Sky War God

Chapter 1872: Top and bottom Mizumoto

  The dead leaves falling in the space, the weeds growing on the ground, and wild flowers can all be used as weapons by Yeozchen.

   His battle does not look like other people's full taste, but his movements are very leisurely and chic, the whole person looks light and elegant.

   is as if not fighting, giving people a pleasing feeling, but Ye Zichen in this state is not something that strong man can resist.

   He can use any object related to vegetation to launch an attack, and that attack may not seem to have much power.

   But colliding with the strong one can make him feel an indescribable pressure, and every collision can make her body tremble constantly.

   There is a hidden power of destruction in those attacks, constantly infiltrating and spreading into the body of the strong man.

   made the body of the strong man tremble constantly, only to feel that the tissues, cells, organs and bones in his body were infiltrated by that destructive force and suffered very serious damage.

   It didn't take long for the strong man to stand it. He vomited a mouthful of blood and had to admit defeat.

   Many people trembled, and Ye Zichen's strength was really terrifying. Before that, he hadn't used this seemingly soft but powerful offensive and defensive method.

   Many people at the scene ignored him. It seems that the words of the law enforcement elder of Jin Luoxianmen have some basis. With the strength of Ye Zichen, he has the capital to enter the top six seats of the Golden Luo.

   Maybe because the two have the same surname, Ye Feng naturally paid attention to the battle of this young man named Ye Zichen.

  I couldn't help but admire the special ability that Ye Zichen mastered.

   It turns out that the wood attribute power can also exert such powers. Ye Zichen has obviously cultivated the wood attribute power to the highest level.

   According to Ye Feng's observation, it is obvious that the wood attribute power that Ye Zichen comprehend has reached the peak of his later stage of his mental state, and there may be only one opportunity to break through.

   In the next battle, the son of the wind, who had awakened into the wind in the late stage of his mood, also took the stage to fight. His opponent was Mo Jiu Tian, ​​ranked 46th in the Golden Robo.

   Mo Jiutian's face turned green when he heard the presiding elder announce the candidate for the battle.

   Although his strength is not weak, it is much worse than that of the son of the wind. It can be said that the reason why Mo Jiutian was able to enter the top 100 seats of the Golden Luo list all the way.

   mostly accounted for luck. The situation of Wang Zhi, whose arm was abolished by Ye Feng's palm print before, was comparable to Mo Jiutian.

   Actually, the year-end assessment competition this year is particularly fierce. With their strength, they are not enough to enter the top 100 seats.

   But Mo Jiu is naturally arrogant and has no plan to directly admit defeat and go to the stage to fight the Wind Son.

   Demon Nine Heavens body overbearing demon power emerges, his attack power is very strong, the terrifying demon aura lingers on his palm prints, constantly launching attacks towards the body of the wind.

   However, Mo Jiutian was surprised to find that even if he released all the potential in his body, the attack still couldn't hurt the child of the wind.

   This son of the wind comprehended the powerful wind attribute power, and his whole body was engulfed by a hurricane.

   made his figure so fast that it was unimaginable. Mo Jiutian had no chance to react at all, so he was photographed by the child of the wind on the battlefield.

  The son of the wind stared proudly at the Mo Jiutian below the battle platform, with a look of contempt in his pupils.

   His goal this time is to enter the top five seats in the year-end assessment. In fact, this magic nine days can be compared?

   It didn’t take long for the awakening Qilin Warrior Spirit to fight, and many people once again saw the Qilin Warrior Spirit.

   Qilin, that is a clan of ancient gods and beasts, and even a royal clan among gods and beasts, with natural strength against the sky.

   occupies the supreme position in the entire monster clan, the status of the unicorn in the monster clan can be compared to the four great beasts, you can imagine the nobleness of the unicorn.

   But the battle spirit awakened the blue-tier unicorn war spirit, relying on this terrifying war spirit, defeated many strong all the way, and came to the third round of the year-end assessment without any barriers.


'S opponent also didn't admit defeat, and wanted to see what kind of power this war spirit of War Soul has.

   But he got his wish. As soon as the battle began, the war spirit released his war spirit, and the unicorn war spirit changed its appearance.

   Under the terrible pressure released by the Qilin war spirit, the strong man only felt that his body was under extremely intense pressure.

   He couldn't bear even the breath released from the Qilin war spirits, how could he fight?

