Sky War God

Chapter 2114: Young men and women

   Soon, Ye Feng reached the place on the other side of the river, and the powerful people who had reached the other side first had not gone far.

   seemed to feel the bursts of aura coming from behind, and those strong men turned their heads at this moment.

   When they saw that Ye Feng had also boarded the river bank, an unexpected look suddenly appeared on their faces.

   Katsuyuki alone rubbed his eyes involuntarily, thinking that he had hallucinations.

   After all, how could a person like Ye Feng, a Supreme Martial King, pass through that barrier?

   However, no matter how this person rubbed his eyes, Ye Feng always appeared in his line of sight, which made the look on his face even more incredible.

   "How is it possible? What's the matter, how could this guy pass?"

   I only heard someone say with an incredulous expression. The voice even trembled slightly.

   The expressions of the rest of the people were all stunned, including the headed young man, whose eyes were also frozen.

   Even the enchanting woman's eyebrows can't help but flicker a little bit.

   "Don't worry about him, maybe it was because of **** luck that I passed that barrier."

   Someone said disdainfully, and the others nodded. Without paying attention to Ye Feng, he directly sent an extremely large flying magic weapon. Everyone boarded the flying magic weapon and left here together.

   Ye Feng didn't look at these people. It was the first time he set foot on the land outside the heaven, and he was inevitably a little excited.

   From time to time, he looked at all directions in this brand new world.

   He discovered that although there is only a river separated from the eastern part of the sky, there are earth-shaking changes in the scene.

   The four seasons in the eastern part of Tianyu are like spring, with red, willow and green flowers, and the scenery is pleasant, just like a fairyland.

   And this area looks a bit desolate. Not only is the plants extremely scarce, but the temperature seems to be much lower than the eastern part of the sky.

   Looking around, the surrounding area is full of peaks, and the plants growing on the peaks are clearly unique to the cold zone.

   Looking into the distance, the sky is a silvery white. Obviously, as the region deepens, perhaps there is an ice and snow in that area.

   "I didn't expect that there would be such a huge contrast in the climate across the river."

   Ye Feng couldn't help but sighed in his heart, and didn't stop. Now that he has already arrived in this area, he must first find a place with people.

   At least Ye Feng needs to understand the basic conditions of this brand new world first, only in this way can he find a more suitable foothold for himself according to his needs.

   Half a month later, on top of an ancient wind, a figure of a white-clothed young man stood proudly. His body was tall, slender and dust-free, and his clean face was somewhat impenetrable.

   Snow falls all over the sky, and the whole land is wrapped in silver, which looks quite artistic.

   And when the snow fell in the sky, he couldn't get close to the body of the young man. The position where the young man stood seemed to be isolated from this space.

   "This place is very suitable for cultivating ice and snow attribute power."

   Ye Feng looked at this new world of ice and snow and couldn't help but sigh.

   Standing on the ancient wind, the field of vision is extremely wide. Looking around, the distant mountains are surrounded by mountains and the streets are covered with snow.

   Among the extremely remote mountains, there is a relatively vast city. If this city is placed in Lingtian Continent, it can be compared with Lingtian Holy City, the main city of Lingtian Continent.

   But in the universe, this city can only be regarded as an unknown town. In the vast and endless universe, there are not many similar cities.

   Ye Feng settled down in this city for two days before reaching the top of this ancient peak.

   It is said that there are 99,810 peaks here, and each peak has a unique power.

  99810 mountain peaks form a large array of gathering elements, bringing together the elementary powers of the surrounding area to form a unique world.

   Wu Xiu practicing in this world can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

   And the mountain here is nothing

Anyone can climb to the cultivator at will, and they need to rent it in the city.

   Ye Feng was fortunate enough to rent this mountain, and it took him a lot of top-grade stones. If it were not for Ye Feng's high value, it would not be easy to lease this mountain.

   Even many martial emperor realm powerhouses may not be able to afford high rental fees.

   Therefore, when Ye Feng was about to rent this mountain, he was questioned by the people around him. Many people ridiculed that people like Ye Feng could not afford the rental fee.

   After Ye Feng paid the fee, these talents closed their mouths.

   However, because Ye Feng, a supreme martial king, paid such an expensive fee, it naturally attracted the envy of many strong people who were not able to rent to the mountain to practice.

   When Ye Feng left the town, those people had already held a grudge, and they could not wait to kill Ye Feng at that time.

