Sky War God

Chapter 1983: Giant python

   Soon, Ye Feng surpassed the second echelon where Mu Yuchen and others belonged, and the young snake demon still looked reluctant, and followed Ye Feng all the way up.

   It's just that Ye Feng stepped up very calmly, but the snake demon youth was so tired that he was panting, sweat appeared on his forehead, and many people had noticed this scene.

   cast a puzzling look at the young snake demon, as if to say, your climbing speed is not as fast as others, why do you insist on catching up?

   Such gaze made the young snake demon involuntarily cold. How proud he is, how can anyone be better than him?


   Finally, at a certain moment, this young snake demon couldn't hold on to it, and even directly addressed Ye Feng above with a cold expression.

   Ye Feng raised his brows slightly, he heard that the voice came from the young snake demon, but ignored the other party and continued to climb.

   The young snake demon asked him to stop and he stopped. Ye Feng didn't like to listen to others' mercy.

   Seeing Ye Feng's unresponsiveness, the expression on the young snake demon's face immediately became cold.

I saw bursts of dangerous light flashing out of his pair of strange eyes, and then, there was a burst of poisonous gas in his mouth, which turned into a poisonous balloon body for the first time, and quickly moved towards Ye Feng. Attacked from behind.

   This poisonous balloon contains extremely strong toxicity. Wherever it goes, there are bursts of stench in the space. If it falls on Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng will definitely be unable to escape the fate of being poisoned by that poisonous gas.

   Many people's eyes flickered, and no one thought that this young snake demon would actually attack Ye Feng at this moment.

They had seen the strength of this young snake demon before. Faced with the terrifying fist light released by a young demon cultivator, the young snake demon only spit out a poisonous gas, not only easily corroding the other's body into one. Withered bones

   It is enough to imagine how powerful the poison gas released by this young snake demon is.

   Now, the young snake demon uses his poisonous gas to launch a sneak attack on Ye Feng. I don’t know how Ye Feng should resist it.

   Will it be the same as the previous young man who was poisoned and corroded to death?

   Many people thought this in their hearts, and the expression on their faces became extremely tense.


   However, when the social youth released poison gas for a sneak attack, Ye Feng immediately felt a sense of crisis coming.

   Without hesitation, Ye Feng's body quickly stepped out to one side, and the meteor butterfly stepped out, making his whole body instantly light and elegant, with bursts of stars shining.

   The flashing body at will, as if surpassing the distance of this space, when the poisonous balloon descended, Ye Feng's body had already flashed to one side.


   The next moment, the crowd heard a corrosive sound, and the terrible poisonous balloon directly descended on a step. The terrible toxicity caused the step to be corroded into a huge pit.

  It is enough to imagine how terrifying the power of this poisonous balloon

   Ye Feng turned around and looked at the young snake demon, his eyes were full of cold colors.

   Snake Demon Youth's face darkened, his eyes released a dangerous aura, he couldn't help but say to Ye Feng, "You actually avoided the past, your luck is pretty good."

Ye Feng's heart was cold. Seeing the young snake demon, there was a ray of murderous intent on his body. He had no grievances with the other party. This person dared to kill him. This made Ye Feng immediately take the snake The demon youth was included in his blacklist.

   "I have no grievances against you, why did you attack me behind your back"

   Ye Feng asked the young snake demon in a cold voice.

   Snake demon youth released a cold light in his pupils, gritted his teeth and said, "I never need a reason to kill. You are included in the list of kills, so you must die anyway."

   The young snake demon's personality is arrogant, and if a single blow fails, a terrible poison gas is released from his mouth again. This time, the amount of poison gas is stronger than before.


At this point, the space in Ye Feng's life was completely enveloped, and Ye Feng was not given any chance to escape.

   Ye Feng frowned slightly, he had already seen the power of this poisonous gas, and it was indeed very strong.

   In order not to be invaded by this poisonous gas, Ye Feng used the meteor butterfly step and quickly dodged towards one side.

   There is the light of stars shining all over his body, and the power of heaven and earth in the later stage of the soul state is released.

In just an instant, he descended in front of the body of the snake demon youth, and a terrifying palm print was photographed at this moment. Zhang Yin was fused with the power of heaven and earth in the early stage of entering the soul realm, under the envelope of the power of heaven and earth. , No force can really approach Ye Feng's arm.

   The young snake demon saw Ye Feng quickly avoiding his attack, and came to his body within a short time, releasing a terrible attack on him.