   After feeling the power released from the Qilin war spirit, the strong man completely lost the confidence to fight.

   Before the battle spirit released the attack again, the strong man directly gave in. Compared with these top figures, he was still much worse.

   "The year-end assessments this year seem to be particularly fierce. Many strong players have made very obvious progress. Those who entered the top 100 seats in the year-end assessment last year, except for the top ones, were eliminated. It is really incredible.

   watched the wonderful battles, and the crowd could not help but exclaim such a friend.

   Many people nodded one after another. Just as the strong man who just spoke said, this year-end competition is indeed not comparable to the previous ones.

   Many Tianjiao characters have risen, and everyone's strength is beyond people's imagination. In the past year, their progress is obvious to all.

  Chang Zehan also took the stage to fight. He was the only top talent in Jinluo Immortal Gate who could mobilize the heaven and earth water.

   This kind of power is very rare in the entire eastern part of the universe, the heaven and earth water element is actually a unique energy evolved from the power of water.

   The attack released by the water element of heaven and earth is more powerful than pure water attribute power. Chang Zehan is such a top figure who controls such rare powers.

   Before that, few of the many strong players on the scene had seen Chang Zehan release this kind of power. Almost all the battles he participated in before had crushed the opponent with ordinary moves.

   Therefore, in this battle, everyone is looking forward to Chang Zehan's release of this power and let them watch it.

   "The world says that you can mobilize the water element of heaven and earth, but I want to learn what kind of power is the so-called water element of heaven and earth."

   On the battle platform, the strong man who fought against Chang Zehan said that his strength is also very strong.

   Once he was ranked 37th on the Golden Robo list, but in this year-end assessment, he showed amazing talent.

   successively defeated two of the top 20 strong players in the Golden Luo list, and came to this point all the way.

   This record of defeating the strong with the weak has naturally attracted the attention of many people present, and some strong have even placed his ranking in the top ten of this year-end assessment.

   However, this ranking is more controversial.

   This also made this strong performer very proud, believing that his strength is already due to the qualifications of the top talents.

   Therefore, at this moment, he speaks with Chang Zehan so confidently, confident that he will not lose out in fighting Chang Zehan.

   "My heaven and earth water elemental power is not qualified for everyone to experience, you, too, do not have that qualification!"

   Chang Zehan stood proudly, his white robe dancing with the wind, giving people a feeling of heroism.

   Behind his body, there were waves of water and zeal, which made the void distorted, as if he was in an endless ocean.


   Hearing Chang Zehan's words, a cold light flashed across the eyes of that strong man.

   As he spoke, there was a terrible aura released from his body, his steps stepped forward, and an astonishing palm print frantically patted Chang Zehan's body. The power flowing on the palm print was beyond words.

At the same time that this palmprint was shot, there seemed to be endless killing and killing spears in the void. They turned into a killing spear, carrying amazing power, and stabbing Chang Ze Khan's body from all directions. The space was trembling, and there were bursts of loud breaking sounds.

   The eyes of the crowd flickered, and the strength of this strong man is not weak. The power integrated on this palm is unusual

Ordinary people can compare.

   Facing such a terrifying attack from that strong man, Chang Zehan still stood calmly on the spot, his body did not move.

   This made everyone present to stare at I didn't expect Chang Zehan to turn a blind eye to such a terrible attack. Doesn't he want to live anymore?

   There was also a somewhat triumphant look on the face of the strong man, as if he was eager to see such a terrifying attack hit Chang Zehan's body.


   At the moment when this attack was about to fall, waves of water-attribute power rose above Chang Zehan's body, wrapping his body in it.

   The water attribute power seemed to block Chang Zehan's body, and none of the power of the exercises could really invade him.

   "Puff, puff"

   A burst of intensive adult voice sounded, and the palm prints released by the strong man and those killing spears descended on Chang Zehan's body, but they could not really harm Chang Zehan's body.

   was completely blocked by the extremely heavy water attribute power that surrounds Chang Zehan.

   In this scene, the expressions of all the people present could not help but shake, and their hearts were extremely shocked. They never expected that the water attribute power released by Chang Zehan had such a terrible defensive ability.

"How can this be?"

   The strong man was also very surprised. He knew his attack power very well. It was impossible for ordinary people to ignore his attack like this, but Chang Zehan did it.

   This strong man was unexpectedly surprised, but he also knew that his situation was very dangerous at this moment, and he wanted it to make his body retreat.

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