Sky War God

Chapter 1365: The price of defiance

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The new flesh and skin were full of vitality, as if they were newly grown. You Ji could even see the blood flow in the flesh, which was very strange.

However, during this process, You Ji also endured a lot of pain, the kind of pain that went deep into the bones of her bones, so that sweat soon appeared on her forehead.

Before long, under the effect of the strange force released by Ye Feng, the rotten flesh on You Ji's calf was slowly removed, and the new and tender skin and flesh appeared completely there.

"This herb can help you grow new muscle tissue."

The act just now made Ye Feng very tired, and his clothes were a little soaked in sweat.

After that, the powder that had been ground in his palm evenly sprinkled on You Ji's calf.

The powerful medicinal power bloomed instantly, releasing bursts of strange light, and that medicinal power followed the wound on You Ji's calf, continuously infiltrating towards the inside, and began to recover the wound on her leg.

Yu Ji's beautiful eyes flickered, and she could even see the scene when the wound on her calf was healing. It was simply amazing. The continuous remodeling of flesh and blood made her damaged calf gradually return to normal.

At the same time, the life attribute power in Ye Feng's palm was constantly instilling into You Ji's calf wound.

He cultivated the Twelfth-Rank Sutra of Life and Death. Ye Feng has already understood the power of the life attribute quite purely. At the same time, he also awakened the blue-tier undead bird war spirit. The two life attribute powers are combined and combined. With the powerful medicinal power of that herbal medicine, although the injury on You Ji's leg was extremely serious, it was recovering quickly.

Almost at the same time, the two elders of the Ninth Layer of the Ghost King from the underworld also reached the edge of the cave entrance at this moment, looking coldly into the cave entrance.

I saw an extremely cold smile on one person's face, and he said, "It seems that this kid is ready to give up. He actually bore himself in this cave. We can go to the urn to catch turtles."

"Be careful, this kid has a lot of tricks, we might get caught in his tricks if we rushed forward."

Another ghost king elder in the Ninth Stage is very cautious. In his opinion, Ye Feng is not going to give up avoiding it. The reason why he is so calm in the cave to heal You Ji, he has his own preparations.

"A junior in the second stage of the ghost king, you are so careful, you are really timid!"

Another elder of the Ninth Level of the Ghost King, after hearing his companion's words, a satirical smile immediately appeared on his face. In his opinion, no matter what tricks Ye Feng played, he couldn't do anything to him.

While talking, the old man bat of the Ninth Level of the Ghost King was staying, and he walked directly into the cave.

" will suffer if you rush forward like this!"

Seeing that the old man of the Ninth Level of the Ghost King wanted to move forward indiscriminately, another old man of the Ninth Level of the Ghost King instantly changed his face, trying to dissuade the other person.

But the old man of the Ninth Layer of the Ghost King didn't seem to care at all. After hearing the other party's words, a sarcasm smile appeared on his face, he shook his head slightly, and cursed the other coward in his heart.

At the same time, his footsteps still stepped into the entrance of the cave, however, before the soles of his feet fell on this step, there was a burst of divine pattern light in the space.

In an instant, endless lines emerged from the entrance of the cave, evolving continuously, the power of a powerful **** pattern permeated out, and it instantly turned into the most terrifying power of killing and cutting by the **** pattern. The body of the elder of the nine-layered turtle king is wrapped in it.

The old man at the 90% level of the ghost king condensed his gaze, and a flash of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face, and the terrifying god-pattern killing power was madly strangled.

As a result, the old man in the Ninth Stage of the Ghost King was crazy and normal, and he regretted not listening to his companions and acted rashly.

But in this critical situation, the old man in the Ninth Layer of the Ghost King couldn't wait to die. He roared, and a strong might bloomed in his body.

That powerful and mighty, trying to disperse the power of killing the gods that enveloped him.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The horrible **** pattern killing and cutting action bloomed in an instant, and gradually turned into a very sharp cold light, strangling all around the powerhouse of the Ghost King Nine Stage Realm.

The body of the Ghost King Ninth Layer Realm powerhouse was trembling constantly, his face was extremely pale, and his cultivation realm was there, and the power that erupted at the critical moment was not comparable to ordinary people.

Under the persecution of the dying desperate situation, he exploded all the potential in his body before he withdrew from the terrifying siege of killing.

