Sky War God

Chapter 1867: Year-end assessment round 3

   Next, the most important part of the year-end assessment is the final ranking battle for the top 100 people.

   This round of battle will determine the final ranking of the Golden Robo. Therefore, the competition is particularly fierce.

   Each of the 100 strong players randomly fights with 99 others, and the final ranking is determined according to the battle results.

   By the last round of the year-end assessment, Jin Luoxianmen began to pay attention to the appreciation of the battle. Each battle was conducted separately, and it was not allowed to kill the opponent during the battle.

   That is to say, everyone in this person's assessment must participate in 99 battles, and try to maintain the best record in the 99 battles. The better the record, the higher the final ranking.

"Haotian is the first arrogant recognized by Jinluo Immortal Sect. For him, this year-end assessment is just equivalent to a warm-up match. His ranking has long been destined, and no one can compete with him for the first place in the Golden Gongs. "

   Some strong eyes fell on Haotian, who stood proudly not far away, and spoke slowly. Many people nearby nodded one after another, agreeing to the strong man's words.

"The position of Haotian has been locked, there is no need to mention it again. Even Murong Qiu and Mu Yuchen can't compete with them for the positions of the two great arrogances. In my opinion, there will not be too many top three seats in the year-end assessment A big change. It should be Haotian, Murong Qiu, and Mu Yuchen, and there is no need to say in the fourth seat. Zhan Tianxiong's strength is obvious to all, and no one can compete with it."

   There was a strong man who said that this person is a powerful elder in Jinluo Immortal Gate, and he has been paying attention to this year-end assessment.

   has a very good understanding of the strength of each disciple, and can see it quite thoroughly.

   No one disagreed with his words, and the other great elders of the Qingluo Immortal Gate also agreed with him. Even those who were invited to come from the other top powers in the eastern part of the universe looked at each other with silent approval.

"The fifth seat should belong to Leng Aoran. Leng Aoran is not only strong in his personal strength, but also understands the sword's momentum in the later stage of his mood. Before, he defeated many strong players. At this step, what is more terrifying is that all Leng Aoran participated A total of no more than ten battles were taken, and many battles were won by one blow. This is a bit scary. Ordinary people can't compete with Leng Aoran!"

   Another strong man named the fifth place in this year-end assessment. This person is a law enforcement elder in the Jinluo Immortal Gate Law Enforcement Hall, a powerful man in the Wuhuang Realm.

   has a certain degree of authority in the Jinluo Immortal Gate, and his own strength is also extremely terrifying, so his eyes will not be bad.

Leng Aoran was ranked in the top 20 in the year-end assessment last year. In the past year, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds. After Jianzhi realized that he was in the late stage of his mind, he was on the battlefield of this year-end assessment. Invincible!

   Therefore, the powerful elder of the Law Enforcement Hall placed Leng Aoran in the fifth seat of this year-end assessment. No one raised any objections. Everyone on the scene thought this ranking was objective and fair.

   "If Leng Aoran can be ranked 50th in the year-end assessment, then the sixth seat in the year-end assessment will also belong to "Ye Zichen"."

  Another powerful elderly person named the sixth candidate for the year-end assessment.

   Ye Zichen, also ranked in the top 20 of the Golden Luo list before, has extremely strong personal talent and strong combat power.

   Ye Zichen’s comprehend power is very similar to Qinshui Xin, and the wood attribute power is extremely powerful. A leaf and a flower can be used as a public law method by Ye Zichen.

   Obviously, based on the comprehension of the power of the wood element, Ye Zichen is obviously stronger than Qin Shui Xin, and has reached the point of being completely natural.

   Many of the strong men who fought with him suffered a lot and were injured by a random attack by Ye Zichen. Among them were many strong players who ranked very high on the Golden Luo List, all of whom were defeated by Ye Zichen.

   The final round of the year-end assessment has not yet begun, and many strong players present have begun to predict the specific ranking of this year-end assessment.

In addition to Leng Aoran, Ye Zichen was recognized as the fifth and sixth seat by everyone present, seats 7 to 10 were: "The Son of Wind" who understood the powerful wind attribute power, and the "War Soul" who awakened the blue-tier unicorn war spirit. , Comprehend the power of the world in the later stage of the mood

The most powerful figure "Yu" can mobilize the top figure "Chang Zehan" of Tiandi Shuiyuan.

   1020 seats also all have their own candidates. It can be said that these powerful elders watched extremely carefully, and they have a very detailed estimate of the specific strength of each strong person present.

   Their predicted rankings are also very objective and authoritative. Everyone present was very interested. This is almost the final official ranking of this year-end assessment.

