Sky War God

Chapter 1458: Strongly win Jiaojiao

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Hearing this familiar voice, Ying Jiaojiao immediately walked out of the sluggishness before, and a touch of surprise immediately appeared on her beautiful face.

Quickly got up from the seat, and then ran towards the direction of the sound. Soon, two familiar figures appeared in Ying Jiaojiao's sight.

These two people are naturally Ye Feng and Ying Jiaojiao's father, the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

"Father, Ye Feng!"

There was excitement in Ying Jiaojiao's beautiful eyes, she never expected that her father and Ye Feng would actually come to the Beixue Temple.

Various emotions emerged in her heart, Ying Jiaojiao couldn't help it anymore, two crystal tears fell from the bottom of her eyes.

She came towards the direction where Ye Feng and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom were located. She thought that she would never have a chance to see her father and Ye Feng in her life.

This time, he was favored by the Heavenly Demon Valley powerhouse, and he was about to combine with Kunzhu, and he wanted to give birth to an heir for the other party.

Ying Jiaojiao had the ambition to die, he would not let these people succeed, and before she died, she wanted to see Ye Feng and her father.

Ye Feng and the most important thing in Ying Jiaojiao's heart, this wish was fulfilled, and she could go with peace of mind.

"Jiaojiao, my father is late, so you suffer!"

Seeing his daughter's haggard look, the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons felt a pain, stroking Ying Jiaojiao's white cheeks, and said with a trembling voice.

Ying Jiaojiao couldn't help being excited, tears burst down the bank, and immediately, his eyes fell on Ye Feng who was aside, and said: "Ye Feng, how are you?"

When Ying Jiaojiao said these words, her voice was trembling. The countless people she missed most of the day and night arrived, waiting for her to tell a thousand words, and she couldn't say it.

This short sentence brought together Ying Jiaojiao's deep longing for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked at the very familiar figure of Qianli in front of him, and he felt a heartache. Once, he thought that Ying Jiaojiao could become the saint of Beixue Temple, she would be a better home, and she would have better development in the future. .

Now it seems that he was wrong.

"It's okay for me, I heard that the leader of the winning country said, you are trying to find your own short-sightedness, what is going on, tell me!"

Ye Feng is straight to the point. He knew that if it were not for the brink of desperation, Ying Jiaojiao could not have such an idea.

"It's a long story, let's talk inside."

Ying Jiaojiao bit her red lips and was able to see Ye Feng and her father again. She was really happy in her heart. She wanted to tell them the pain in her heart.

Ye Feng and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom would naturally not refuse, and under the leadership of Ying Jiaojiao, they entered the inner hall of the palace.

Next, Ying Jiaojiao told her all her experience during this period of time to Ye Feng and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom.

Of course, due to time constraints, Ying Jiaojiao is naturally a long story short.

But from these short words, Ye Feng and the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons also heard very clearly.


Ye Feng clenched his fists and made a sound of dislocation of bones, his body was extremely cold.

The Northern Snow Jungle actually used Ying Jiaojiao to give birth to the descendants of the Sky Demon Valley as a bargaining chip, and let the Sky Demon Valley support him in the Northern Snow Forest, thus achieving the goal of dominating the Taixue Realm.

However, Ying Jiaojiao, as the holy woman of Beixue Temple, can only be used as a tool by Beixue Temple. It can only be said that the decision of Beixue Temple is indeed very shameless.

Especially the son of Beixue Temple, as Ying Jiaojiao's fiancé, faced with such a nasty request from the Sky Demon Valley, he unexpectedly chose to compromise. How can a big man do this?

Before, the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demon Gods once told Ye Feng about the recent situation of Ying Jiaojiao. That was the time when Ye Feng learned of Ying Jiaojiao’s marriage. As a friend, Ye Feng sincerely wished Ying Jiaojiao happiness in the future. live on.

But now, after Ye Feng heard Ying Jiaojiao tell her about her recent experience, Ye Feng no longer had the idea of ​​blessing Ying Jiaojiao.

The other party only uses Ying Jiaojiao as a tool. How could Ye Feng be willing to suffer such treatment for Ying Jiaojiao?

The Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons was also extremely unsightly, and his daughter had been so wronged all the time.