However, when he returned to the safe place, he subconsciously looked down, only to see that his two arms had disappeared under the strangulation of the might of killing!

Blood is constantly oozing from the wound, which looks shocking!

"How is it possible? How could this be? How could such a powerful deity defensive formation be arranged at the entrance of this cave? What is going on, ah..."

The old man of the Ninth Layer of the Ghost King just lost an arm. Although he managed to escape the danger, his spirit was close to collapse and he roared frantically.

For him, both arms were harvested by the defensive formation in an instant, which was even more uncomfortable than killing him!

While another ghost king of the Ninth Layer Realm was shocked, he could only sigh silently. He always acted cautiously. However, under his strong persuasion, the other party still did not believe his words. Now it has caused such consequences. Can't blame him.

At the same time, all the powerhouses from the underworld have also arrived here. Through the cave entrance, they can clearly see Ye Feng who is healing the wounds of You Ji inside the cave. At this moment, Ye Feng is calm and calm, as if nothing affects it. To him, even if there are many powerful people from outside surrounding the cave, he doesn't care at all.

"Elder, your arm..."

At a certain moment, one person immediately noticed the old man of the Ghost King Ninth Stage Realm who had just lost two arms in the defensive formation of the gods, and asked, a stunned light appeared on his face.

She knew the strength of the opponent's cultivation base, how powerful the Ghost King Nine Stage Realm was, how could it be said that she lost her arm and then threw it to her arm?

"Don't care about me, none of you care about me! After a while, I will definitely break the corpses of the two people in that cave into pieces!"

The old man of the Ninth Layer of the Ghost King who had just lost his two arms almost collapsed, which shows how hard he was hit just now.

"There is a large formation of gods at the entrance of the cave. Just now, the middle elder wanted to go and take that person down. He was caught in the trap and lost his two arms. I don’t want anyone to move forward rashly. The power of the identity formation is too strong."

Another old man of the Ninth Layer of the Ghost King said with an ugly expression in his eyes.

Hearing the words of the ghost king elder in the Ninth Stage, the faces of all the people present changed, and they suddenly wondered, since there is no defensive **** pattern at the entrance of this cave, how did Ye Feng and You Ji enter? ?

Regarding this point, everyone present was quite strange in their hearts. No one would have thought that Ye Feng would have arranged the divine pattern that just took away the two arms of the ghost king nine-level realm powerhouse.

Ye Feng concentrated on healing You Ji, and didn't care about the powerhouses of the underworld guarding at the entrance of the cave. The scene where the old man of the Ninth Level of the Ghost King lost his arm just now clearly fell in You Ji’s eyes, making You Ji’s eyes. Ji's heart trembled.

She was shocked when Ye Feng set up the Divine Rune Formation, but at that time he never thought that the Divine Rune Formation set up by Ye Feng would possess such power, and it could be used by the Ghost King Nine Realm Powerhouse Feeling helpless, and demanding the opponent's two arms, this is simply too powerful, completely beyond You Ji's imagination.

As Ye Feng continued to show her strength, You Ji became more interested in Ye Feng, and she was also very curious about Ye Feng's identity.

"Reaper, can you tell me where you come from?"

In the process of healing, You Ji couldn't help asking that once, her father You Huang suspected that Ye Feng was not from the Nine Nether World of Nine Nethers, and she didn't agree with it in her heart.

But after seeing Ye Feng's true strength You Ji also thinks that what her father said makes sense.

"A place far, far away."

Hearing You Ji’s question, Ye Feng’s eyes flickered. As a friend, Ye Feng didn’t want to deceive each other, but for various reasons, Ye Feng couldn’t tell You Ji his true origin. He could only give this. An answer.

You Ji Bei's teeth bit her red lips. With Ye Feng's words, she could confirm her guess in her heart, but he would not tell this to anyone, only bury it in her heart.

The powerful medicinal power of Sisi's life attribute power and that herbal medicine continued to restore You Ji's leg injury.

It made You Ji feel that new and rapid tissues were constantly growing out of her legs, and the once unseen wounds were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

About a stick of incense, accompanied by a burst of light, after Ye Feng poured another trace of life attribute power into You Ji's calf, the wound on You Ji's calf was completely healed.

The slender and fair calf was so helpless to play, and the skin was soft and smooth, as if he had never been injured.

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