Lord of the God Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Demons, a light of approval flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the God Kingdom of the Yuxiao Kingdom, and he said: "We two old bones have thought of going together. My Kingdom of the God Kingdom is already a vassal of the business brothers. The power is over, just waiting for your words!"

The Lord of the Kingdom of Gods Yuxiao was a little excited when he spoke, even though they had become vassals of the forces that Ye Feng was about to form.

But this vassal may be much better than their independent development. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ye Feng's growth rate can no longer be described in words. If he can really surpass the sky in the future.

By then, there will be more forces appearing in Ye Feng's line of sight, and their Yuxiao Kingdom may not be taken seriously.

"The two seniors of the country lord Yuxiao, the winning country lord, value it, and Ye Feng is flattered.

Ye Feng arched his hands at the two, appearing humble and polite. Prior to this, the Lord of the Kingdom of Yuxiao had expressed the resources to join the superpower that Ye Feng was about to form.

After the arrival of the Lord of the God Kingdom of the Ten Thousand Demons, the Lord of the God Kingdom of Yuxiao once again expressed that the two great Lords are willing to serve Ye Feng, which not only appeared more formal, but also pushed Ye Feng to the supreme position of the four great kingdoms. Above.

"Brother Ye, don't shirk it. If you say who among the four Divine Kingdom regions is the most suitable for this position, it would be Brother Ye!"

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons laughed and said, looking extremely free and easy.

"The unification of the four kingdoms of the gods is under preparation. If the winner of the country does not dislike it, I, Ye Feng, will naturally welcome it, but here I want to declare to the two seniors that even if I form a superpower that governs the four gods, you two People can still govern their own powers of the Kingdom of Gods as before, without interfering in the next. My ideal superpower is to make everyone under the control of the powers achieve a win-win situation. The same is true for both of you."

Ye Feng said lightly. Although he was ready to form a superpower to unify the four kingdoms of God, Ye Feng did not want to deliberately raise his position high.

Ye Feng's ideal relationship with the two great kingdoms is a win-win relationship.

"These two of me are naturally aware. In any case, I will look forward to you brother Ye from now on!"

The Lord of the Kingdom of Gods Yuxiao waved his hand and smiled.

"Yes, in my opinion, the time to form a superpower is ripe. If there is a need for an old man, Brother Ye, despite his instructions, the old man will do his best to contribute to the formation of a superpower in the future."

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons also nodded and said that he and the Lord of the God Kingdom of Yuxiao had already made up their minds to follow Ye Feng.

"Well, after today, I will start to form a superpower."

Ye Feng nodded at the two great power figures, and then, her eyes flashed, and she asked the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom Lord, "Is there any news about Jiaojiao for winning the country?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng's mind had that seductive beauty.

Ying Jiaojiao, Princess of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, Ye Feng really missed this girl. He didn't know if the other party had been living in the North Snow Jungle now.

"In this period of time, the old man has hardly received any news from Jiaojiao, but last month, a letter came from Beixue Jungle. This letter is from Beixue Temple!"

Speaking of Ying Jiaojiao, a look of longing flashed across the melancholy eyes of the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons. It was his daughter who was chosen as a holy woman by Beixue Temple.

This identity that everyone envied, but has many restrictions. Since becoming the saint of Beixue Temple, Ying Jiaojiao no longer belongs to the kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, nor is he the daughter of the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons.

Perhaps Ying Jiaojiao looks glamorous on the surface and is worshipped by thousands of people, but in fact, she has her own unspeakable concealment.

She is a weak female stream in the Northern Snow Temple where the strong are like clouds, it must not be so easy.

Ye Feng could imagine this. Hearing the words of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, a sharp light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and he asked: "The letter? Can the winner of the country easily reveal the content of the letter?"

"This is nothing, this letter is actually an invitation letter, inviting the old man to go to the Beixue Temple in March to attend Jiaojiao's wedding."

A complex expression appeared on the face of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and he spoke to Ye Feng.

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, Ye Feng's expression was stunned for a moment, and then he returned to normal.

Ying Jiaojiao is about to marry. As her friend, Ye Feng is really happy for the other party and also sends blessings in his heart.

"That's a good thing. Congratulations in advance!"

Ye Feng smiled and arched his hands to the kingdom of God.

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Ye Feng, his expression became more complicated. Before that, he knew what Ying Jiaojiao was thinking, but the girl had always been very concerned about Ye Feng.

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