As a father, he not only didn't know it at all, but he didn't give his daughter any help, which made the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons feel guilty in his heart.

"Jiaojiao, I made you suffer. Father will definitely find a way to save you."

The Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons looked at Yin Jiaojiao with a distressed look and said.

Ying Jiaojiao smiled bitterly, looking at her father, she still felt a little powerless in her heart. Her destiny was already in the hands of others. Can't resist at all.

The Sky Demon Valley and the Northern Snow Temple were not something Ying Jiaojiao could contend. Ye Feng and his father were naturally alone in the face of these two superpowers.

However, before she left, Ying Jiaojiao was quite satisfied to be able to see Ye Feng and his father again. Even if she did die, she would not leave any regrets.

"Father, you can't control this matter. My daughter is very pleased to see you and Ye Feng again. You should leave soon to avoid danger here."

Ying Jiaojiao shook her head and said to the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons God. She knew that no one could save her this time.

Not to mention how strong the North Snow Sacred Mountain was, the Demon Valley was a super power at the level of the Demon Emperor that day, and the sect had a profound inside story, and it was not at all that his father and Ye Feng could offend.

Therefore, Ying Jiaojiao didn't want to involve them, so she urged them to leave soon.

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons looked cold, seeing that his daughter would suffer such abuse, the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons could only be angry in his heart.

"Quick, quick, the invader is in this palace, I'll take it down together!"

Just as Ying Jiaojiao was talking with Ye Feng, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom, such a noisy sound came from the gate of the palace.

After hearing this voice, Ying Jiaojiao's face instantly became even more ugly. She didn't expect that her father and Ye Feng would forcibly break in.

"Sure enough, here!"

Without waiting for Ying Jiaojiao to completely figure out a solution, the noise in the palace quickly moved from far to near.

In the end, many Dao powerhouse figures appeared in the sight of Ying Jiaojiao and others, and it was the Great Demon powerhouse of the Northern Snow Temple royal family who had been chasing all the way.

"His Royal Highness, please allow us to take down these four invaders!"

A great demon of the Northern Snow Temple royal family bowed to Ying Jiaojiao and pleaded.

The other Great Demon of the Northern Snow Temple Royal Family also had an icy atmosphere, and looked at Ye Feng and the other four people, revealing an extremely cold expression.

These four people not only trespassed into the temple, but also wounded them as the strong, which is very bold.

"You are bold! This is my father and friends! They came to visit me in the Beixue Temple, is this necessary too?"

Seeing the great demon of the Northern Snow Temple royal family one by one, Ying Jiaojiao's expression instantly sank, and a unique high-ranking aura emerged from her body.

At this moment, she seemed to have transformed into the once supreme Saintess of the Northern Snow Temple, looking extremely majestic.

Seeing what Ying Jiaojiao said, the faces of the great demon of the Northern Snow Temple royal family were livid, and only one person still had a bit of unwillingness on his face, saying: "We have no right to interfere in the private affairs of Her Royal Highness, it's just that , These people came to the temple, not only did they break in just to get permission, but they also shot and wounded my Beixue Temple. Most of them are strong monsters. It is simply a strong challenge to my Beixue Temple. Isn’t it justifiable for Your Royal Highness to protect these people like this?"

This royal demon has sharp words He is an older person in the Beixue Temple, and he speaks with confidence.

Beixue Temple has always been like this, they will only respect the people in their temple, and they will not respect the families of these people.


However, before the Great Demon of the Royal Family of the Northern Snow Temple had all fallen, she heard Ying Jiaojiao's humming sound, her aura instantly became stronger, she said: "This saint's affairs are not yet in turn. You come to comment, you are limited to three breaths, and immediately withdraw from my palace, otherwise, I can't guarantee your consequences!"

Ying Jiaojiao's words were extremely strong, and at the same time, she couldn't help but worry about the safety of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons and Ye Feng.

However, as long as there is a ray of life, Ying Jiaojiao will fight for Ye Feng and the four masters of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

At this moment, she actually regretted her previous actions, if it hadn't been for her to use the little demon to reveal her condition to the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons God.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demon Gods and Ye Feng would not appear here, let alone face this situation.

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