   Coming to the top of this snowy peak, Ye Feng naturally didn't want to waste time. At the top of the snowy peak, there is a cave house dug out manually for renters to practice.

   The unique cultivation environment here still makes Ye Feng feel quite fresh, and naturally he can get an extraordinary harvest.

   Therefore, for the next few days, Ye Feng has been cultivating in this cave mansion, feeling the unique attribute power in this space.

   For Ye Feng, although it can't achieve the effect of leaps and bounds in cultivation, it can also allow him to purify his mind.

   "Listen to the people inside, this snowy peak is not suitable for you to cultivate, let's get out of it!"

   And on the fourth day when Ye Feng was practicing in this training room, there was such an indifferent voice from outside the training room, and the voice was mixed with a little indifference.

   Ye Feng naturally heard the sound outside the training room for the first time, and his brows raised slightly, knowing that he might be in trouble.

   And he just finished this period of training, and was about to go out to breathe, but he didn't expect someone to come here to yell at him.

   Ye Feng naturally wouldn't be afraid of anything, but saw him slowly gaining strength and stepping out of the training room.

   I saw two figures standing outside the training room. The two men, a man and a woman, seemed to be both 25 and 6 years old, with extraordinary bearing.

   The woman was wearing a gorgeous long dress, and her white face was a bit arrogant. With her head held high, her eyes fell on Ye Feng with a bit of irony.

   Seeing these two people appear, Ye Feng's face showed some relief.

   The other party is the two who met at the rental mountain before that. They had previously competed with Ye Feng for this mountain.

   But in the end they failed to come up with the rental payment requested by the other party, so the mountain naturally fell into Ye Feng's hands.

   From that moment on, this man and woman hated Ye Feng, and finally came to the mountain where Ye Feng was on this day. It seemed that there was a chance to **** this mountain.

   "Why did you two come here?"

   Facing the two men who were fierce at this moment, Ye Feng didn't get angry for the first time, but asked each other in a flat voice.

The pair of young men and women looked at each other, a sarcasm smile appeared on their faces. Only when the young figure looked at Ye Feng, he said with a smile, "Don’t play stupid with me, just now. Didn’t you say that you don’t deserve to occupy this snowy peak, you should give it to me two!"

Hearing this young man’s words, the woman nodded her head and said coldly: "Obviously let Xuefeng out, you can save a life. If you don’t, if you anger my brother, you will die. It's miserable!"

   Hearing the words of these two people, Ye Feng raised his brow slightly. No matter where he went, he would meet this kind of person who likes to occupy others' things.

   However, Ye Feng is still not angry, and faintly said to the pair of men and women: "If you want Xuefeng to practice, you can rent one in the city, why should you love it?"

   "Stop talking nonsense, I just ask you if you let it go!"

   The young figure seemed impatient to talk nonsense with Ye Feng, and said with a cold face.

   "I don't want to repeat what I said, please come back, please."

   Ye Feng continued to smile and speak

, The words are still extremely peaceful.

   After saying these words, Ye Feng wanted to step into the training room.

"and many more."

   But, before Ye Feng's footsteps stepped out, he heard the indifferent voice of the young figure coming over.

   Within a very short time, the young man's body appeared in front of Ye Feng, intercepting Ye Feng's path.

   "I haven't let you go yet, why are you so anxious?"

   The young man looked at Ye Feng, and UU read with an indifferent expression, his eyes were full of irony.

"What do you want to do?"

   Ye Feng saw that the two of them were not ready to give up, so he asked them coldly.

   "I said that if you let the training room out, I can spare your life, can you not be deaf!"

   The young figure's cultivation reached the realm of the first emperor, and when he spoke, he released his breath, which immediately made this space become a little depressed.

   "I have been humbly again and again, just to let the two of you take the initiative to leave. I will give you another chance to immediately take your person and disappear in front of me."

   Seeing this young man's repeated enthusiasm, Ye Feng's expression became colder, and his words seemed rude.

   "Trash, how dare you talk to me like this, it seems, I won't take your life, you don't know how high and thick the sky is!"

   Ye Feng, a person of the supreme martial emperor realm dared to be so arrogant, this young man naturally couldn't bear the anger in his heart.

I saw his violent aura released, and an astonishing fist light rushed towards Ye Feng’s body frantically. The fist light merged with the power possessed by the martial emperor realm strong, and a punch seemed to shatter all.

   When blasting this fist light, the eyes of this strong young man could not help revealing a bit of irony, as if he despised Ye Feng very much.

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