   The powerful dark horse figure is recognized as the top 20 seats for the year-end assessment.

   And Ye Feng is not favored by others. From the beginning of the year-end assessment to the present, although Ye Feng has played steadily, he has been promoted to the top 100 seats.

   But people carefully recalled the opponent that Ye Feng had defeated, but it was not difficult to find that compared with the dark horse figure, Ye Feng's opponent looked very ordinary.

The strongest person he defeated was only Luo Yingtian, ranked 70th in the Golden Robo List, and that dark horse figure had beaten the strong man ranked 22nd in the current Robo List. From this we can see that between the two There is no comparison at all.

   is not only compared with this dark horse character, but Ye Feng is also much worse than the other top 100 players present, and cannot be compared in terms of record.

   Therefore, most people put Ye Feng at the end of the third round of assessment.

"This person is able to enter the top 100 seats in the year-end assessment. Most of it is luck. If he meets a former top 50 in the Golden Luo list in the previous battle, he may not be able to deal with it. Therefore, I Guess, he should be unable to handle any of the next battles."

   A strong man's eyes fell on Ye Feng's body, and he started to guess, and his eyes could not help showing a look of contempt.

   It's not that they look down on Ye Feng, but that at this point in the year-end assessment, there are too many strong players and the competition is too fierce.

   In contrast, Ye Feng's record is indeed the worst on the court. Even Qin Shuixin, who has a good relationship with Ye Feng, has beaten Yan Biao, who is ranked 62nd in the Golden Robo.

   The record is far beyond what Ye Feng can compare.

   "A person who is new to entry can enter the top 100 seats of the Golden Robo. It is already his glory. Even if he cannot win the next battle, it will not change the fact that he is lucky."

   Someone said this again, thinking that Ye Feng was able to get this far because of luck.

   Many people did not deny the words of these two powerhouses. In fact, this is the case. For some people, no one can stop their luck.

   "Ye Feng, you and I have entered the top 100 seats in the year-end assessment. The goal is reached, and the next battle will do what you can."

   seems to have heard the voices of other strong people, Qin Shui Xin Qiao's face next to Ye Feng appeared a little worried, and she was also aware of the current situation on the scene.

   There are 100 people on the scene, and everyone needs to fight separately with the other 99 people. With the strength of her and Ye Feng, compared with the top powerhouses of Jin Luoxianmen, they are indeed very passive.

   Qin Shui Xin was afraid that Ye Summit would suffer a loss in the next battle, so he involuntarily reminded him.

"it is good."

   Ye Feng turned his head and smiled at Qin Shui Xin, but didn't explain too much.

   The battle began immediately, and the host elder character randomly read out the names of both parties in the battle. Two people come to the stage to fight, the winner will record the victory once, and the loser will not count the results.

   In the first battle, two former Jin Luobang strongmen fought.

   At this point, the result of each battle is particularly important to them.

   This is related to their future rankings on the Jin Luo list. The higher the ranking, the more generous the rewards for obtaining the fairy gate. Moreover, their status and status are also different.

   Therefore, each of them wants to try their best to win the battle, explode all their potential in the battle, and try to defeat their opponents in the shortest time.

   In this way, you can save a certain amount of physical strength to deal with the next battle. If it consumes too much in a battle, the next battle will not be able to maintain its heyday, and it will suffer.

   Ye Feng, Qin Shui Xin and the others watched quietly, Xiong Tie

Zhong was also on the side but his eyes were covered by cloth, so he could not see the battle.

   At this point, there are 100 people present, and everyone is extremely powerful. It can be said that the battles are tough.

   The two people fighting on the battle platform, in addition to comprehending more than three powerful attributes, also awakened powerful war spirits, and they fought violently.

   The entire area of ​​the platform was shrouded in that terrifying light of destruction, and the space trembled constantly with the terror attacks released by the two, as if it were about to be shattered.

   "The attack power of these two people is terrible. They seemed to hide their strength in the previous battle. It seems that many people will not reveal all their details until the last moment."

   Someone looked at the two powerhouses fighting frantically on the battle platform, and said with blinking eyes.

   The expressions of the rest are also extremely excited. The annual year-end assessment is a major event in Jinluo Immortal Gate.

  Only after the year-end assessment, the many powerhouses of Jinluo Immortal Sect can have a complete glimpse of the demeanor of Xianmen's top Tianjiao.

   The first battle lasted about two sticks of incense before the end of the battle. One of the tall and powerful men defeated the opponent with a slight advantage and won a precious victory.

   The tall and strong man was full of sweat on his forehead and was panting, but his face was filled with a triumphant smile.

   This victory is really hard to come by.

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