   Although he was surprised by the speed of Ye Feng's figure, he was also sneer in his heart. The young demon cultivator just released an attack on him, and he was directly poisoned to death by the poison gas.

   And the guy in front of him made the same mistake as the previous one.

   This made the young snake demon think that he should have another chance to kill someone quickly

   Therefore, when Ye Feng's palm print was photographed, his body did not evade, he directly exhaled a strong poisonous gas in his mouth, and quickly diffused towards the direction of Ye Feng's body.

   But on Ye Feng's palm print, the power of heaven and earth in the later stage of the soul state was integrated, and this power of heaven and earth came with terrible pressure.

   The poisonous gas approached Ye Feng's body, but was blocked by the terrifying power of the world, and Ye Feng's palm print had already arrived.

   This made the young snake demon look ugly. The one who just killed someone was so simple, but how could this guy in front of him be so difficult to deal with?

   Facing the arrival of the palm print released by Ye Feng, the young snake demon naturally chose to resist immediately.

He also released a palm print, but the palm print was shone with aquamarine luster. It was obvious that it was another kind of poison, an extremely terrifying poison. He tried to use this when colliding with Ye Feng's palm print. Kind of toxicity kills Ye Feng

  In just an instant, the palm prints of the two collided together, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

   It’s just that, without knowing that those green poisons are really coming to Ye Feng, the power of heaven and earth in the initial stage of the soul-entering state merged on Ye Feng's palm prints has once again worked.

   And the power contained in Ye Feng's palm print was not something the snake demon youth could resist.

  In just an instant, the snake demon youth felt his body tremble, his body was shaken back and forth, his breath floated, and he looked a little embarrassed.

   The expressions of all the people present trembled, and no one thought that the terrible poisonous gas released by the young snake demon would have no effect on this Jesus.

   "The toxicity is indeed very strong, but it cannot be poisoned to the opponent, no matter how strong it is, it is useless"

   Ye Feng looked at the young snake demon and said coldly. There was a bit of irony in the words.

  The eyes of the young snake demon shone with cold light. Opening his mouth again, several poisonous gases were released one after another, and every poisonous gas had to envelope Ye Feng's body.

   This kind of poison gas has obviously changed another way. It seems to be small, but its power is not worse than the previous poison gas.

   Even, in a sense, the poison gas released by this young snake demon is a bit more powerful than before.

   However, in the face of this poisonous gas, Ye Feng did not contend with the opponent head-on at all. He stepped out quickly on the meteor butterfly step, exerting the power of the space attribute on it.

   It made Ye Feng's body seem to have a distance from this space. The poisonous gas was obviously close to his body, but it couldn't really hit his body.

   At the speed of a meteor butterfly step, in the blink of an eye, he reached the side of the snake demon youth's body. The terrifying big palm prints were shot one after another, and the power integrated on each palm print was so powerful that it was appalling.

   made the snake demon youth unable to react for a while, so he could only raise his hand quickly to resist, and his physical strength and the power of attack would never be his strong point.


Under Ye Feng's repeated bombing, the young man was shocked to retreat again and again, and his breath floated.

  Many people's eyes flickered, and Ye Feng's strength really shocked them. The terrible poisonous gas released by the snake demon youth has no effect on"

   Almost at the same time, a dull voice sounded, and a palm print of Ye Feng landed on the body of the snake demon young man, immediately causing the opponent's body to recede against the positive energy, and almost fell to the ground.

   Many people's expressions are still very trembling, Ye Feng not only has terrible defense, but also really admirable attack.

   "You forced me"

   The snake demon youth was not Ye Feng's opponent no matter how he saw him. I can only release my ability to look after the house.

   At this moment, he slowly recovered the appearance of his deity, he was actually a huge blue python.

   The body of this python is as high as one hundred feet, with huge scales growing all over, which looks like dragon scales.

   Scale armor is indeed rarely seen in the python family. Only in one case will the python's body grow scales. That is, when the python is about to transform into a dragon, the body surface will gradually grow scales.

   Therefore, this scene fell in the eyes of the people present, and immediately shocked their hearts. The young snake monster has already begun to show signs of transforming into a dragon. It is no wonder that his strength will be so terrible.


   The huge python roared loudly. The sharp fangs were exposed, extremely sharp, and bursts of poisonous gas came out of the mouth. The smelly smell enveloped this space, giving people an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

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